The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 912 The Battle of Hengshan

Chapter 912 Decisive Battle at Hengshan ([-])

Taking advantage of Chi Fenggu and the two worshiping Gods, Song Ruili suddenly pulled out the saber that was placed on the side bracket.

Of course he's going to give it a go.

"help me!"

A sword tore open the curtain of the tent, and he rolled towards the outside of the tent.At the same time cry out for help.

As the commander-in-chief of the Xiushan Army, apart from personal guards around his camp, he is naturally guarded by masters of the rivers and lakes.

This is very common in this day and age.In the yamen, the army, and the people, there will be masters of the rivers and lakes who work hard, just like bodyguards.

And these masters are not masters of breaking the military academy, they only obey Zhao Liangcai, the governor of Xiushan County, or Song Ruili himself.

Hearing the cries, these masters of the rivers and lakes charged out from the open or the dark.

Indistinctly, there was a cold light of a weapon flickering in the flames.

Although the strength of these masters is not too strong, they are still worthy of the table.All of them are masters of Zhongyuan Realm.

With their speed, they tore open many gaps in the curtains of the tent in the blink of an eye.

It's just that they couldn't imagine that there would be two real martial arts masters in the tent at this time.

Even if there is a gap between the Shangyuan Realm and the True Martial Realm, the gap between the Zhongyuan Realm and the True Martial Realm is even more conceivable.

The moment Song Ruili just drew his sword out of the tent to call for help, the priest on Chi Fenggu's left seemed to have made a move.

With his speed, it was only a blink of an eye to get behind Song Ruili.

Fortunately, Song Ruili rolled out of the tent, which allowed him, who was ignorant of martial arts, to avoid the sword of this real martial arts swordsman by mistake.

And when he was still tumbling on the ground, and the true martial arts swordsman was about to change his moves, the two masters of the rivers and lakes who were guarding behind the tent made their moves in time.

A short-handled hammer and a wind-breaking knife resisted the sword of this true martial arts swordsman at the same time.

They want to want Song Ruili who is still rolling on the ground as a lazy donkey.

As a result, the two masters of the rivers and lakes suddenly changed color.

A shocking sword intent shot up from the body of this true martial arts swordsman.

The two masters of the rivers and lakes only felt that there was a huge force coming from the weapon, and they had no time to react, the tiger's mouth was broken, and the weapon came out of their hands.

Both of them staggered back in pain.

And the obstacles of the two of them did not stop the sword move of this true martial arts swordsman at all.

After all, his sword passed through Song Ruili's back and emerged in front of Song Ruili's chest.

Song Ruili's tumbling movement stopped abruptly, and his eyes froze suddenly.

He still couldn't escape after all.

Losing, only losing beside Chi Fenggu, these two real martial arts masters are too powerful.

Not to mention these two mere masters at the Middle Yuan Realm, even if all the masters in his Xiushan army were added up, they would not be opponents of these two.

Chi Fenggu came prepared.

Song Ruili is dead.

The fighting did not end.

There is also a sword intent rising into the sky from inside the tent.

A few Jianghu masters who tore off the curtain just rushed into the tent, only to see a stream of light passing by in front of them.

One after another, the big heads fell to the ground.

Standing in the camp, Chi Fenggu squinted his eyes slightly with a deep expression.

The true martial arts swordsman beheaded the few people who rushed into the tent, and then flew back to his side.His expression was indifferent, as if beheading a few masters of the rivers and lakes was just as simple as trampling a few ants to death.

Outside the account, he handed it over to his senior brother.

More than a dozen masters of the world and dozens of personal guards outside the tent could not withstand the beheading of that true martial arts swordsman.

I saw his figure passing by the crowd continuously, and where he passed, there was blood spattering.

In a short time, dozens of corpses lay outside the tent.

Only at this time, more soldiers of Xiushan Army rushed towards here.

They threw the flag in Hengshan Village, everyone knew that there was no way out.


The real martial arts swordsman outside the tent drank in a low voice.

The true martial arts swordsman in the tent took Chi Fenggu to the outside of the tent.Then they fought outside the camp of the Xiushan army.

These two Xiushan soldiers could not stop them.

Just their two sword intents alone are enough to deter those soldiers.Often before those soldiers came back to their senses, the sword light would flash across them.

The two quickly rushed out with Chi Fenggu.

The Xiushan army camped in chaos.

Seeing the Song army arrive, even though Song Rui was killed immediately, those generals led their soldiers to start a riot.

They have no choice.If they don't make their position clear at this moment, even the Song Army may trouble them, and their Xiushan Army will not be human inside and out.

