The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 876 Letters Like Snow

Chapter 876 Letters Like Snow
But still too late.

While the carrier pigeon was still on the way, there was also chaos in Shicheng County, Huazhou.

The grain storage depot was ablaze.

On this day, chaos broke out in many cities in the Song Dynasty.

Letters flew to the city of Changsha like snowflakes.

In many counties, rioters attacked grain storage depots, but before, there were almost no signs.

Da Song didn't know how much food and grass he lost in a day.

After Zhao Dongting received these letters, he couldn't help being furious.

Of course he knew that there must be someone behind this scene.Otherwise, these rioters wouldn't just burn the weakly guarded grain storage.

This is indeed his negligence.

Over the past few days, he has asked the Military Intelligence Department and other departments to focus on officials from all over the country, ignoring the people.

Although people's livelihood in the Song Dynasty is getting better now, people's hearts are unpredictable, and some people will always be incited.

These rioters can no longer be allowed to continue to cause trouble.

Zhao Dongting asked Eunuch Liu to announce Lu Xiufu, Zhang Shijie, Su Liuyi, Xuanxue and others to the main hall, and hurried towards the main hall.

After a short while, Lu Xiufu and others arrived one after another.

All of them had bad faces, and apparently they had already learned about the burning of grain storage depots in the county town from some sources.

Zhao Dongting glanced over their faces, and said indifferently: "It seems that all the lovers already know about the rioters attacking the grain storage?"


Lu Xiufu and the others all bowed.

Zhao Dongting stopped talking about the matter with them in detail, and only said: "Since that's the case, then I won't tell you about the current situation. These rioters must be suppressed."

His eyes fell on Su Liuyi and Gao Manshan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Social Security, "Deputy Sujun Jiling, Gao Shangshu, you two ordered the state and county defenders and the Social Security Bureau to fully investigate the riots. Who is behind the scenes?" Make! The defenders of the cities and the garrison military districts will strictly guard the government offices and workshops, so that such things must not happen again. After finding out where the rioters gather, they will immediately send troops to destroy them, and we will never tolerate it!"

"The minister takes orders!"

Su Liuyi and Gao Manshan bowed at the same time.

Zhao Dongting looked at Lu Xiufu, Chen Jianghan and others again, "Lu State Order, Chen Deputy State Affairs Order, Chen Shangshu, you are ordering the states and counties that have the task of raising food and grass to purchase food from the people. No matter what, the food and grass for the frontline army must be Guaranteed. They are fighting blood on the front line, we can't let them go hungry!"

Lu Xiufu and the others also bowed.

Zhao Dongting finally looked at Xuanxue, "Director Xuan, your military intelligence department is now monitoring the officials in various places and release them first, and cooperate with the Ministry of Social Security to fully investigate the mastermind behind the riots."

"The minister takes orders!"

Xuanxue also bowed to accept the order.

Then the crowd dispersed in such a hurry.

Everyone was anxious, because no one knew what troubles those rioters would make next.

Right now, the front line is full of wars, and the country can't stand their toss.

After everyone left, Zhao Dongting went to Wu Dingtang.

Skynet's pigeons usually go directly to Tianting through the Pigeon Breeding Department, but they also have their headquarters in Wudingtang.

This headquarters holds the information of all the spies of Skynet, as well as the contact channels of each of them.

After Zhao Dongting arrived at Dewu Dingtang, he was led by Le Wuwei to the room of Skynet headquarters.

There was only a gray-haired, haggard-looking old man dozing off in the room.

This old man has no name and no surname, and it was Wuming who let him enter the palace.Everyone only knew that Wu was named his big brother, and other than that, they didn't know any other origins of him.

Zhao Dongting entered the house wearing a dragon robe, but the old man did not wake up.

"Cough cough!"

Le Wuhui coughed twice in embarrassment.

Normally, there is nothing wrong with the Skynet headquarters.Because Zhao Dongting seldom took the initiative to contact Skynet, and Skynet was only directly under Zhao Dongting's jurisdiction.

Hearing the sound of coughing, the old man finally woke up.Seeing Zhao Dongting, he was stunned for a moment, then saluted and said: "The grass people kowtow to the emperor."

Zhao Dongting couldn't tell the depth of this old man, but he only said "big brother" to Wuming, and he would not be rude to him, so he smiled softly: "Senior, please forgive me."

The old man straightened up.

Zhao Dongting said again: "I have come here because I have a secret order to convey to all the spies in the Skynet."

The old man said: "Please show me, Your Majesty."

Zhao Dongting didn't make any detours, and said directly: "Now there are rioters doing harm in many places in Song Dynasty, I want the spies in Tianwang to closely investigate who is behind these rioters. It is obvious that the military intelligence department is investigating Probe, the spies in the Skynet will focus on the Jianghu people, and if they find out that there are Jianghu sects related to the rioters, they will report it immediately, and there will be no mistakes!"

