The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 861 Another good news

Chapter 861 Another good news
Arrive at night.

Zhao Dongting was teasing his two children in the bedroom.

The eldest prince, Zhao Ru, is over half a year old.

The second prince, Zhao An, is also full moon.

When drawing lots during the full moon, the second prince turned out to be holding a small wooden sword.In this regard, I don't know whether to follow Zhao Dongting or Ying Er.

Probably followed Zhao Dongting.

After all, although Ying Er practiced martial arts, she was really not a playful character.

Looking at the two children who were babbling on the bed, Zhao Dongting's eyes were filled with deep fatherly love and satisfaction at the moment.

Beside her, although Le Chan's stomach is not bulging, it is almost there.She is two months pregnant.

Zhao Dongting has no reason not to be satisfied with such three beautiful and beautiful wives and two such tiger-headed children.

Because of the existence of Zhao Ru and Zhao An, Concubine Yang Shu, who was concentrating on worshiping the Buddha, visited his bedroom more frequently than before.

To Zhao Dongting's surprise, even Empress Dowager Xie often came to see these two princes.

She probably really didn't have the heart to fight for any more rights with Zhao Dongting.

Perhaps it was what Zhao Dongting said earlier that touched her.

Or maybe, it is because she has some feelings in the Mongolian plateau these years, and at the same time feels that she is old.

Zhao Xian is already dead, there is really no need to fight any more.

Among the relatives of the emperor who were released from the Mongolian plateau, only the Empress Dowager Quan and Zhao Dongting were still very distant.Although it is not incompatible, the two basically never meet.

The Empress Dowager Quan never came to Zhao Dongting's bedroom, and Zhao Dongting never went to pay her respects, and she was somewhat wary of that woman who seemed to have lost her mind.

He was not afraid of what the Queen Mother would do to him, but he was afraid that the Queen Mother would attack Le Chan, Zhang Ru and other women, and even the two children.In the court dramas I watched in my previous life, there were many scenes like this.


A guard in front of the palace ran to the door of Zhao Dongting's bedroom.

"what's up?"

Zhao Dongting turned around and asked.

The half-year-old boy on the bed heard the sound and looked out of the house.The face is pink and tender, plump.

The imperial guard reported, "Eunuch Yi is out to see you."

Zhao Dongting couldn't help being a little surprised. Could it be that the military report came from somewhere?Is the war on Kuizhou Road, or along the Fujian and Jingbei routes?
He has now handed over the power of life and death to officials from all over the country to the Ministry of Supervision, and also handed over domestic affairs to the Ministry of State.Apart from military affairs, Yi Shiyu probably wouldn't come to him.

Just slightly stunned, Zhao Dongting said, "Show him in!"

Then he also walked outside the house.

Although he is based in Changsha, he is extremely concerned about the war.Because every detail may affect the direction of Da Song.

The imperial guard ran out of the courtyard, and Yi Shiyu hurried in.

In front of Zhao Dongting, he handed the secret letter in his hand to Zhao Dongting, "Your Majesty, there is a secret letter from the Zhenbei Military Region."

Zhao Dongting immediately accepted the letter.

Since it is the Zhenbei Military Region, it must be Su Quandang's side that started the war with the Yuan Army.

He knew that there were more than one hundred thousand Yuan troops attacking Jiangling Mansion, so he was still a little worried at this moment.

After all, there are only so many imperial guards under Su Quandang's command, and there are even fewer guarding Jiangling Mansion and Changlin County.

Just after opening the letter and reading it, Zhao Dongting couldn't help laughing.

good news.

This is real good news.

The army bombarded Changlin County, submerging several Yuan army gathering points in the city under the artillery fire, and they were not damaged.This is truly a great news.

This good news is undoubtedly much more gratifying than Liu Hongyi's good news in Hengshan Village.

After all, Liu Hongyi was only passively fighting in Hengshan Village.But Su Quandang took the initiative to attack.

Although many buildings in Changlin County must have been destroyed by the bombing thunder, but the people have already left the city, so what is it?
Even if the entire Changlin County was razed to the ground, Zhao Dongting probably wouldn't care.

After laughing loudly, he said to Yi Shiyu: "Marshal Su, Lin Dajie, razed the camp of the Yuan army in the city to the ground with almost no damage to a single soldier, and wiped out countless enemy troops. Hurry up!" Let the outside guards pass this news out of the palace, this kind of great victory should be widely announced, so that the whole country can know."

Yi Shiyu was also excited when he heard this, and hurriedly nodded and ran out.

Zhao Dongting smiled and walked back to the room thinking about it.

