The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 922 Battle of Kuizhou Mansion

Chapter 922 Battle of Kuizhou Mansion ([-])

Xiao Yulin and Liu Zijun stood in the middle of the crowd wearing the armor of ordinary soldiers.

Only at this moment, the surprise on the faces of the two of them has dissipated.

Use the binoculars to look ahead.The fight was still very chaotic.

The light and heavy cavalry in black armor in the imperial army of the Song Dynasty were all rampant on the battlefield, and the cavalry of the new Song Dynasty could not resist them.

At the same time, although the two infantry phalanxes were charged and killed by tens of thousands of New Song troops, they did not appear to be in chaos.

The Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty's ability to fight well is not boasted, but they have such strength with this dragon gun and grenadier.

However, it is obviously impossible to destroy the Qilin and Longyou armies in a short period of time.

Their offensive formation is indeed quite strange, as if many poisonous snakes suddenly pounced on the hunter.Even if the hunters had swords and guns, they couldn't kill them all quickly.

More than ten minutes passed quickly.

The light and heavy iron cavalry of the Great Song Dynasty defeated many cavalrymen of the New Song Dynasty, and rushed straight to the back of the army of the New Song Dynasty.Now turn back to the army to charge and kill.

There is no end to the charge of the iron cavalry, unless the fight is over, or... killed in battle.

Although the New Song Army that charged into the infantry phalanx also had Thunderbolts, they were still unable to rush into the depths of the formation at this moment, hindered by grenadiers and Shenlong guns.

Their soldiers did not know how many were killed in the bullets passing through the air.

Exquisite formations and superior numbers can indeed affect the outcome of a war, just like swarms of ants can get in through a lion's nose and devour the lion from the inside out.However, no matter how many ants there are and how ingenious their methods are, they will still suffer heavy losses in the face of the absolute difference in strength.

Of course, the gap between the New Song Army with Thunderbolt and the heavily armed Great Song Forbidden Army is by no means as big as that of ants and lions.

Not to mention the Eagle Crying Army that has not participated in the battle yet, the Qilin and Longyou armies alone, if they are brave and not afraid of death, they may also be able to fight against the Song Dynasty Imperial Army to lose both sides.

After all, each army in the Xin Song Dynasty had more than [-] troops.

It's a pity that soldiers can never be as united as a colony of ants.Even the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty are far from being able to do so.

From ancient times to the present, there are very few armies that can be brave and fearless to kill to the end.

Under Zhao Dongting's Xinyang influence and psychological training, the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty may have such a firm will and courage.But even the most elite Qilin and Longyou armies in the New Song Dynasty did not feel that they possessed such qualities.

After being overwhelmed by the Song cavalry, their cavalry has shown signs of collapse.

And if the Song cavalry charged back, they would also be unable to resist.

Chaos gradually spread to the two infantry phalanxes of Song Dynasty.

Great Song cavalry like a dragon, eating away at the serpentine army of the New Song Army on the battlefield.

At this moment, although Xiao Yulin and Liu Zijun saw this scene, their faces were still a bit solemn.

Their two armies are not afraid of the Qilin and Longyou armies, even if the Eagle Crying Army comes to fight, they may not be defeated, but the situation at the head of Kuizhou Prefecture is not good.

There are nearly [-] hot air balloons on both sides of the sky, just like a flock of birds flying in the sky.

Hot air balloons continued to fall to the ground, and then burst into waves of fire.

Both sides suffered heavy losses.

It's just that the New Song Army always seems to have the upper hand because of its numerical advantage.

If this continues, the city of Kuizhou will sooner or later be covered by artillery fire.

At that time, the garrison at the head of the city will suffer heavy losses, and the ground troops of the New Song Army will advance again.Whether the Kuizhou Mansion can be held, no one can guarantee it in his heart.

"Mr. Xiao, if this delay continues, the city of Kuizhou may be lost..."

Liu Zijun put down the binoculars and suddenly said to Xiao Yulin.

Xiao Yulin nodded lightly, "Yes, there are too many hot air balloons in the New Song Army. It's a pity that the sky cannons in our army can't reach them now."

Liu Zijun looked forward again, and said, "The Qilin and Longyou armies can't rush in for the time being. Why don't I lead the cavalry into the city first?"

Xiao Yulin frowned: "Commander Liu, this is too dangerous. Even if the army can rush through the Qilin and Longyou armies, can it overtake so many New Song troops behind?"

Liu Zijun remained silent.

He couldn't answer that question.

The Great Song Iron Cavalry is extremely powerful, but if they want to rush into the city, they have to face at least tens of thousands of troops blocking them.

