The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 947 Zhang Jue Sends Troops

Chapter 947 Zhang Jue Sends Troops
He actually let the tip of the sword penetrate his body, and then threw himself on the green robe priest.

The two fell to the ground at the same time.


The green robe worshiper snorted coldly, kicked the old man away, and stood up quickly.

At this time, the old man was completely out of breath.After landing, there was no more sound.

Only his two children also disappeared into the dark mountain forest.

The silver-armored general looked at the old man's body and sighed softly: "I didn't expect such a master to be hidden in this small village."

The Qingpao enshrined only said: "Your Majesty doesn't know, there are probably many masters hidden in the territory of the Song Dynasty. When the Yanyu Hall was at its peak, it made the whole world terrified..."

He looked at the forest where the two middle-aged men had disappeared, probably because he felt that it was difficult to catch up at night like this, so he didn't pursue them in the end.

The silver-armored general sighed again, "It's a pity that I am in Dali...such a master is rare."

After the Dali cavalry cleaned up the corpse of Paoze on the ground, they slowly left Longmen Village.

This night, the whole territory of Yuanling, Luxi, and Chenxi in Chenzhou is destined to not be peaceful.There were flames everywhere, and Dali soldiers burned, killed and looted in the flames.

After the old man's two sons left, they were extremely sad and indignant, and they just rushed in the night.

In such a night, it is difficult to tell the direction clearly.More importantly, the two of them didn't even know where they were going at this time.

Their father just asked them to look for the army, but how did they know where the army was?

Longmen Village is really closed to news.

It could only be destiny, about an hour after they escaped from Longmen Village, they encountered a group of cavalry in the wilderness.

There were only ten cavalrymen in this team, and they were galloping towards Luxi with torches.

The two brothers didn't know where this place was, they just thought it was those bandits again.The two of them were in grief and anger, so they charged forward with their swords in hand.

It was only when we got closer that we realized that these ten riders were all wearing armor.The armor style is also different from those of the bandits.

"Shut up!"

The ten knights are all reining in their horses, as if they are facing a big enemy.

In front, a ten-official commander with a small flag on his back asked, "Who are you?"

Standing with swords in hand, the two brothers said, "Who are you?"

The Ten Commander looked them over from head to toe several times, seeing that they were both carrying burdens and dressed as civilians, he said: "We are the scouts of the Great Song Tian Solitary Army."

Ten riders surrounded the two brothers intentionally or unintentionally.

The two brothers were slightly startled when they heard that they were soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty.

Then one of them said: "We are the people of Longmen Village, Chenxi County."

"Chenxi County?"

The ten husband frowned and said: "Since you are the people of Chenxi County, how can you appear here?"

The middle-aged man who spoke just now said: "A bandit army from nowhere attacked our village, and our two brothers were killed. Here, where is it?"

The Ten Commander didn't care about answering him, but was shocked: "The Dali bandit army has already reached Chenxi County?"

He looked at the two brothers again, and said, "How do you prove your identities?"

The two brothers looked at each other.

They are just ordinary people, but where is there anything to prove their identity?
After more than ten seconds, the one who spoke just now suddenly thought of something, took out the token that their father gave them, and said, "Our father is an old member of Yan Yu Tang."

Yanyu Hall used to be the highest military hall of the Song Dynasty, serving the court.This point, the two brothers naturally also know.

The ten captain got off his horse and looked at the token.His complexion changed slightly again.

He didn't know the token of Wudingtang, but he felt that there was no reason for the two brothers to use it as a fake.

Furthermore, it is unlikely that the Dali scouts would dress up as ordinary people and come here to set them up.After all, it is impossible for the Dali army to know that they will pass through here.

And he also saw just now that although the two brothers are simple, their strength is definitely not low.

If the Dali army has already attacked Chenxi County, then this matter is of great importance.

After pondering for a while, the scout commander did not dare to hesitate any longer, and said, "Would you two go with us to the army? I will report this to the army commander!"

A middle-aged man said: "We are going to find the army!"

Nor did they doubt that these scouts would be soldiers of Dali.After all, the styles of military uniforms are different, and the language is also very different.

"Then get on the horse!"

The ten captain said, and pulled one of the strong men onto the horse.

Then, the group of people turned back like this and headed east.

