The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 903 Reinforcements Arrive

Chapter 903 Reinforcements Arrive
"General Chi!"

And at this time, several scouts galloped into the city.

"Is there any movement in the Song camp?"

These scouts had just arrived in front of Chi Fenggu, and even with Chi Fenggu's calm temperament, they couldn't help asking hastily.

But the leading scout just cupped his hands and said: "Report to the general, there are intensive gunshots in the Song camp. Apart from this, there is no other movement."

They were ordered to observe the situation of Song Ying, but they would not dare to get too close to Song Ying, and it was impossible to see what happened in Song Ying.


Chi Fenggu murmured in a low voice, his face gradually became more ugly.

There was only a gunshot, which is enough to show that the Song Army's arsenal did not explode.

And the continuous gunshots, it is very likely that the prince and the others have been exposed.Otherwise, Song Jun has no reason to shoot in the barracks for no reason.

Chi Fenggu naturally wouldn't think that Wang Ziqian had already voted for Song Dynasty.After all, Wang Zigan is from Guigu Academy, and now, Guigu Academy is almost Duan.

"Go and investigate again."

After pondering, Chi Fenggu just said to these scouts.

Under such circumstances, of course he would not rashly lead an army to attack the camp again.The first two failures are enough for him to learn enough lessons.

Until the evening of this day, there were constant Dali scouts wandering between Songying and Hengshanzhai.

It's just that there won't be any big movements in the Song camp.

Liu Hongyi and others learned from Wang Zigan that Chi Fenggu was gathering an army in the city, and they had no intention of pretending to be mysterious to attract Chi Fenggu to attack the camp.After all, the reinforcements have not yet arrived, and Zhao Dongting has to make up his mind whether to drive these Dali troops out of the city or destroy them at any cost.

Chi Fenggu completely cut off the idea of ​​going out of the city to attack the camp.

The assembled army was disbanded by him again, and each returned to the camp to cook.

Both Hengshan village and the Song army camp outside the city were peaceful.

The battlefield was finally cleaned up.

Liu Hongyi and others finally learned about the general damage of the battle.

The loss of both parties can only be described as shocking.

The corpses of Dali soldiers piled up into mountains. In these successive battles to attack the camp, more than [-] soldiers were killed in total.

This is not much different from the number estimated by the prince.

The garrison army of Jingjiang Prefecture under Que Huarong's command and the Qiongzhou Army under Ran Anguo's command also lost a total of nearly 7000 people.

If the 8000 soldiers led by Zhang Hongwei are not counted, there are less than [-] soldiers left in the camp, and there are many wounded among them.

In fact, this can be regarded as a brilliant victory. After all, the Song army not only repelled the Dali army one after another, but also made the Dali army pay a price several times that of them.

However, this still makes Liu Hongyi and others feel extremely sorry.

These are all living lives, warriors of the Song Dynasty.

Even defeating the Yue Li Army and the Dali Army couldn't bring these warriors of the Song Dynasty back to life.

Their souls seemed to be floating in the air, weeping all the time.

The victory of the war is not enough to cover up this desolation.

When dozens of piles of corpses burned ragingly outside the camp, I don't know how many lieutenant soldiers shed tears.

"Send heroes!"

"Send heroes!"

Shouts with a slightly weeping tone rang out, lingering outside the Song camp.

The captured armor and weapons piled up like mountains.

As the flames died down, dusk fell.

Darkness gradually enveloped the land.

Feng Gu in Neichi of Hengshan Village no longer had any hope for Wang Zigan and the others, and only felt heartbroken.

Maybe he didn't care that much about the prince's death, but those masters who accompanied the prince to kill the military academy made him feel very sad.

There are not many masters in the real martial arts realm, even in the entire Pojun Academy.Now that he has lost so much in Hengshan Village, he doesn't know how to explain to Duan Qilin.

I'm afraid, even the emperor would not be able to explain to the master of Pojunxue Palace, right?
That night, Chi Fenggu wrote a letter of guilt and sent it to the Imperial City of Dali.

Although it is a letter of guilt in name, the content of the letter must be to shirk the main blame on Wang Ziqian.Not only the loss of breaking the military academy, but also the loss of the previous attack on the camp.

At the end of the letter, in order to express his heart, Chi Fenggu also stated that he would stay in Hengshan Village and fight the Song Army to the death.

Obviously, even Wang Zigan didn't expect this.

