Chapter 962
The scene returns to Jiumao Pass on the south of Jinghu North Road.

Zhao Dongting led his division Kang Sheng, Gu Junying, Yin Yongning and others with a total of nearly [-] forbidden troops to occupy the top of Jiumaoai City.

There were less than [-] soldiers guarding the [-] soldiers in the pass.

The time was about two quarters of an hour after they drove the Dali army out of the pass, and the Yuan army finally arrived outside the pass.Yellow dust billows like a dragon.

There are hundreds of hot air balloons in the sky, and they have already shown their tracks on the horizon.

The Dali army on the ground is probably even closer to [-].Moreover, far away from the official road, there is also yellow dust, faintly visible.

Apparently those Dali soldiers who had been killed out of the pass before ran back again.

This will make the number of soldiers of the Dali Army reach a terrifying level.

At this moment, even if Zhao Dongting had such masters as Kong Qiangu and Qi Wulie by his side, and close to eight thousand imperial troops, Zhao Dongting still had no idea and his face was very solemn.

He was hesitating whether to lead the army to defend the Jiu Mao pass, or to retreat first and make plans later.

Even if the ground troops are all good, it is not easy for the ground troops to break through the pass these days.What is really deadly is the hundreds of hot air balloons in the sky.

Even the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty would never be able to withstand the bombardment of so many hot air balloons when guarding the city.

"Has the scout returned?"

Zhao Dongting tilted his head and asked Yang Kanglong beside him.This is already unknown how many times he asked.

Yang Kanglong and others guessed that Zhang Jue should lead the army to Jiumao Pass at this time, but so far, they have not seen the army.

Yang Kanglong cupped his hands and said: "Go back to the emperor, you haven't come back yet."

Zhao Dongting frowned slightly, and said: "It seems that even if Deputy Zhang Jiling is leading the army, he is still some distance away from Jiu Mao Pass."

Yang Kanglong's eyes flashed brightly, "Your Majesty, shall we withdraw from the Nine Mao Pass first?"

Zhao Dongting raised his hand and tapped his forehead lightly, and murmured: "If the army wants to enter Chenzhou, they must seek breakthroughs from Jiumao Pass and Luoxian Pass. We have hit the opportunity to win this Jiu Mao Pass. It would take a lot of effort for us to take down these Dali troops once they enter the customs. I really feel a little bit reluctant..."

He looked up at the hot air balloon of the Dali Army that was slowly approaching in the sky, and said with a wry smile, "It would be nice if it rained at this time."

Yang Kanglong, Kong Qiangu and others beside him were slightly stunned, and then couldn't help laughing.

No one thought that the emperor would say such a thing.

That's right, if it rains, the hot air balloons of the Dali Army will no longer be able to continue fighting.

But where does the rain fall as soon as it is said?
Even Kong Qiangu in the Extreme Realm doesn't have the slightest ability to ask for rain!Such things cannot be controlled by manpower at all, at least with the technology of this era, it is impossible.

"never mind……"

Seeing the Dali Army's hot air balloon and ground troops getting closer, Zhao Dongting finally made up his mind and sighed: "Get ready to retreat!"

Although sticking to Jiumao Pass at this time can save a lot of effort for the army to destroy Feng Hebi's army in the future, he still does not want to make fun of the lives of the soldiers.

Facing the endless Dali army with less than 8000 people, I don't know how long they can hold on. Maybe the whole army may be wiped out before Zhang Jue arrives.

Zhao Dongting was undoubtedly reluctant to pay such a high price.

The imperial army of Song Dynasty was not assembled randomly, they were all elites.It can be said that each person embodies Zhao Dongting's painstaking efforts.

"Prepare to withdraw!"

Yang Kanglong, Jin Hancai, Shi Kangsheng and others ran away and shouted loudly.

The Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty at the head of the city put away their guns and stood upright, and then walked down the city in a line.

Zhao Dongting looked back at the Dali army outside the city with some reluctance, and murmured, "It's a pity..."

Only at this time, the sky suddenly changed.

In an instant, dark clouds appeared in the originally clear sky.

The dark clouds gradually covered the scorching sun.

On the horizon, there is a clear dividing line between light and dark, coming towards the Jiumao Pass.

Zhao Dongting's expression froze.

He raised his head in a daze, and murmured, "Isn't it going to rain?"

As if to answer his words, there were more and more dark clouds in the sky, and they became violent and turbulent.

The world quickly fell into darkness, and it seemed that dusk had fallen in a short period of time.

There are occasional lightning flashes in the dark clouds.