Although there were 2 soldiers of the Xiushan Army, they were too scattered, so it was impossible to keep Chi Fenggu and the three of them.

Only one path of blood remains.

Chi Fenggu was led by two true martial arts swordsmen to rush out of the Xiushan army camp.

This is the chaos that has gradually spread.

Xiushan's army suddenly turned against them. Although Chi Fenggu had been prepared in the army, it was impossible to directly suppress them.

He didn't care about the soldiers who fought along the way, but let two priests of true martial arts lead him to the commander's tent.

When he arrived at the commander's tent, there were already many generals from the Dali army gathered in the commander's tent.

Chi Fenggu didn't say much, but said directly: "The army and horses camped beside the Xiushan army don't need to control the Song army, and deal with these rebels first. It is not necessary to kill them all, just kill them to surrender. The rest of the army, Let's all go to fight the Song army! There may be grenades in their army, and this big camp can't hold it, so everyone presses up and fights them close!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yan Weiang who was also in the tent, "Boss Yan, do you have any objection to the general's arrangement?"

Yan Weiang shook his head lightly, and said: "I'm not good at leading troops in battle, General Chi, you don't have to ask what I mean."

Chi Fenggu looked at the generals again, "Go down!"


All the generals hurriedly withdrew from the commander's account.

Not long after that, a general led his soldiers out of the camp.Excluding the [-] Dali soldiers who were besieging the Xiushan army in the wilderness, almost all the rest of the soldiers left the camp.

This caused torches to be everywhere in the wilderness, and a scene like a sky filled with stars really emerged.

Chi Fenggu still kept his eyes open.

Among the soldiers who besieged and suppressed Xiushan Army, half of them were the Dali Forbidden Army under his command.In addition, it is Yan Weiang's most Ningfu soldiers.

The Xiushan army is much easier to deal with than the soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty. He is obviously selling Yan Weiang's face.I want Jining Mansion to pay less damage.

The generals of the other prefectures, towns and ministries in the army may not be unable to see it, but Yan Wei'ang came personally, and there was nothing they could do about it.Only resignation.

The chief managers of their various prefectures and towns are not available, and no one can surpass Yan Weiang in terms of official titles, so they have no right to speak.What's more, Yan Weiang came here as an imperial envoy.

The sound of killing resounded through the wilderness.

The entire Xiushan army mutinied, only the mountains were behind them, and the front was besieged by the Forbidden Army and soldiers from the Jining Mansion.They will be suppressed without accident.

Right now, these generals of the Xiushan Army didn't even think about winning, they just wanted to last until the Song Army broke through the barracks.

They all thought that as long as Song Jun came in, they would all survive.

In the darkness of night, time passed quickly in the fight.

The Song Army was getting closer and closer to the camp of the Dali Army.

Zhang Hongwei and Miao Cheng only led the cavalry over, their speed was much faster than the infantry.

And those Dali troops also followed Chi Fenggu's order to welcome Song Jun.

They didn't dare to give the Song army a chance to bomb with grenadiers, because the grenadiers were too powerful, and they couldn't resist them at all.

Endless torches.

In the end, the distance between the two armies was no more than a few hundred meters.

The sound of shouting and killing suddenly shocked the sky.

Miao Cheng and Zhang Hongwei led the cavalry to charge directly.

Almost at the same time, the cavalry in the Dali Army also charged towards the Song Army.

Immediately afterwards, gunshots rang out.

Many of the cavalry of the Dali Army fell from their horses.The torch also fell to the ground.

There is a rise in artistic conception in both armies.

Zhang Hongwei and Miao Cheng were accompanied by Jian Shishi, Lone Wolf, Tie Hu and others.

Dali's army is probably full of masters, even two of the three remaining true martial arts swordsmen from the Pojun Academy next to Chi Fenggu.

At this moment, he didn't dare to have any reservations.

This is the decisive battle.

If tens of thousands of people are defeated by the Song army, then Dali will be like a flat land to the Song army.

Only by defeating this Song army can they have hope.

The cavalry of the two armies is getting closer.

The cavalry in the front row of the Dali Army was shot and killed by the Shenlong blunderbuss, and the charge was naturally slightly hindered.Only facing their cloud-like army formation, this is not a serious problem.

It wasn't until the hot air balloons in the sky threw down thunder that the Dali generals secretly complained.

Although there were some hot air balloons above them at this time, they obviously couldn't stop Song Jun's hot air balloons at all.There is no way for these cavalry to avoid being bombarded by Thunderbolt.

(End of this chapter)

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