Le Chan's daughters heard his laughter just now, and couldn't help asking: "Why is the emperor so happy?"

Zhao Dongting said: "Su Quandang pretended to abandon Changlin, led the Yuan thieves to Changlin County, and then bombed them with hot air balloons. Haha! Our army hardly lost a single soldier."

Le Chan's daughters were all pleasantly surprised.

Zhao Dongting was still not satisfied, and said again: "This battle will definitely enhance the prestige of our Song army, make our Song army's morale like a rainbow, and make our people unite!"

That night, although the news of Su Quandang's great victory had not spread throughout Changsha, the officials in Changsha City knew everything about it.

I just don't know how many people couldn't sleep because of joy that night.

It is rumored that a certain gentleman in the mansion even ran barefoot in the mansion in pajamas because he was so happy, laughing at the same time.It almost made people think that he lost his mind and went crazy.

And this old man is Su Liuyi, Su Quandang's uncle.

Only he was so carried away with joy, there was a reason for it.

Although Su Quandang was the Marshal of the Zhenbei Military Region, his previous military achievements were not too dazzling. In his opinion, Su Quandang was able to become the Marshal of the Zhenbei Military Region because the emperor had no one under his command.In other words, Su Quandang's position as Marshal of the Zhenbei Military Region is actually not very stable, but Su Quandang's victory at this moment is enough to eliminate all the noise in the court.

He has successors from the Su family.

As long as he, Su Liuyi, Wen Tianxiang and the others retire, Su Quandang might even be able to immediately fill the position of his Deputy Military Commander.

People these days place great importance on the family, so how can Su Liuyi not like it?How can you not be ecstatic?
And when the news of Marshal Su's great victory spread the next day, this atmosphere of joy spread throughout the entire city of Changsha.And it spread towards the surrounding cities at an extremely fast speed.

Right now, the Great Song Dynasty is in troubled times, and it needs such a big victory to appease people's hearts.

First, Liu Hongyi's appeasement envoy won, and now Marshal Su has won again.Some people in Changsha City even set off fireworks at home because they couldn't hold back their joy.

Then, the whole city of Changsha felt like it was Chinese New Year, with endless sound of fireworks.The fireworks appear and disappear in the air, but they are so intoxicating.


Inside the imperial palace of the central capital of the Yuan Dynasty.

Kublai Khan, who was a bit fat, was sitting in his imperial study, his face was full of anger, and he was yelling, "What kind of bullshit is this fighting? Is he, Lu Wenhuan, a pig?"

In front of him were Sang Ge and several humerus ministers.

But at this moment, no one dared to answer Kublai Khan's words.

Although Kublai Khan was old, he was still a lion.The emperor's anger, even for ministers like Sang Ge, cannot be easily tolerated.

It wasn't until Kublai Khan's chest heaved less violently that Brother Sang asked softly, "Your Majesty, Lu defeated?"

Kublai Khan's eyes filled with anger again, and he said angrily: "He led his army to station outside Changlin County. Song General Su Quandang just abandoned Changlin, and he led his army to Changlin County immediately. And that Su Quandang, however, bombarded the city of Changlin with his soldiers, and even blew up several barracks of our army with hot air balloons! Of the 13 troops I gave him, he lost five Four thousand! The number of wounded is countless. Also, more than half of his army’s food, grass, ordnance, etc. were blown up. Tell me, is Lu Wenhuan a pig?”

Sang Ge's complexion changed slightly, and he didn't dare to answer.

After all, he was on the outside, not as furious as Kublai Khan.In fact, thinking about it carefully, Lu Wenhuan didn't make any big mistakes.

The Song army withdrew from Changlin, how could Lu Wenhuan not occupy Changlin?

Occupying Changlin, they can be regarded as having a stronghold in Song Dynasty.

Lu Wenhuan's fault was that he acted too hastily.

After pondering for a while, Brother Sang finally said: "The emperor calm down. Although our army suffered heavy losses,...we finally got Changlin as a foothold."

After all, Kublai Khan is not ordinary, but he really heard what Sang Ge said.After the silence, the anger on his face lightened slightly.

With Changlin, Lu Wenhuan's army was no longer a wild army under Emperor Song.

Looking at Brother Sang, the military advisor, Kublai Khan's eyes were deep and he said, "Brother Sang, what do you mean, do I want to send some soldiers and food to him?"


Brother Sang hadn't had time to speak when a minister handed over his hand, "I thought Lu Wenhuan was defeated so badly that he shouldn't be the coach again! from the Song Dynasty..."

(End of this chapter)

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