First, there were officials in the imperial court who rebelled, and now there are troubles caused by the people.Zhao Dongting would naturally think of Duan Qilin.

That guy loves to pull off such insidious tricks.

And until now, Zhao Dongting still remembers what Qi Wulie said to him.There are also sects in the rivers and lakes related to the Pojun Academy.

If this matter was done by Duan Qilin, then Duan Qilin must have used those chess pieces.

It's time for the horse to step into the rivers and lakes.

It is a disaster for the Song Dynasty to cause trouble for the people.But at the same time, it is also an opportunity.

Zhao Dongting intends to take advantage of the opportunity when they reveal their clues to find them all, so as to prevent future troubles.

The old man nodded, "The grassroots take orders."

Zhao Dongting left Wudingtang again.

He has absolute trust in Skynet, a secret agency.

Several days passed.

Xiao Yulin, Zhao Da, Yue Peng and others resolutely carried out the strategy of fortifying the walls and clearing the wilderness. Instead of launching an attack on the Xin Song army, they escorted the people and food and grass in each county to Chongqing, Dazhou and other heavily guarded cities.

The New Song Army seems to have become more honest, just resting and recuperating in their respective bases.

The Dali army, which originally left the city from Cangzhou, continued to go north, and arrived in Suiyang City, Dezhenzhou, but it only played a chasing battle with Zhang Jue's army behind it, and never confronted it.

Within Guangnan West Road.

Zhang Hongwei, Liu Zhuwen and others went to Yizhou.

But the Dali army turned back when it was approaching Yizhou, and suddenly headed towards Hengshan Village.

Liu Zhuwen and the others knew that Liu Hongyi's army was outside Hengshan Village at this time, fearing that something might happen, they hurriedly led the army to Hengshan Village again.

The seemingly calm frontiers of the Song Dynasty are actually undercurrents.

At this time, bad news reached Changsha.

This secret letter was sent by the secret agent of the Military Intelligence Department from the Lin'an Mansion in the Yuan Dynasty.

A 10 yuan army and navy gathered at the port of Lin'an Prefecture, preparing to attack the Song Dynasty along the coastal road.Moreover, the leading commander is Ashu, the prestigious commander in the Yuan Dynasty.

I am afraid that the Yuan Dynasty is really going to fight with all its strength.Even Zhao Dongting was surprised by Qi and Dali's determination to destroy the Song Dynasty.

After reading the letter in the imperial study, Zhao Dongting jumped up, with an angry look on his face.

But then, he sat down slowly.

He wrote two characters on the rice paper on the desk, Li and Yuan.

He didn't know how Duan Qilin and Kublai Khan reached a consensus through the exchange of interests, and they were both willing to spare no effort in this battle to overthrow the Song Dynasty.

Could it be that after the Song Dynasty was destroyed, the two dynasties could still be governed across the river?

Zhao Dongting never believed this.

Not to mention Kublai Khan's grand ambitions, he was originally a monarch who loved to attack.Even that Duan Qilin is definitely not someone who would only be willing to rule across the river from the Yuan Dynasty.

Duan Qilin is still young.

He certainly has his ambitions.

A flash of light happened to Zhao Dongting's heart by chance.

It just faded away quickly.

The Yuan Dynasty was in the north of the Song Dynasty, and Dali was in the southwest of the Song Dynasty.The geographical environment of the Song Dynasty destined him to be unable to unite with Li to fight against Yuan, or to unite with Yuan to fight against Li.

Because he can't let the Yuan army or the Dali army pass through his own border.

Between countries, there is very little credit to speak of.

In the end, Zhao Dongting only sent a letter to Wen Tianxiang and the Fuzhou Garrison Command to remind them that the Yuan Dynasty navy was about to invade the coastline of the Song Dynasty.

At the same time, he also sent a letter to the Guangzhou Garrison Command, asking its commander to speed up the army to help the coast of Fujian Road.

Compared with the scourge of the people, the Yuan army's navy is undoubtedly more threatening.At least, the Ministry of Social Security and the guards suppressed the rioters, but in Fujian Road, there were not many troops to mobilize.

And after these few letters were passed out, Zhao Dongting wrote another letter and asked the Pigeon Breeding Department to send it to Xixia.

Right now, the New Song Army attacking the Song Dynasty from the north has been driven to the depths of Kuizhou Road, which is definitely a good opportunity for Xixia.

However, Zhao Dongting was also a little worried that Li Xiushu's unfathomable girl might not agree to send troops.

Therefore, his wording in the letter is quite sincere, and he even stated clearly that he only needs to help him destroy the Xin Song Dynasty.He will definitely miss his old love in the future, and will not use troops against Xixia in his lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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