The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 856 The Battle of the Battalion

Chapter 856 The Battle of the Battalion ([-])

There are still endless Dali soldiers beside Hong Wutian and others, it seems that they can't kill them all.

Even a true martial artist would inevitably appear a little small in such a mighty battle.

Kumano lacked fighting ability, and was always suppressed by the gray-robed swordsman of the Pojun Academy who was fighting against him, and there was a lot of danger. At this moment, he finally gave birth to the intention of retreating.

He wants to become the king of Miaojiang, but that doesn't mean he is willing to risk his life for it.

If life is gone, everything will be empty.

He obviously didn't have such awareness.

He voted for the Song Dynasty at the beginning, just to survive, just to become the king of Miaojiang.

In terms of awareness, he is far behind ordinary soldiers in the army.

Dozens of Gu worms that surrounded him all the time flew towards the gray-robed swordsman in front of him, and Kumano sprinkled poisonous powder at the same time, and floated back.

Such poisonous powder was inhaled by the surrounding Dali soldiers, and they all coughed.

But it had no effect on the breath-holding gray-robed swordsman.

The swordsmanship of the gray-robed swordsman is amazing.

Gu worms are so fast that people can't speak, and their size is extremely small, but his sword is even faster.It was as fast as thunder, and it was almost impossible to see where it was going. Moreover, it was very accurate.

Even the Gu worm, which was only slightly bigger than a blowfly, was accurately pierced by the tip of his sword.

Although these Gu insects have strong resistance to sword energy, they cannot stop the sharpness of the sword after all.

More than a dozen of them were stabbed to death one after another.

The remaining Gu worms managed to fly out of the gray-robed swordsman's body, but they were all stabbed to the ground by him before tearing through his protective qi.

This swordsmanship can be said to be jaw-dropping.

The swordsman who majored in the way of swordsmanship is really not to be underestimated.

And after stabbing these Gu worms to death, the gray-robed swordsman chased towards Kumano.

Kumano's strength is not as good as him, so he is naturally unwilling to let Kumano leave like this.

At this time, the Dali soldiers around him who had inhaled the poisonous powder stopped coughing.They are all dead.

There was faint black blood at the corner of the mouth of the corpse lying on the ground.

Kumano flitted through the crowd at a high speed, looking back to see the gray-robed swordsman chasing him, he couldn't help showing a little panic in his eyes.

His lightness kung fu is not as good as this grey-robed swordsman.

During this period of time, if he hadn't resorted to many tricks, he would have died at the hands of this gray-robed swordsman long ago.

But now, he has no cards left.

"help me!"

Seeing the gray-robed swordsman getting closer and closer to him, Kumano's eyes became even more flustered, and he finally couldn't help calling for help.

The shout spread through the crowd.

He also didn't care about losing face.

Survival is more important than anything else.

Hong Wutian, Mrs. Xu, Jian Shishi and others all heard his shout.Knowing it was him, all eyes turned to this side.

But in the crowd, there is nowhere to see the shadow of Kumano.

Mrs. Xu, Lone Wolf and Jian Shishi were all fighting the gray-robed swordsman, so it was difficult to get away at this moment.

After all, these gray-robed swordsmen came from the Pojun Academy, a place of great heritage, and their strength was considered tyrannical in the early stage of the true martial arts.

Fortunately, Mrs. Xu is close to the middle stage of true martial arts. Lone wolf and Jian Shisi also come from the once famous Yanyu hall, otherwise, they may not be the opponents of these gray robe swordsmen.

Hong Wutian, Tie Liduan, Tiehu, and Lone Wolf all rushed towards where Kumano was.

But in front of them, there are densely packed Dali cavalry.

Although these cavalry were not their opponents, they hindered their steps.

Kumano was overtaken and had no choice but to turn around and fight the gray-robed swordsman again.It's just that the more flustered he is, the more critical he appears.

When Hong Wutian and others finally rushed to where Kumano was, Kumano was already seen in the crowd.

The gray-robed swordsman sensed four strong moods and hurried away.

The faces of Hong Wutian and others were not good-looking.

Kumano should be dead.

Although they don't like Kumano, Kumano is a member of Wudingtang after all.

His loss here is Wu Dingtang's loss.

After all, there are only so many real martial arts masters in Wuding Hall, and all of them are baby lumps.

After wandering around, they still couldn't find Kumano, Hong Wutian and the others had no choice but to disperse.Continue to fight among the crowd.

Their task is to entangle these Dali soldiers down the mountain.

