Chapter 917
Concubine Yang Shu no longer helped the Queen Mother to say a word at this moment.


Seeing Queen Mother Quan leaving, Zhao Dongting just hummed softly.

He asked Yi Shiyu to stand up and walk towards the dragon chair.

Sitting back on the dragon chair again, he glanced at His Highness and his ministers again, and said: "I announce that all my loves are here to discuss with your loves about raising food, grass, ordnance and sending them to Hengshanzhai camp. Now, before discussing this matter, I would like to ask first, what do you Ai Qing think about the upcoming battle? Will my Great Song's army in Hengshanzhai push into Dali just like this."

All the ministers were slightly startled when they heard the words.

Zhao Dongting said again slowly: "Dali's hundreds of thousands of people attacked our Song Dynasty in three ways, and now the two ways have been defeated, and Feng Hebi led the army to go deep into Jinghu North Road. Dali must be empty. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And if you don’t attack, I can also transfer the army to Jinghu North Road to meet with Zhang Fujun’s order to jointly destroy Feng Hebi’s army. I want to hear your opinions on this matter."

All the ministers still just pondered.

No one dares to speak up about this matter easily, and it will not work without deep thinking.

It is true that it is possible to approach the imperial city of Dali.But at the same time, it meant that Zhang Jue was still the only one in Song Dynasty facing Feng Hebi's hundreds of thousands of troops.

If Zhang Jue wins, then everything is fine.

And if Zhang Jue was defeated, or if Zhang Jue failed to stop Feng Hebi's army, then Feng Hebi's army would go straight to Changsha City.

This impact is great.

After a long while, Deputy Minister of State Chen Wenlong opened his mouth first, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I think it is safer to let Zhang Hongwei and others lead the army to meet with Deputy Zhang's order. Dali's conquest of Song Dynasty has suffered heavy losses. The internal strength cannot be restored, and it will not be too late to go to Dali when our dynasty general Feng Hebi, Xin Song, and Yuan dynasties are all driven back."

"My minister agrees!"

"My minister agrees!"

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen ministers surrendered one after another, approving Chen Wenlong's proposal.

Among them, there are Lu Xiufu, Wang Wenfu and others.

This was beyond Zhao Dongting's expectation, but it suddenly dawned on him.

Most of these ministers are old ministers, and they will seek safety with their temperament, which is really something he should have expected.

Zhao Dongting smiled slightly, looked at Su Liuyi who did not express his opinion, and said, "What do Deputy Su Junji think?"

Su Liuyi frowned slightly and said: "The old minister thought that what Deputy Chen said was indeed the safest move. However... the minister was also worried that it would be impossible for our army to drive back all the troops of Feng Hebi, New Song and Yuan dynasties. I don't know when it will be. When we wait until then, we have to attack again, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as it is now."

Zhao Dongting nodded slightly when he heard the words, "Yes, I think so too. Duan Qilin is far-sighted and scheming. Just give him time, and I think he can regain stability in Dali. When the time comes, I will attack the army. Not to mention that it is much more difficult, I am still worried that he will use some tricks to prevent me from marching!"

When he said this, there was a slight strangeness in his eyes.

The Empress Dowager Quan was honest and honest a while ago, but now she suddenly came to force him to commit a crime against her own edict. There is nothing strange about this matter.

The ministers were contemplating again.

They also heard what Zhao Dongting meant.

The emperor obviously advocated letting Zhang Hongwei and others attack Dali.Otherwise, they wouldn't have deliberately asked Su Liuyi what they meant after everyone had expressed their opinions.

Another half an hour later.

Lu Xiufu said to Zhao Dongting: "Your Majesty, if you attack the truth, how should you deal with Feng Hebi's army approaching Changsha?"

Zhao Dongting only said: "I believe in Zhang Fujun's order and the strength of our Imperial Guard."

Then he thought about it, and said: "Zongfeng Hebi is really approaching, we can also move out of Changsha City. As long as our Great Song Imperial Army is still there, this Great Song Dynasty will not perish."

He started from Leizhou at that time, and he deeply understood what the real support of this country was.

The foundation is the people.

Rely on, but the army.

Lu Xiufu no longer doubted Zhao Dongting's plan, and cupped his hands and said, "Then...does the old minister prepare to raise food and grass?"

All the ministers looked at Zhao Dongting.

In fact, they still don't necessarily agree with the idea of ​​Gongli in their hearts.Now that Zhao Dongting's meaning has been clearly expressed, they will not say anything more.

This is determined by the prestige accumulated by Zhao Dongting in the past, winning consecutive battles and making the Song Dynasty so prosperous in just a few years.

