Chapter 964

The city gate collapsed.


The Dali soldier was overjoyed, he raised his arms and was about to roar.After all, breaking the city gate is a great achievement, and it is entirely possible for him to be promoted to general because of this.

However, before his words could be uttered, his expression suddenly froze again.

There were many balls of blood bursting on him suddenly.

The soldier collapsed to the ground.

Being promoted to general became a dream that he would never be able to realize in this life.

Behind the collapsed city gate, many black and swarthy Shenlong musket chambers were exposed.

Shi Kangsheng led the soldiers of the Holy Order to guard behind the city gate.

There was thunder in the Dali army, and Zhao Dongting never thought that the city gate could be guarded forever.

Hundreds of soldiers of the Great Saint Regiment have already lined up in the corridor of the city gate. In front are shield soldiers standing with shields, and behind them are rows of dragon gunners.

Amidst the dense gunshots, the Dali soldiers standing outside the city gate were shot down one after another.

This battle, if the Dali army does not withdraw, will inevitably be a protracted battle.

In the Dali army, there was only the sound of drums.

At this time, I saw that the general who had withdrawn from Jiumao Pass was returning with his army.It is impossible for the general in this army to retreat willingly.

Some Dali soldiers ran outside the city gate and rushed into the corridor.

Only these people also fell under the Shenlong gun one after another.

Blood gradually flowed in the corridor.

There are fewer and fewer artillery throwing vehicles in the Dali Army outside the pass, and the threat they can pose to the city is getting smaller and smaller.

Kong Qiangu and others are invincible.

After the Dali soldiers guarding Jiumao pass arrived, there were not many cannon-throwing chariots outside the pass.

Kong Qiangu and the others were not fighting outside the pass, but returned to the city.

And they slew from the great army.

With their skills, there is no need to enter the city through the corridor.Arriving at the bottom of the city, just lightly tap the toes on the city wall, and then they all floated up to the top of the city.

Kong Qiangu in the extreme realm even flew up directly, like a banishing immortal.

Returning to Zhao Dongting's side, Kong Qiangu said: "Your Majesty, almost all the cannon throwing vehicles outside the city have been destroyed."

Zhao Dongting nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, looked up at the sky, and said softly: "I want to see what other abilities these Dali troops have to take down the Nine Mao Pass."

Looking at the weather, this rain will not stop in a short time.

Kong Qiangu and the others stopped attacking.

About two quarters of an hour passed, and the Dali army finally heard the sound of gold.The soldiers outside the pass retreated like a tidal wave when they heard the sound of gold ringing.

This wave of offensive was considered to be a complete end, and the Dali army did not make an inch of success except for blasting the outside of the city.

I don't know how many corpses of soldiers are lying outside the pass.

But at the top of the city, the loss of the imperial army of the Song Dynasty was only negligible.

Watching the retreat of the Dali army, the guards let out deafening cheers.

It can be said that it was a joy to wipe out so many Dali troops just now.

However, after the Dali army retreated hundreds of meters outside the pass, they did not continue to retreat.They just withdraw, not rout.

The generals led their soldiers to regroup.

The main general of the Dali army obviously did not intend to give up attacking Jiu Maoai just like this.He also knows the importance of coming to Jiu Maoai.

If Jiumao Pass is in hand, they may still have the power to deal with Zhang Jue's army.And if Jiu Mao pass is lost, even Feng Hebi's army in Luxi City may be in danger.

Furthermore, the chief general of the Dali Army had no intention of waiting for Feng Hebi to lead his army to come to his aid.

Another 10 minutes passed, and the drums in the Dali army sounded again.

Another Dali army attacked the city head.

There are more than a dozen army formations, and there are always more than ten thousand people.

All in all, Feng Hebi still has about 2 troops under his command.At this time, there are about [-] in Luxi County, and there are [-] in Luoxian Pass, and the rest are almost all outside the Jiumao Pass.

This is close to [-] troops.

In terms of troop deployment, the Dali Army undoubtedly has a great advantage.

But probably no one thought that they were still defeated by the imperial army of the Song Dynasty despite the superiority of their troops.

The Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty has always been able to create such jaw-dropping achievements.

From the top of the city, there was another booming thunder falling towards the outside of the city.

Clouds of dust exploded on the wilderness outside Jiumao Pass, which had been devastated for a long time, and accompanied by the fall of Dali soldiers one by one.

It's also fortunate that the general ordered all the troops to attack the city repeatedly, otherwise, by this time, the morale of these Dali troops might have sunk to the bottom.