I don't know how many soldiers of the Song Dynasty on the top of the city were stunned.

Yang Kanglong and the others hurried back to Zhao Dongting again, all looking at Zhao Dongting with extremely disbelieving eyes.

At this moment, they probably think that Zhao Dongting is really a dragon descending into the world.Because, when he said he wanted to rain, it was actually going to rain.

Yang Kanglong said: "Your Majesty, it seems to be raining! Let's..."


Zhao Dongting came back to his senses, and said loudly in surprise: "Stick to this Nine Mao Pass!"


Yang Kanglong and the other generals quickly took orders, and then ran away again, "The emperor has an order! Hold the top of the city! Hold the top of the wall!"

A drop of cool rain suddenly fell on Zhao Dongting's face.

Zhao Dongting raised his head and smiled, muttering, "It's raining..."

This is really even God is helping him.

This rain, I don't know how much trouble will be saved for the army.

When he looked outside the city again, Zhao Dongting's face was already full of coldness.Even God cooperates so much, if these Dali troops are not kept out of the city, it would be too disappointing to God.

The Dali army outside the city was dumbfounded.

When they came to attack the city, it was still scorching hot just now, why is it raining now?

The generals in the army all looked ugly.

Although the hot air balloon is powerful, it is impossible to take off to fight in the weather with strong wind and rain.

"Oh shit!"

Some generals couldn't help cursing angrily as they watched the hot air balloon slowly descending.

Many generals gathered beside the temporary chief general of the army and asked, "General, shall we continue to attack the city?"

The general gritted his teeth and said: "We have already arrived here, how can we give up. Jiumao pass fell into the hands of the Song army, how can we resist in the future?"

The chief general is the chief of soldiers and horses of Shicheng County.In the Dali army, his status is as different as that of the chief soldier and horse of Jianchang Mansion who guarded Jiumao Pass before that.

In the case that Feng Hebi and Duan Shi did not lead the army to go out, they should have the highest status in the army.After all, among the Fenghebi army, Shicheng County and Jianchang Prefecture had the most soldiers.

Hearing what the chief general said, all the generals lost their doubts and ran back to the army.

Tens of thousands of Dali troops made up of patchwork continued to march towards Jiumao Pass.

The hot air balloon landed slowly.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier.

When these Dali troops arrived only a few hundred meters outside the city, the sky was already completely dark and it was raining heavily.

Many soldiers of the Song Dynasty on the top of the city were drenched by the rain.

Only people like Zhao Dongting, Kong Qiangu, and Qi Wulie have good martial arts skills, and they have stellar qi to protect their bodies. Even though they are supporting their stellar qi, they don't get wet by the water.

Kong Qiangu looked at Zhao Dongting and said, "Your Majesty, it seems that God wants to destroy this Dali army."

Even Qi Wulie looked at Zhao Dongting in a slightly different way from before.

People in this age believe in the destiny.

He used to take orders from Zhao Dongting because of helplessness.But at this moment, I'm afraid that some kind of sincerity will be born.

Qi Wulie only sighed in his heart, maybe the emperor is really the right one.Otherwise, there is no reason why even God should help him like this.

If he can help the emperor build a foundation for thousands of years, it will naturally be the glory of his Bauhinia Villa.Much better than helping Duan Qilin.

Zhao Dongting narrowed his eyes slightly, and shouted loudly: "All soldiers, listen to my orders and prepare to meet the enemy!"


There was a chorus of shouts from the top of the city.

Nearly [-] soldiers came with Shenlong guns, and at this moment, they all pointed the Shenlong guns at the Dali army outside the city.

Although they did not carry large-scale firearms such as grenade launchers and sky cannons in this raid, the Shenlong blunderbuss alone was enough to rely on.

Imagine the Dali army outside the city without hot air balloons as a cover, what would they use to pose a threat to the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty on the top of the city?
Just relying on the artillery vehicles and bows and arrows in their army?

The power of the artillery cart is much smaller than that of the grenade.

As for bows and arrows, that's even more of a joke.With the bows and arrows in the Dali Army, it is very difficult to break the armor of the Song Dynasty Imperial Army.


There are also drums outside the city and shouts of killing.

After many troops of the Dali Army approached the city, they directly attacked Jiumao Pass without making any attempts.

They all knew that there were not many Song troops in Jiumao Pass at this time.However, since the Song army did not have heavy firearms, they naturally believed that there was still hope for the siege.

Bang bang bang.

When a Dali army ran within range, dense gunshots rang out from the top of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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