He said before that as long as he appeared in front of Hengshan Village, Chi Fenggu would most likely lead the army back to Dali.Now it seems that things may deviate from his expectations.

Before he showed up, Chi Fenggu took him who had already been "killed" as a scapegoat.

until late at night.

Suddenly a continuous stream of torches approached Song Ying.

In the deep night, these torches can hardly see the end.In the wilderness, it is like a winding dragon.

Liu Hongyi and the others were awakened in their sleep, they were all overjoyed, they hurried out of the camp and ran towards the north gate of the barracks.

Of course, this could only be because Liu Zhuwen and Miao Cheng also led the army to arrive.

And their arrival is tantamount to reassuring Liu Hongyi and the others.

The [-] Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty, plus thousands of garrison troops, may not be enough to destroy the Dali Army, but they are confident that they can remain undefeated in front of the Dali Army.

So what if there are more than [-] Dali troops in Hengshan Village?

That kind of miscellaneous army is far from being comparable to the Great Song Forbidden Army.

The fighting power of the Great Song Forbidden Army is now well-known all over the world.

Not long after, Liu Zhuwen and Miao Cheng led their personal guards and priests to gallop to the barracks first.

Zhang Hongwei smiled and said, "You two are finally here."

Liu Hongyi and the others clasped their hands in greeting: "Commander Liu, Commander Miao!"

Everyone greeted each other.

Afterwards, the army slowly moved out of the barracks, and the garrison under Liu Hongyi led them into the camp.

In a short period of time, countless new tents were added to the originally devastated Great Song barracks.

Liu Zhuwen, Miao Cheng and other generals followed Liu Hongyi and others to the commander's tent.

The imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty had ten thousand people as its organizational system, with one commander, one deputy commander, and one Du Yuhou.Only these three people are generals of the ten thousand commander level.

But even so, there are nearly ten generals in Liu Zhuwen's Tianxian Army, Miao Chengtian's Guijun, and Zhang Hongwei's Tianji Army.

These people are all respectable figures in Song Dynasty.Perhaps they may not have met Liu Hongyi and others, but each has heard of each other, and after a brief introduction, they quickly became acquainted.

And when Liu Hongyi introduced Wang Ziqian, Liu Zhuwen, Miao Cheng and others were naturally surprised.

They led the army to rush outside the Hengshan stronghold, only thinking of saving Liu Hongyi from the fire and water, but they never thought that now even the main general of the Dali army has surrendered.

Afterwards, I heard Liu Hongyi say that Wang Ziqian used tricks to kill more than ten masters who broke the military academy.Their gazes at Wang Ziqian also softened.

Perhaps, heroes cherish heroes, that is the case.

No matter what Wang Ziqian's identity was before, they now have a common goal, which is to restore the Great Song Dynasty.

Then I heard Liu Hongyi sent a letter to Changsha, asking Zhao Dongting to decide whether to destroy the Dali army or drive back the Dali army, Liu Zhuwen and others did not object.

This matter, no matter which one of them, dare not make a claim.

After this night, the military strength of the Song Army stationed outside Hengshan Village was unprecedentedly strong.


The next morning, when Chi Fenggu heard the news in Hengshan Village, although he was not furious, he still spit out these two words.

Although Song's reinforcements were only [-], the psychological pressure on him was as if there were hundreds of thousands of troops.

He didn't dare to attack Song Ying at all now, but only thought about how to defend the Hengshan stronghold.

The prince's intervention was not wrong, neither he nor the masters of the military academy under his leadership returned to Hengshan Village, which indeed made the Dali generals in the city a little flustered.

Just last night, many tribal generals asked Chi Fenggu for instructions to lead their troops back home.

If Chi Fenggu hadn't used Duan Qilin to suppress him, some generals would have led their troops away regardless of his face.

In the vague mist, an unknown number of artillery carts were pushed to the top of the Hengshan Walled City.

But at this time, the Song camp outside the city was naturally just calm.

It was evening again.

Inside the Changsha Palace.

Zhao Dongting stayed in the imperial study with Zhao An and Zhao Ru.

He was watching the memorial on the dragon couch, and the two little guys were pinching and looking around, Zhang Ru, Ying Er, Le Chan and other girls were watching, Zhao Dongting didn't care.

There are Yuewu, Yunjing, and Baicaogu Xiaowu girl. The room is full of Yingying and Yanyan, and silver-like laughter sounds from time to time.

This is really called a warm room.

The faint smile hanging from the corner of Zhao Dongting's mouth never disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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