When the Dali army got closer to the city wall, there was another sound of Shenlong guns.

The Third Light Cavalry Regiment of the Tiangui Army went down to the city to assist Kang Sheng's Great Saint Army.

The Dali army was eager to take down the tunnel, and I don't know how many people rushed into the tunnel, but in the end, they all died under random gunfire.

Corpses piled up in the corridor, and the walls on both sides were full of gun holes and potholes, and they were no longer as smooth as before.

The blood gathered and flowed out of the corridor, and then soaked in the yellow ground, dyeing the ground red.

After about two quarters of an hour, the Dali army still failed to capture the Nine Mao Pass tunnel.At this time, morale had already declined, and the sound of gold clanging sounded again in the army.

The Dali army retreated like a tide again, and the number of people who had to retreat was less than half of the previous attack.

Under the Shenlong Gun, these Dali troops must pay a bloody price every time they attack the city.

Only at this time, there is also a crisis quietly coming in the imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty.

Shi Kangsheng, who was supervising the battle in the corridor of the city gate, and several generals at the head of the city hurried to the side of Zhao Dongting after the Dali army retreated.

After looking at each other, Shi Kangsheng said: "Your Majesty, we are almost out of ammunition."

The other generals obviously came here for this matter, and when they saw him speak, they all nodded, "Your Majesty, our army is the same."

Zhao Dongting frowned slightly, looked at Yang Kanglong beside him, and asked, "The latest scout is back?"

Yang Kanglong clasped his hands and said: "Go back to the emperor, you have already returned. But... at this time, the marshal wants to lead the army to the Jiumao Pass, and it may take about an hour."

Zhao Dongting pressed his fingers lightly between his brows, "So, when Zhang Shuai arrives, we still have to resist one or two attacks from these Dali troops."


Shi Kangsheng said: "The artillery shells in our army are already unable to repel even a wave of Dali army's offensive."

Zhao Dongting closed his eyes, deep in thought.

When he opened his eyes again, he obviously made up his mind and said: "The Dali army must have been exhausted after attacking the city. No matter what, they have already fought so far. I can't wait to take down the Nine Mao Pass at this time." I want to give it up."

He looked at Shi Kangsheng and other generals, and said, "There's no need to save shells. When the shells run out, just go up with a knife! Grab the Thunderbolt from the Dali Army and bomb them!"

"The last general takes orders!"

The generals Jian Zhao Dongting said so, so he didn't think about it, and just surrendered.Then they each ran to the army.

At the head and under the city of Jiumao Pass, the shouts of the generals to encourage the soldiers sounded everywhere.

When they ran out of bullets, they fought with knives and guns.

If the sword and gun were broken, even with the teeth, they would have to bite off a piece of flesh from those Dali soldiers.



The soldiers raised their weapons and shouted in unison.

The momentum in Jiumao Pass is still like a rainbow.

Up to now, although the soldiers are tired, but with Zhao Dongting here, their morale has always been kept at a peak state.

The time passed quickly and counted 10 minutes.

Sure enough, there was another drum sound in the Dali army outside the city, and another army formation marched towards the front of the city in unison.

The sound of neat footsteps was like thunder.

Mud and water splash.

But at this moment, Zhao Dongting suddenly smiled slightly.

He turned to Yang Kanglong next to him and said: "Commander Yang, order the troops to pretend that they are not supported, and first let them see some hope of breaking the city."

Yang Kanglong was stunned for a moment, then his eyes burst into light, and he hurriedly ran towards the city.

He already understood Zhao Dongting's plan.

If they show weakness, the Dali army will definitely cherish this opportunity to attack the city.In this way, the Dali army will not launch a second wave of offensive until Zhang Jue leads his army to Jiumao Pass.

After receiving Yang Kanglong's message, the commanders of the regiments in the army showed a little joy on their faces.

Kong Qiangu looked at Zhao Dongting with some emotion, and said: "The emperor is really a genius."

Zhao Dongting shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Senior Kong praised you absurdly. To be honest, I didn't understand these military laws at all before I got seriously ill on Naozhou Island. It was only after I read more military books that I gradually realized that there are actually many military methods in the past. Inadequacies. I just adapt to the situation, and I don’t want to follow those military laws.”

Kong Qiangu chuckled, "It's good to be able to make merit."

As he said that, he turned his head and looked at the west side of Jiumao pass, "Your Majesty, when Zhang Jue's deputy army arrives with the order, we will be able to annihilate this Dali army, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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