Chapter 866

The southern end of Kuizhou Road.

Including Luodian, the situation is as complicated as Ziqi, Temodao, Hengshanzhai, Yongzhou and other places.It is multi-tribal and is in a state of tribal autonomy, also known as Jimi Prefecture.

There are nearly twenty tribal cities in the "Zhumizhou led by Qianzhou" in the southern tip alone.

These tribes were originally vassals of the Southern Song Dynasty. Although they took care of their own internal affairs, they had to pay tribute to the court and provide military supplies as required.Only when the Southern Song Dynasty was on the verge of extinction, these tribes naturally no longer regarded the Southern Song Dynasty court as the tribes in Yongzhou and other places.Even though the Southern Song Dynasty is now flourishing in the hands of Zhao Dongting, these tribes who are used to living a happy life only pay vassals to the Southern Song Dynasty on the surface, and have no intention of paying tribute to the court.

Perhaps, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are a country within a country.

Dali's three armies attacked the Song Dynasty, and one of them moved eastward as soon as it reached the territory of the Deluo clan, and reached the territory of the tribes at the southern end of the Kuizhou Road.

Not surprisingly, these tribes did not resist them, and obviously had no intention of intervening in the disputes among the nations.

Zhang Jue led the three armies of Tiangui, Feitian, and Tiangu to chase here from the territory of the Luo family. Seeing that many tribes were just watching from the sidelines, although he was a little annoyed, there was nothing he could do.

As Song officials, these tribal leaders were guilty of not resisting the Dali army.But right now the Song Dynasty is surrounded by enemies on all sides, and it is really inappropriate to fight against these tribes anymore.

Moreover, although these tribes did not resist the Dali army, they also did not resist the Song army led by Zhang Jue.This made Zhang Jue's anger not reach the critical point.

When about [-] Dali troops arrived in Cangzhou, Zhang Jue led the army to Juzhou, which was about three hundred miles away from Cangzhou.

There are many Miao people in Juzhou, the terrain is complex and the scenery is pleasant.

When Zhang Jue led the army to the outside of the city of Juzhou, the chieftain of Juzhou was very polite and led many nobles in the city to welcome them out of the city for more than two miles.

When they first met, they shouted "Marshal Zhang, Marshal Zhang" affectionately.Although anyone could see that he was just being hypocritical and polite, Zhang Jue couldn't blame him.

Amongst such chaotic rocks, no one knows whether Da Song can win or not, and these tribes may choose not to help each other out of helplessness.

Of course, Zhang Jue wouldn't be too polite on the face, and after a few polite words, he directly said that the army would be temporarily stationed in Juzhou City.

Chased from Luo Dian to the territory of Luo Shi, and then chased to this Juzhou.Now that he knew that the Dali army had already headed for Cangzhou, he was not in a hurry to pursue it.

The Dali army has a large number of soldiers, and with Zangzhou as a cover, it is not so easy to take it down with his Tiangu, Tiangui and Feitian army alone.

Moreover, attacking Zangzhou will inevitably harm the people in Zangzhou city, which is not what Zhang Jue wants to see.

The tribes at the southern end of Kuizhou Road watched from a distance. If he attacked Zangzhou by force, he would most likely offend all the tribes here.There will always be some trouble at that time.

What Zhang Jue hopes most is to be able to fight the Dali army in the wild.

The chieftain of Juzhou fully agreed to Zhang Jue's request, and soon the army followed many nobles and soldiers into the city.

The officers and soldiers of the imperial army were all dressed in dark black or blood-colored armor, with banners waving.When entering the city, I don't know how many people in the city of Juzhou caused to wait and see.

The Dali army had just entered the city two days ago, but I didn't expect so many Song troops to enter the city now.Anyone can imagine that this is going to war.

And the military appearance of the Great Song Forbidden Army also made them feel shocked.

Tiangu, Tiangui, and Feitian Army are all veteran imperial guards, most of them were veterans who had followed Zhao Dongting in the South and North Wars, and then followed Zhang Jue in the Yongzhou and Dali attacks.Its murderous aura is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary troops.

This invisible momentum made the street, which was supposed to be noisy, look deserted and strange.

When Juzhou Chieftain saw this scene, the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't help but look a little embarrassing.

He was also surprised by Song Jun's military appearance.Compared with Zhang Jue's soldiers, his soldiers in Juzhou were as pitiful as tramps.

Afterwards, the chieftain of Juzhou became even more enthusiastic towards Zhang Jue and the others.

The army stayed in the outer city of Juzhou and camped.

The chieftain of Juzhou smiled and invited Zhang Jue and others to a banquet in his mansion.

Zhang Jue's subordinates are temporarily gaining a foothold in this city of Juzhou.

In Cangzhou, the situation is similar to here.It's just that the Dali army didn't all enter the city of Zangzhou because of too many soldiers, and many soldiers camped outside the city.

