Chapter 882
Zhao Dongting suddenly thought of something, and said: "I heard that Zhao Bing originally planned to stand on the throne when he ascended the throne, but it turned out to be nothing. The woman who was originally planned to be the founding queen of the new Song Dynasty, could it be you? "

Yu Linglong rolled her eyes, she suddenly looked more charming and charming, she said angrily, "You guessed it really well."

Zhao Dongting poked his head forward slightly, staring at Yu Linglong, "Really?"

Yu Linglong rolled her eyes again.

Zhao Dongting suddenly laughed out loud.

This made Yu Linglong a little annoyed immediately, she snorted softly, "What are you laughing at?"

She only thought that Zhao Dongting laughed at her for being loyal to Duan Qilin, but Duan Qilin abandoned her like a shoe and gave her to that perverted Zhao Bing.

This is really unprecedented, like falling flowers and intentions, flowing water is ruthless.And that Luohua is still a beauty that is so gorgeous in the world.

Zhao Dongting, on the other hand, laughed even more joyously, as if he couldn't even suppress his voice, and said, "I laugh that I regard Duan Qilin as an opponent, and I think too highly of him."

Yu Linglong was puzzled, "Look high?"

Of course she knew how powerful Duan Qilin was, so far, she had never seen someone who spoke so much nonsense like Zhao Dongting.

Taking Duan Qilin as an opponent, is he looking up to Duan Qilin?

Then who else in this world can be regarded as an opponent by the man in front of him?

Yu Linglong never thought that under Zhao Dongting's elegant and indifferent appearance, he had such an arrogant attitude.

There was still a smile in Zhao Dongting's eyes that couldn't be concealed, and he said again: "He is willing to give away a beautiful woman like you, maybe he is an eunuch. Tell me, I regard him as an opponent, do I think highly of him?"

Yu Linglong was astonished.

Zhao Dongting's really unexpected.

She felt that she should be angry at this time, but she found that there was no anger in her heart at all, instead she felt a little ridiculous.

I don't know how Duan Qilin would feel if he heard Zhao Dongting's words.

But she still said something for her old master, "He just values ​​Jiangshan much more than women."

Then he added suddenly: "And even if he is an eunuch, his talent is enough to make you an opponent."

Zhao Dongting shrugged, noncommittal, "No wonder he acts so insidiously, hey!"

Yu Linglong was a little speechless, she simply turned her head to the window again.

Yue Wu looked at Zhao Dongting, her eyes were slightly red, "Why did you come?"

Zhao Dongting smiled softly and said: "Silly girl, who will rest assured that you travel the world alone. There are always spies from the Military Intelligence Department and Wu Dingtang around you to enshrine and protect you!"

Le Wu lowered her head slightly, her eyes turned redder, but her eyes seemed a bit resentful and very entangled.

Zhao Dongting looked at Yu Linglong again, tapped the table with his fingers, and said, "Yu Linglong, let's be straightforward! What exactly do you want to bring a girl to Changsha?"

He can believe that Yu Linglong has nothing to do with Duan Qilin now, but he never believes that she met Yue Wu by chance.

Where do so many encounters come from in this world?

"It seems that you are really worried about me."

Yu Linglong turned her head back, her eyes were filled with resentment, she was very pitiful, "I'm a weak girl, don't you still worry that I might stir up some troubles?"

Zhao Dongting was unmoved, "A woman who can manage Tianxiang Pavilion is not a weak woman."

"All right!"

Yu Linglong blinked her eyes, looking playful, "The little girl is telling the truth. Although the world is big, there is no place for a little girl. If she goes to Dali or returns to Shuzhong, she will be arrested immediately. After all, I Knowing too many secrets is not a good thing. And the places like Yue Li Dynasty and Tubo are too poor, I can't bear that kind of hardship, so I can only come to Changsha, I beg you, an indomitable man, let me go, this little girl Heck! You... won't be bitter about this little girl like me, will you?"


Zhao Dongting smiled lightly: "You should know that I am also very interested in your secrets, why do you think I will let you go?"

Yu Linglong said: "A man who can hold a sword and rush into Sichuan for a woman. I don't think he should be such a small-hearted man."

