Chapter 951
In an instant, the Dali army appeared to be defeated like a mountain.

In the night, not to mention those who fell behind and were hit by bullets, there were also many casualties due to trampling each other.

It's just that Jin Hancai led the army and finally failed to capture Duan Shi alive.

Duan Shi was surrounded by those priests and personal guards, and soon he didn't know where to go under the cover of night.

His cavalry scattered and fled.

Jin Hancai chased for about ten minutes, seeing that there were only some stragglers left and within sight, he didn't want to spend any more energy chasing.

He assembled the army, returned to the original place to clean up the battlefield, and then swept towards the surrounding villages and towns again.


The Great Sage Special Corps of the Great Song Fei Army and the First and Second Heavy Cavalry Regiments of the Tiangu Army also successively launched confrontations with the Dali Army in villages and towns in Yuanling.

The whole Chenzhou is full of wars.

Within the range of thousands of square kilometers, the Song cavalry and the Dali cavalry collided continuously like sparks of fire.

And with the prestige of Song cavalry and special forces, they are invincible in such a small group of battles.

After the Dali army paid a lot of damage, they didn't care about grabbing food, and shrank towards the county seat one after another.

They can only avoid the sharpness of the Song cavalry in this way, otherwise, with the rainbow-like aura of the Song cavalry at this time, they may be able to wipe out all the troops outside the city.

In this battle, I don't know how many Dali generals were deeply aware of the gap between them and the Song army.

After returning to the county seat, there were still many Dali generals still in shock.And after taking a short rest and calculating the initial battle damage, the result made them feel even colder.

Prince Dali also led the crowd back to Chenxi County, feeling a little scared, at this time the letter from Feng Hebi was finally delivered.

He asked Duan Shi to lead his army to gather in the west of Chenzhou, and set up a defense line to block all these Song troops within the territory of Chenzhou.

This time Duan Shi did not dare to lead the army to go out again, but let the generals of the forbidden army under his command lead more than ten thousand soldiers out of the city.

This is also all the soldiers and horses he can mobilize now except for the soldiers defending the city.Some of the rest have not yet been able to return to the city, and some have been sleeping outside the city forever.

Almost at the same time, the chief general of Dali who led the army to sit in Yuanling also led the army to march west of Chenzhou.

The three counties of Yuanling, Luxi, and Chenxi may have a total of 4 to [-] troops.

At this time, the cavalry of the Great Song Dynasty are still galloping in Chenzhou.

It was not until time passed, after they swept through many villages and towns in Chenzhou, that it was difficult to encounter a large-scale Dali army.

Jin Hancai, Yin Yongning and others also knew that the Dali army might have gathered in the county, so they also went west to prepare to return to camp.

With their strength, it is almost impossible to take down the county town protected by the city wall.

As a result, in Chenzhou, it was unknown how many armies from both sides were converging westward.

On the way, the first heavy cavalry regiment of the Tiangu Army encountered the Dali Army from Yuanling County.

The two armies looked at each other from a distance.

After several battles of the Tiangu Army's First Heavy Cavalry Regiment, there were still about [-] people left.But the torches of the Dali Army stretched endlessly.

Seeing this situation, the head of the regiment, Gu Junying, did not dare to attack directly, and led his troops to avoid it.

Although the Great Song Iron Cavalry is strong, it also has limits.Facing the Dali cavalry of more than [-], it is difficult to take advantage of the exhausted men and horses at this time.

What made Gu Junying quite puzzled was that the Dali army watched them dodge and did not pursue them.

He led his subordinates to continue westward, and it took a long while before he suddenly woke up.

The Dali Army wanted to cut off their retreat.

Otherwise, this Dali army has no reason to ignore hundreds of them.Obviously, they look down on them.

And if the Dali army cuts off the back road, the consequences will undoubtedly be unimaginable.

After all, the more than ten troops of Song cavalry seemed to be menacing, but in fact they were only more than ten thousand.

But there are more than [-] Dali troops in Chenzhou.

If they were blocked in Chenzhou, more than ten iron cavalry might be wiped out one by one.They can't beat the county town, and there is basically no way to escape.

Realizing this, Gu Junying's expression changed slightly, and he hastily called more than a dozen scouts.