The leading general and others followed the chieftain of Zangzhou into the city talking and laughing.

The general's name is Feng Hebi, and like Wang Ziqian, he was a little-known figure before.About forty years old, with a beard, looks very refined.

And looking at his eyes, it was as hard to fathom as a deep well.

Presumably, he should also be a character in Guigu Academy.

Those people in Guigu Academy always have such a mysterious atmosphere.

From time to time, Feng Hebi mentioned that Kuizhou Road was originally the land of the New Song Dynasty, and that the New Song Dynasty was actually a vassal of Dali.

But for this, the chieftain of Zangzhou often just laughed and didn't mean to answer.

Feng Hebi was not in a hurry, and did not express his intention to let the chieftain of Zangzhou surrender.

However, the Dali army he led always stopped here in Zangzhou.

What he plans to do next, no one knows.

Within Guangnan West Road.

Zhang Hongwei, Liu Zhuwen, and Miao Cheng led the Tianji, Tianxian, and Tianwei troops to march towards Yizhou.

However, the Dali army that Zhang Jue ordered them to resist kept a hundred miles away from them all the time, advancing eastward along Yongzhou, and their intentions were still unclear.

Liu Hongyi, Ran Anguo and others have been resting in the camp for three days since they were attacked by the army led by Wang Ziqian.

Although the Dali army lost more than [-] troops, there are still nearly [-] troops in the city.

These large armies are composed of the forbidden army and the defenders of each government. The composition is heterogeneous. Perhaps the combat effectiveness is not strong, but there are so many people after all.Liu Hongyi and others did not dare to attack the city easily.

As a result, the frontier of the Great Song Dynasty suddenly seemed to calm down.

After experiencing the first few battles, all parties have a certain understanding of the other's strength.Now I am afraid that they are all thinking about countermeasures against the enemy.

Another day passed like this.

Su Quandang, Liu Zaiyuan, Wen Qi and others led the army and civilians back to Jiangling Mansion, and confronted Lu Wenhuan's Yuan army stationed in Changlin.

He Fangsong and others in Ezhou, Tianan and other troops in Longxing Prefecture have not yet confronted the Yuan army.

Although Zhao Dongting ordered them to take the initiative to fight the Yuan army, but the battle is a long-term thing.In this short period of time, even if they made some moves, it might not be effective.

He Chenghua, the commander of the Tiansu Army, and Chen Diaoyan, the commander of the Tiansha Army, led their respective armies from Songxi and Zhenghe counties to return to Jianning Mansion to join Wen Tianxiang.

After the Yuan army in the two counties suffered a great loss, they did not pursue it again.

And before they entered the city, the news of their victory had already spread to Changsha city through carrier pigeons.

The city of Changsha is full of joy again.

When Zhao Dongting received the secret letter, he was discussing with Lu Xiufu and others. When he saw the secret letter, he couldn't help laughing out loud, "Haha, Songxi and Zhenghe counties have won big again."

Lu Xiufu, Wang Wenfu and others all showed surprise.

Zhao Dongting handed the letter to Lu Xiufu and said, "Quickly spread this good news to all parts of the country!"

The current Song Dynasty is precarious, and it is precisely this kind of victory that is needed to appease people's hearts.Only Changsheng can make the people full of hope for the Song Dynasty.

But as long as the common people are always condensed under the court, then the Great Song Dynasty will be able to stand upright.

This good news, like Chang Lin Zhisheng's good news, soon spread to all parts of Song Dynasty at an extremely fast speed.

On this day alone, fireworks shot up into the sky in the cities around Changsha.

After a few days.

The voice of expelling the enemy bandits in the whole Song Dynasty was loud.

Since the start of the war, the Great Song Army first destroyed the Li Army of Yue, and then won the victory outside Hengshan Village, the victory of Changlin, the victory of Songxi, and the victory of Zhenghe.This succession of victories is enough to raise the blood and enthusiasm of the people of Song Dynasty.

Even the domestic public opinion caused by Zhao Xian's assassination quietly faded away in the successive battles.

The Great Song Dynasty Hall reproduces the grand occasion of concentricity from top to bottom.

All the ministries were in full swing, surrounding Zhao Dongting, just to protect the land of the Great Song Dynasty.

Zhao Dongting asked the Ministry of Supervision to re-implement political reviews in various places, which was also quite effective.

Some of those who slipped through the net were directly placed under house arrest, and some were even demoted and convicted.

Except for Kuizhou Road, which still had states and counties that surrendered to Xin Song or Dali, or were breached, there were no disturbances in the rest of the roads of the Great Song Dynasty.

At this time, Yue Peng, who was in Chongqing, and Du Hu, who was in Dazhou, finally took action.

(End of this chapter)

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