The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 953 Mountain Combat

Chapter 953 Mountain Combat
As everyone knows, under the influence of Zhao Dongting, the Forbidden Army of the Great Song Dynasty did not regard war horses as important as soldiers.

Although it is true that war horses are their partners for cavalry, war horses are war horses after all, and human life is human life after all.

Soldiers should cherish war horses, but to regard war horses as more important than their own lives is putting the cart before the horse.

It wasn't until they saw the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty approaching the mountain like a cloud, that the Dali army on the pass finally figured out their intentions.

A general exclaimed: "They are trying to break out from the mountains!"

Although the mountain peaks on both sides of Jiumao Pass are dangerous, they are not impossible to climb over.

Following the general's exclamation, the Dali generals around him all changed color instantly.

Immediately after the generals discussed in a hurry, soon a Dali general led his troops to the mountains.

They also carried a lot of Thunderbolts.

Just because the composition of the army is quite mixed, they are naturally unlikely to be as cohesive as the Song cavalry.It seems to be converging, but in fact it is still doing its own thing.

Feng Hebi's command consisted of [-] troops from Shanju County, [-] troops from Shicheng County, [-] troops from Jianchang Prefecture, [-] troops from Dongchuan County and [-] troops from Huichuan Prefecture, and [-] Dali Forbidden Army.The army and horses in each county have their chief generals, and their subordinates are composed of soldiers from various ministries, and each has its own commander.Not to mention the temporary united front general who was sent to guard Jiumao Pass, even if Feng Hebi offended those tribal generals, he might not be able to command them.

It is good that the general guarding Jiumao Pass can command these guys to go into the mountains to resist the Song army, but as for how to fight in battle, it is really out of his control.

However, due to various factors that heavy firearms cannot make meritorious service, and the various armies are doing their own thing.In this battle, the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty created a miracle.

After Shi Kangsheng, Gu Junying and others led the army to Deshanli, they continued westward and encountered the Dali army not long after.

The sound of guns and cannons resounded in the mountains.

The Dali Army didn't have such feats as the Shenlong Gun. Although it was several times stronger than the Song Dynasty's Forbidden Army, after the confrontation, they quickly retreated steadily.

They removed the grenades, and there were few other things that could pose a threat to the Song Dynasty Imperial Army.This made their loss far greater than that of the Great Song Imperial Army.

There are raging flames spreading in the mountains.

In this dry summer, the forest is too easy to be ignited.

This made the entire deep mountain even more chaotic.

All the Dali soldiers were beaten until they cried for their fathers and mothers.

It didn't take long for the army to be completely defeated and retreated to Jiumao Pass.And the general in Jiumao Pass watched this scene, and could only be anxious.

Two hundred hot air balloons soared up to the sky above the mountain.But this did not prevent the spread of gunfire in the deep mountains.

Shi Kangsheng and others led the fight from below to above, and suddenly found that the Dali army in the mountains was much easier to deal with than imagined.

These stragglers are really just like chickens and dogs under the Shenlong gun.

After tasting the sweetness, they simply did not lead the army to break out directly to the west.Instead, they fought against the Dali army in this mountain.

The tide of battle took a dramatic turn.

Originally, the Dali army vowed to stop the Great Song Forbidden Army here, but at this moment, many troops were chased away by the Great Song Forbidden Army.

The Shenlong gun made them suffer a lot.

I don't know how many troops and horses from various departments in Dali were lost in this deep mountain.

And under such circumstances, Jin Hancai led the Exterminating Demon Army, and the Fourth Light Cavalry Regiment of the Tiangu Army who fought with him in Chenxi also rushed to Jiumao Pass.

They did not meet the scouts sent by Gu Junying, and it was a coincidence that they led the army from here to return to Zhenxi Village.

After rushing to the outside of the pass, they heard the sound of guns and artillery in the deep mountains, and looked at the billowing smoke, they were all slightly stunned.Then all reacted.

This must be You Pao Ze breaking through.

They also noticed that the Dali army occupied Jiumao Pass.

And the sound of the Shenlong gun is unique to the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty.

Immediately, Jin Hancai and the others abandoned their horses one after another without hesitation, and led the army to kill on the mountain.

Although they have not slept all night, they can undoubtedly be regarded as a new force at this time.

When they rushed to Dashan and gathered with Shi Kangsheng and others, this made the Great Song Imperial Army unstoppable.

More and more Dali troops retreated to Jiumao Pass.

The entire mountain was gradually dominated by the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty.

The death toll comparison between the two sides is an extremely astonishing ratio.