These old ministers felt that Zhao Dongting's idea was correct.Even though, this idea is somewhat contrary to his idea.

Zhao Dongting glanced at the ministers again, and said heavily: "Prepare food and grass! Ordnance! I want to take this opportunity to destroy Dali!"

"Emperor Shengming!"

All the ministers bowed their hands.

Not long after that, all the ministers withdrew from the hall.

Chen Jianghan, Li Qingyun, Xu Yuesong and others traveled together.They are the chief officers of the various ministries, and if they want to ensure that the logistics of Zhang Hongwei and other troops are cut off, they need to discuss carefully.

In times of national crisis, everyone contributes.

Fighting on the front line is the business of the generals, and the logistics support is the business of civil servants like them.

Moreover, these things may be more labor-intensive than fighting on the front line.

Concubine Yang Shu followed Xie Daoqing to her bedroom.

This made Zhao Dongting a little surprised.

Of course, he could also feel that Xie Daoqing's attitude towards him was becoming more and more different now.

Of course he is happy to do so, because it can save a lot of trouble.At least, besides the Queen Mother, there is no one Xie Daoqing in the palace who would bother him.

These two women are the widows of the first emperor of the Song Dynasty, and he cannot beat or kill them.

After Xie Daoqing and Concubine Yang Shu left, Zhao Dongting also took Eunuch Liu, Yun Jing and Yi Shiyu to the imperial study.

In the imperial study, Zhao Dongting sat directly on the bed and let Eunuch Liu grind ink.

He needs to write back to Liu Hongyi and others.

The sooner the army can attack the truth, the better.Only in this way, Duan Qilin will not have enough time to deal with it.

In the letter, Zhao Dongting asked Zhang Hongwei, Miao Cheng, and Liu Zhuwen to lead the army to attack Dali, with Liu Zhuwen as the commander.However, important matters in the military need to be decided by the three of them.

As for the Qiongzhou garrison and Jingjiang mansion garrison, Zhao Dongting asked them to station in Jingjiang mansion first.

The two armies suffered heavy losses, and there was really no need to follow them to fight Dali.

In addition, Zhao Dongting also specifically wrote that Hong Wutian, Mrs. Xu, and Jian Shishi were enshrined in the real martial arts realm, and asked them to go to Dali with the army of Zhang Hongwei and others.

Only brothers Zhu Hecong and Zhu Haiwang were recalled by him.

Liu Zhuwen is a great talent, and he will only be much more capable of recruiting and fighting than Zhu Hecong and his brothers.It doesn't make sense for these two brothers to stay in the army.

Of course, the more important thing is that Zhao Dongting still wants to train the two brothers to become civil servants.

Zhu Haiwang and Zhu Hecong served in the imperial study for several years, and they learned much more political skills than military skills.Serving in the imperial court can play a greater role.

Just now in the main hall, Lu Xiufu and others suggested that Zhang Hongwei and the others join forces with Zhang Jue, which made Zhao Dongting realize that the lack of success in the court was very serious.

The small officials in various places below are fine, filled with talents selected from the imperial examinations, and there is no lack of vigor and vigor.These humerus ministers of Zhenchaotang are very old.

Now there is no one who can take over their class, Zhao Dongting had to choose a few people who can take on the big responsibilities, just like Yue Peng was promoted at the beginning.

Only by cultivating Lu Xiufu and others before they retire can the court continue to thrive like this.

Not long after, Yi Shiyu returned to the Pigeon Breeding Department with Zhao Dongting's reply letter.

There are homing pigeons flying to Hengshan Village.

Zhao Dongting asked Eunuch Liu to announce Xuanxue to the imperial study.

During this time, Xuanxue was obviously very busy.There is also an unconcealable tiredness on the pretty face at this moment.

Seeing her like this, Zhao Dongting felt a little guilty, and asked Eunuch Liu to pour tea for her, and then asked, "Mr. Xuan, what happened to the rioters in various places?"

Xuanxue replied: "Returning to the emperor, many forces behind the scenes to instigate troubles have been unearthed recently. Among them...most of them are Jianghu sects and private wealthy businessmen."

Zhao Dongting nodded lightly, "The highest one, what level does it involve?"

Xuanxue said: "Some chief officials of the state capital... have relations with these rioters. Moreover, they are involved in the court."


Zhao Dongting's eyes narrowed slightly, "Is Chao Nei involved? Who is it?"

Xuanxue replied: "Deputy Supervision Inspector Xie Fangde, Deputy Finance Minister Shang Guanshu, and... Social Security Minister Gao Manshan."

(End of this chapter)

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