She made a cute and pitiful look again, "You big men are fighting to dominate the world, so there's no need to stare at me, a little girl, right?"

"Ha ha."

Zhao Dongting laughed again, then got up suddenly, and said to Yue Wu: "Girl, follow me back."


Le Wu's eyes were full of confusion.

Zhao Dongting stared and said, "If you keep messing around like this, your father and your sister will be really angry. Then even I won't be able to protect you."

Le Wu's eyes are even more resentful.


Yu Linglong sneered at the side, "I thought that a man who can hold a sword to rush through the middle of Sichuan is an indomitable man, but now it seems that he is nothing more than that. You said that person is an eunuch, I see you, even though you have that thing, But it's no different from an eunuch."


Her rebellious words made Qingshan and Yunu behind Zhao Dongting reveal their murderous intent.

At this moment, the second floor of the inn seemed to be blown by an invisible strong wind.

There was complete silence all around.

Only then did the diners here realize that the two people who followed this young master were actually such formidable masters.Even though most of them are just ordinary people, they can still feel its power, because their hearts are still beating wildly at this moment.It just felt like I was about to die.

Zhao Dongting raised his hand.

The killing intent disappeared.

Zhao Dongting stared at Yu Linglong and said, "What do you mean by that?"

Yu Linglong pinched her rosy and slender fingers recklessly, "You like others, even if you chase them all the way to Sichuan, you have to bring them back. Le Wu likes you, how can you be so ruthless? Is it because of her sister? What if there are sisters in your palace? Tell me, you are not a mother-in-law or an eunuch, so what are you?"

Zhao Dongting was silent.

Le Wu's pretty face was rosy.

Everyone knows her feelings for Zhao Dongting.But until now, no one has talked about this matter.

If he hadn't been looking forward to Zhao Dongting's answer, his feet seemed to have taken root on the ground, Le Wu might have ran away because of shyness at this moment.

After tens of seconds, Zhao Dongting suddenly clenched Le Wu's hand, "Go, follow me back."

Le Wu was stunned, his eyes full of disbelief.

Yu Linglong had already brought up the topic, and at this moment Zhao Dongting suddenly grabbed her hand, which undoubtedly showed a certain attitude of Zhao Dongting.

However, she then withdrew her hand and just shook her head.

Zhao Dongting asked doubtfully, "Aren't you willing to go back?"

Le Wu said: "I... I promised Master that I would travel around the world and do good deeds to accumulate virtue."

"Come on."

Yu Linglong smiled lightly, looked at Le Wu and said, "Don't deceive yourself. If he really doesn't have you in his heart, even if he has my words, he will not take you back. I really don't know What are you two thinking about?"

Then he looked at Zhao Dongting again, "I can also help you solve this big problem, so I will treat it as your consent to my business?"

Zhao Dongting couldn't help but grab Le Wu's hand again, and said to Yu Linglong, "As long as you don't want to make trouble, no one will interfere with your freedom."

"very nice."

Yu Linglong smiled happily, "Then why don't you just let them protect me as well? I... am a weak woman!"

Zhao Dongting didn't say much anymore, and just dragged Le Wu out.

With a bare head and wearing a monk's robe, Yue Wu's face was extremely rosy.At this moment, he almost buried his little head in his chest.

Everyone in the inn was dumbfounded.

They only thought that this young master came for that charming and unparalleled goblin, but they didn't expect that it was this charming female monk that he took away.

Seeing Zhao Dongting and the others disappear at the top of the stairs, Yu Linglong looked out of the window again, "Like...what is it like?"

Downstairs, a young man came with a horse.Zhao Dongting put Le Wu on the horse and took her back to the palace.

The little girl finally had some unbearable joy and relief in her eyes, and she looked towards the second floor with gratitude.

Not long after that, Yu Linglong also left the Guanchao Inn and headed out of Changsha City.

A few people followed behind.

she knows.

But for this, there was only a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

On this day, Le Wu followed Zhao Dongting back to the palace, and was directly arranged to live in Zhao Dongting's harem compound.

Yu Linglong walked to the Xiang River outside Changsha City, and squatted down to look at the stream.The reflection in the water is so beautiful.

She cut off her hair by herself.

The blue silk goes with the water.

(End of this chapter)

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