Although there were some people in the imperial army of the Song Dynasty who died under the thunder of the Dali army, the number was definitely not many.

This made the general of Dali who had to guard Jiumao Pass completely annoyed.

As more and more defeated troops retreated into the pass, the Song army could be seen spreading to this side. Perhaps out of frustration, he let the artillery cart fire at the mountain.

Immediately, countless thunderstorms fell into the deep mountains.

There is also a hot air balloon in the sky, which has the meaning of razing this mountain to the ground.

This is indeed blocking Shi Kang Sheng and the others.

Although the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty had armor, they were also made of flesh and blood, and it was impossible to block the thunder with their bodies.

Seeing the intensive artillery fire of the Dali Army, Shi Kangsheng and the others stopped circling around and led the army across the mountains to continue westward.

At this moment, there is no question of whether to break through or not, because apart from the hot air balloons of the Dali Army in the sky, there is no Dali Army in front of them still blocking them.

That's how they went over the mountains.

In Jiumao Pass, the general of Dali caused a lot of trouble.

When he gave the order to fire, some tribal soldiers were retreating towards Jiumao pass.Cannonballs don't have eyes, and many of them actually fell into their army.

Who can bear the fact that a brother under his command was beaten to death by the same Dali army?

After a general led the crowd back to the pass in disgrace, he couldn't help being furious, and immediately turned against the general.

And as more and more defeated troops hit by artillery fire converged on the pass, the turmoil gradually became unstoppable.

After all, there are Dali soldiers facing each other on Jiumao pass.The bombardment just now probably aroused all the old and new hatred in their hearts.

In the past, these soldiers from various ministries may not have seen that they had not fought.Before Duan Xingzhi deterred the whole of Dali, the various tribes in Dali often turned their faces in order to compete for interests.

Shi Kangsheng and the others did not reach Jiumao Pass, but the Dali army on Jiu Mao Pass started killing each other.

And because this general is not Feng Hebi, nor Duan Shi, his status in Dali is not too high, and he cannot restrain the army, which makes the chaos gradually spread.

In the end, the fighting continued from Jiumao Pass to inside the pass.

The various armies in Dali rushed to kill each other in a mess.More and more people fell in a pool of blood, and the hatred became deeper and deeper.

It's a pity that Shi Kangsheng and others have already led the army far away at this time.Otherwise, leading the army to rush back at this time, Jiumao Pass could almost be destroyed without attack.

When they were about to walk out of the mountain range, seeing that the Dali hot air balloon was still in the sky, they simply did not run out of the mountain range.In the mountains, the armies dispersed separately.

Seeing Song Jun like this in the sky, the hot air balloon knew that there was no point in blowing it up any longer, so it had to turn back to Jiumao Pass.

But when they returned to Jiumao Pass, they were stunned to see the mess in the pass.The following troops came from all over the country, and they, the imperial guards, didn't know who to help.

Almost at the same time.

Yang Kanglong's Frost Regiment, the Third Light Cavalry Regiment of the Tiangui Army, and the Second Heavy Cavalry Regiment of the Tiangu Army rushed to Luoxian Pass, more than ten miles away from Jiumao Pass.

The situation at Luoxianguan is similar to that of Jiumao Pass.

The Dali Army has since deployed heavy troops here.

In fact, Yang Kanglong and others originally planned to return to Zhenxi village from Jiumaoai, which was discussed before departure.He came here because he was kicked out by the Dali army from various counties.

Their situation is naturally much more dangerous than that of Shi Kang Sheng and others.It is true that there are fierce tigers in the front and chasing soldiers in the back, and the strength of the troops is far less than that of Shi Kangsheng and the others.

Outside the pass, I saw that the Dali army was heavily defended.The faces of Yang Kanglong and other generals were a little ugly.

It's hard to break through!
It is also difficult to rush back and fight with the Dali army behind!

In the end, Yang Kanglong and other generals did not choose to dismount and break through like Shi Kangsheng and the others did.Instead, he turned around and headed towards Jiumao Pass.

They didn't see the army of Shi Kangsheng, Yin Yongning and others here, so they knew that they must have returned to the village from Jiumao Pass according to the original plan.

Although it is not easy to rush to Jiumao Pass at this time, it is much better than forcibly breaking through and fighting with Dali's chasing troops.

Yang Kanglong and the others thought that as long as they could reunite with Shi Kangsheng and the others' troops, and Zongjiumao Pass was also guarded by the Dali army, they might break through the encirclement.

(End of this chapter)

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