On the way, the Ten Commander inevitably had to ask some questions, so I will not mention them.

It was about ten miles away, and there was a sprawling military camp ahead.The bonfire in the barracks was flickering in the night.

Ten riders galloped directly into the barracks.

The two brothers were completely relieved when they saw the national flag of Song Dynasty at the gate of the barracks.

When they arrived in the camp, the ten riders galloped straight to a certain military tent before dismounting.The ten commander went in to report, and then a general with complicated armor came out of the tent.

He was wearing captain-level armor.

In front of the two brothers, the regiment leader asked, "Are you both citizens of Chenxi County?"

The two brothers nodded.

The head of the group didn't ask any more questions, just said: "Come with me!"

He took the two brothers, but went to the happy tent of the commander of the Tiangu army.

There are naturally many forbidden troops outside the tent, and some are enshrined and guarded.

After being notified, the three were able to walk into the tent and were happy to see them.

The head of the regiment saluted Gao Xing and said: "Commander, these two people said that they are the people of Chenxi County. Now that the Dali bandits have killed Chenxi, they will escape. Moreover, they still have the token of Yanyu Hall in their hands."

"Yan Yu Tang?"

The sleepy eyes were still a little bit sleepy, probably a little bright light flashed in the eyes of Gao Xing who had just been awakened, stood up and said: "Can you show me the token?"

The man with the token took out the token again and handed it to Gao Xing.

I took it happily, took a closer look, and said to the outside of the account: "Go and ask the king to make an offering!"

"never mind!"

As soon as the words fell, he changed his words again: "I'd better go see Zhang Shuai in person!"

He took the badge and hurried to the outside of the military tent, not forgetting to say to the two brothers: "You two, please come with me too!"

The two brothers followed behind him.

There was no arrogance on their faces at all, and they didn't look like masters of the Shangyuan Realm at all.Probably because even they themselves don't know how rare it is in this world.

After getting out of the tent, he got on his horse again, and Xing Xing took several personal guards and two brothers to Zhang Jue's handsome tent.

At this time, the lights in Zhang Jue's handsome tent were still on.

He is not asleep yet.

The guard at the door was so happy to see it, he only shouted inside, "Commander, Commander Gao has arrived."

Gao Xing took the two brothers directly into the handsome tent.

Zhang Jue was still holding a pen in his hand, and he was probably reviewing military affairs. He was happy to see it, and asked, "Why are you here at this time?"

Then his eyes fell on the two brothers behind Gao Xing.

The eye sockets of the two brothers were still a little red.Probably because he had never seen anything in the world, seeing a few soldiers standing in Zhang Jue's tent, he was a little cautious.

He said happily: "These two people said they escaped from Longmen Village in Chenxi County. Dali bandits have already reached Chenxi County, and it seems that they burned, killed and looted in Chenzhou."

Hearing this, Zhang Jue immediately sat up straight.

Xing Xing handed the token to Zhang Jue again, and said, "After they said they were old people from Yan Yutang, they have this token as proof."

Zhang Jue looked down at the token, then turned his head to look at Jun Tianfang next to him.

Jun Tianfang's eyes also fell on the token, nodded and said: "This is indeed the token of Yan Yutang!"

He has been famous in Jianghu for a long time, and he used to be a romantic person in Jianghu. Although he is not a member of Yanyutang, it is not strange to see the token of Yanyutang.

Zhang Jue frowned slightly, but said to the personal guard in the tent: "These two little brothers are probably tired, take them down to rest first."


A personal guard walked up to the two brothers.

The two brothers didn't say much, and walked out with the guards.

After they left, Zhang Jue asked Gao Xing again, "Where did you find the two of them?"

Glad to be honest.

From those scouts encountering the two brothers in the wilderness, to how to bring the two brothers to the barracks, nothing was missed.

Then, outside Zhang Jue's tent, there was a drum beeping.

In the middle of the night, Ren Wei, Yang Kanglong and other generals under his command were awakened by the sound of drums, and then hurriedly gathered in Zhang Jue's tent.

Soon there were more than a dozen generals in armor standing in the tent.

Zhang Jue issued several military orders.

Not long after the generals left his tent, there were more than ten cavalry in the barracks galloping out of the barracks.

(End of this chapter)

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