Even if it was Liu Zijun, he didn't have much confidence in his heart when he said such a thing.

After more than ten seconds, Liu Zijun said: "But if this continues, the damage to the Feitian Battalion of our two armies will be too heavy."


Xiao Yulin sighed and remained silent.

There are no immortals in war.No matter how strong the army is, it is impossible not to lose it.

Seeing the iron cavalry of the two armies approaching the front of the army again, Liu Zijun finally couldn't hold back, and said: "Commander Xiao, you stay here and sit in town! I will lead the army into the city!"

The situation at the top of the city is getting worse and worse, he really can't wait any longer.

Without waiting for Xiao Yulin to reply, he led no more than a few hundred guards and priests, and rushed out of the army formation with no more than two hundred gunners.

Hundreds of people united tightly and ran out of the formation, facing the seemingly endless army of Xin Song Dynasty, they fought hard to break the blood.

At this time, the cavalry of the forbidden army had already killed the new Song army.Liu Zijun and the others quickly joined the cavalry.

This iron cavalry has no more than a thousand people, and it is the lion group led by brother Shang.

At this time, many people in the regiment had blood on their faces, but all of them were still murderous.

Liu Zijun and others just ran to the side of the flag when they were discovered by brother Shang.

Brother Shang hurriedly drove his horse to Liu Zijun, and asked in surprise, "Commander, why are you here?"

Liu Zijun flipped onto brother Shang's horse very neatly, and shouted: "The city is in danger, we must go into the city!"

Brother Shang was slightly stunned, and then hurriedly shouted: "Let the brothers get on the horse!"

One by one, the personal guards and sky gunners jumped onto the horsebacks of the soldiers of the Lion Regiment.

In the formation of the army, Xiao Yulin should have captured this scene with a telescope.

Suddenly there was a drum beating.

The flag bearer vigorously shakes the command flag on the female carriage.

More than a dozen iron cavalry from the Tianxiong and Tianjie armies reined in their horses one after another, and the shouts of generals resounded in the army.

"Enter the city!"

"Enter the city!"

The semaphore broke the city.All the generals can understand the meaning of the Chinese army's big account.

More than ten iron cavalry reined in and turned their horses' heads, and charged back again in an instant.

The scene was even more chaotic.

In the shadow of swords and swords, many Xin Song cavalrymen were pierced by the long knight spears.

The iron cavalry of the Song Dynasty gathered together like a river flowing into the sea.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement in the already chaotic infantry formation.

Naturally, the New Song Army was far from being able to break through the numerous obstacles of the Great Song Forbidden Army's Shenlong Gun, but suddenly there were several sharp swords in the army.

There are five ways of this sword intent, and one of them almost changes the color of the world.

This person is obviously not an ordinary real martial arts master.

It was the deputy palace master of the Pojun Academy who had been guarding Duan Qilin's side.I just don't know when, he actually came to this Kuizhou army.

His cultivation is already at the pseudo-extreme level.

And their sudden outburst also caught the Imperial Guards of the Great Song Dynasty off guard.

Although all the Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty were elite, there were no real martial arts masters in the army, and even the Shangyuan realm was rare.

In this kind of fight, although those Xin Song masters showed their sword intent, they were still mixed in the crowd.Even if you want to set fire to them, it is extremely difficult.

The five people flew towards the flag of the Chinese Army Commander at an extremely fast speed.

There were screams along the way.

Although the Shenlong blunderbuss is powerful, it is still somewhat insufficient in the face of real martial arts experts.

The five people are like sharp knives, no one can stop them.

Under the shroud of artistic conception, even the soldiers of the Imperial Guards of the Great Song Dynasty would lose their minds.

Xiao Yulin looked through the binoculars, only to see a master swiftly passing by his field of vision, his brows could not help frowning again.

He used to be a disciple of the Beggar Gang, and he followed Hong Wutian, so he knew how powerful these Jianghu masters are.

Although he is currently surrounded by expert guards, he is still far from these real martial arts realms.

Most of the masters of the Beggar Gang have been absorbed into the Wuding Hall.

"Get ready to set fire!"

Watching these five people bring many masters and soldiers rushing towards them.Xiao Yulin shouted to the surrounding soldiers in a deep voice.

He did not expect that the New Song Army would dispatch so many masters for this beheading operation.

Liu Zijun led the army and wanted to enter the city, it must be dangerous.But at this moment, it seemed that Xiao Yulin who remained in the army was even more dangerous.

Bullets shot through the air.

Around the five real martial arts realms, there were masters and soldiers shot down one after another, but they were able to do it with ease by virtue of their extremely fast speed, and they were getting closer and closer to the handsome flag.

(End of this chapter)

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