I don't know what the situation in the barracks is like now.

Looking at the densely packed Dali cavalry on the hillside, Hong Wutian and the others felt a little dignified.

If the barracks were breached, perhaps they could escape separately, but the soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty would definitely suffer great losses.It might even be possible for the entire army to be wiped out here.

If this is the case, no one will be able to stop this Dali army on Guangnan West Road.

This will have a great impact on the entire situation of the Song Dynasty.

But they are overwhelmed.

Although Dali's cavalry is densely covered on the hillside, the situation is not as dire as they thought.

The Song cavalry showed unparalleled resilience, and it was still strangling the Dali cavalry.

Their armor was full of scratches, but not many soldiers were damaged.Most of them were killed by Hong Tianlei, and only a few were beheaded.

Especially those heavy cavalry who are armed to the teeth are almost a nightmare for the Dali cavalry around them.

Many Dali cavalry were a little upset by the Song cavalry, and even preferred to rush towards the barracks.

These guys are tough to chew on.

Inside and outside the barracks, without the suppression of hot air balloons, the situation gradually stabilized.

It is obviously not easy for the Dali cavalry who rushed outside the barracks to break through the Song army's defense line composed of Shenlong guns, thunderbolts, and bows and arrows.

The bunkers built are getting longer, higher and thicker.

And this also means that it is even more difficult for the Dali cavalry to break through the barracks.

Those who managed to rush into the barracks were mostly killed by Yue Yue and the priests of the Shadow Palace before they could start wreaking havoc.

There must be masters in the Dali army, but those masters may not be willing to brave such artillery fire to forcibly attack the camp.

They cherish their lives much more than ordinary soldiers.

Finally, Liu Hongyi's expression was no longer as solemn as before.

Seeing that the bunker was gradually being set up, he turned his head and said to the orderly: "Send order! Mingjin! Let the Feitian Battalion clear the way for the cavalry!"


The messenger galloped away in a hurry.

Someone beside Liu Hongyi took out a signal flare.

Red fireworks exploded in the air.

Then, there was a sound of gold ringing in the army.

The Dasong hot air balloon in the air didn't care about shooting each other with the Dali army's hot air balloon at this moment, and threw the thunder to the ground one after another.

They opened the way for the heavily surrounded Da Song cavalry.



There were generals among the Song cavalry everywhere shouting loudly.

Charge the flag towards the mountain.

The cavalry of Song Dynasty shouted loudly, wanting to rush back to the barracks.At this time, everyone's face was a little excited.

They knew that the coach Ming Jin must have set up the bunker.

This also means that their task of blocking the enemy has been completed.

At the foot of the mountain, Hong Wutian and the others, who were originally dignified, also showed surprise when they heard the golden sound.

They didn't expect that the situation on the mountain had been stabilized.

Then, the six people began to gather intentionally.

As for Kumano who doesn't know life and death, no one can take care of him anymore at this time.

A group of Da Song cavalry rushed towards the barracks.

Behind them, there are endless and dense Dali cavalry.

The Dali cavalry who were not entangled with the Song cavalry and Wu Dingtang masters rushed towards the barracks at this moment.

This probably also means that this war is coming to an end.

Either the barracks were destroyed, or... Dali withdrew.

After all, there was rain falling from the sky.

Wang Ziqian rushed up the mountain with the army, at this moment, there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes, as if he was sighing, excited, and surprised, which was very contradictory.

He had already made a comprehensive deployment, and he probably didn't expect that the Song army would be able to survive the situation of hastily meeting the enemy.

He knew that it was not so easy to break the Song Army barracks now.

He could imagine how powerful the Song army's firearms would be in defense with all its strength.

However, he still had no intention of leading his army to retreat.Obviously, he was unwilling to retreat.


"Call me!"

As more and more Song cavalry rushed into the barracks, the generals commanding the soldiers behind the cover all roared loudly.

The sound of the gun is like the dense rain.

The Dali cavalry who were chasing behind were shot down and fell off their horses one after another, and then they were trampled by the Pao Zeyue horse behind them.

After Hong Wutian and others gathered together, those gray-robed swordsmen didn't dare to do it again, and retreated one after another.

Four against six, and among them was Hong Wutian, a master who was obviously several levels higher than them, so they obviously had no chance of winning.

After looking at each other and laughing a few times, Hong Wutian and the others rushed towards the barracks.

On the way, there were also unlucky Dali soldiers who were beheaded by them.

(End of this chapter)

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