He ordered these scouts: "Go and find the generals immediately, saying that the Dali army is going out of the city to the east, and I am afraid it will cut off our army's retreat. I will lead the soldiers to wait for them to gather in Liuye Village by the Wuxi River, and wait for them to gather at dawn. Then go west. If I can't wait, I will lead the army to break through first, and then wait for them in Stone Town, more than [-] miles east of Zhenxi Village."

Zhenxi Village is where Zhang Jue's army camped.



More than a dozen scouts and ten captains agreed, and then returned to the army, and hurriedly led the scouts under their command.

But whether they can meet the army led by Yang Kanglong, Jin Hancai, Yin Yongning and others in this huge Chenzhou territory is naturally unknown.

After watching the scouts go away, the middle-aged Gu Junying led the soldiers to head east to Liuye Village by the Wuxi River.

In my heart, it is inevitable that there is some anxiety.

Thinking about the Dali army he just encountered, he knew that there must be many Dali troops gathering towards the west at this time.It will be a tough battle if nothing else happens.

It's a pity that communication is inconvenient in this era, but he couldn't get in touch with Jin Hancai and others immediately.

The night is getting darker.

Gu Junying led his men from Yuanling to the west, and crossed a little land in Luxi, and finally arrived at Liuye Village about an hour before dawn.

Liuye Village is not a big village, with only a hundred households in the village.

In fact, there is a town just over ten miles away from Liuye Village. Gu Junying was worried that there would be a Dali army guarding it, so he chose Liuye Village, a small village.

And after he led the army to Deliuye Village, the village was devastated.

Some Dali troops have already raided here.

Looking at the burned houses in the village and the corpses of the common people outside, the Song cavalry were all filled with righteous indignation.

Some generals even asked Gu Junying to lead his troops to fight those Dali troops directly.

Now Zhang Jue is still leading the rest of the army to station in Zhenxi Village, they only need to fight the Dali army here until tomorrow, Zhang Jue will definitely lead the army to help.

Gu Junying refused.

He said: "Our first regiment has fought fiercely until now, and the brothers are already exhausted. If we continue to fight, we will not be able to get any advantage. Let's wait for the regiment leaders to lead the army to gather together."

He is not afraid, but knows that now that the Dali army is gathering, it will be difficult for them to take advantage of it if they go their own way.

After persuading the general, Gu Junying ordered: "The whole army put out the torches and rest on the spot!"

Under his order, the torches in Liuye Village were gradually extinguished.

There are soldiers resting on the ground.

Others are looking for fodder to feed the horses.

Gu Junying and the others didn't feel sleepy, and stared out of the village with bulging eyes.At this moment, I just look forward to the generals leading the army to gather.

The closer it was to the dawn, the more uneasy Gu Junying felt in his heart.

It wasn't until the past 10 minutes that the Song cavalry finally arrived at Liuye Village again.

In front are the scouts under Gu Junying's command leading the way.

Seeing the arrival of the torch, Gu Junying and the others quickly got up and ran towards the entrance of the village.Seeing the Song Dynasty flag in the flames, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's the arrival of the Great Saint Special Regiment under Ren Weifei's Sky Army.

The head of the regiment, Shi Kangsheng, came under the banner and arrived at the entrance of the village. When he saw Gu Junying and others, he got off his horse and said, "Boss Gu!"

Gu Junying bowed his hands in return, and looked at the army behind Shi Kangsheng.I can't help feeling a little sigh in my heart.

He led the heavy cavalry regiment and the Dali army to charge several times. He thought it was an extremely glorious record to have more than [-] people left.Seeing the Great Holy Mission at this moment, I realized what a gap is.

After all, it is the Special Corps, the elite of the elite.

The Dasheng Special Forces looks almost undamaged.This is something hard to imagine, but it actually appeared in front of Gu Junying in such a real way.

After bringing Shi Kangsheng and the others to the village, Shi Kangsheng glanced around and asked, "Teacher Gu, are there any other robes coming over right now?"

Gu Junying shook his head solemnly, "Not yet."

Immediately, he couldn't help but asked Shi Kangsheng, "Master, have you ever encountered the Dali Army?"

Shi Kangsheng replied with some doubts: "Of course there are. We have fought fierce battles with two Dali armies so far. Why does Captain Gu ask such a question?"

Gu Junying showed a little admiration in his eyes, "I just saw that your soldiers seem to have no damage."

"Ha ha!"

Shi Kangsheng laughed loudly, "Those Dali soldiers are nothing more than chickens and dogs."

(End of this chapter)

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