Chapter 981
The original Yuan army had more than 2 people in the south camp and more than 2 people in the west camp, with a total of more than [-] people.But not long after, he was still charged and killed by the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty.

So far, the loss of the Yuan army has been quite heavy.

They were rushed away by Zang Bohou's cavalry.

In fact, at this time, if Zang Bohou and Chen Diaoyan continue to lead their troops to fight the Yuan army here, there may not be no hope of winning.

After all, they add up to nearly [-] forbidden troops.With this number, it can even be said that there is a great hope of winning against the [-] Yuan army.

It's just not worth it.

Moreover, if the battle continues, the Jianning Mansion may suffer losses.Furthermore, the armies of the two Yuan battalions in the east and north may not attack the city, but directly attack here.

No one can say for sure.

But if they were really surrounded by more than [-] people from the Yuan army, even if the imperial army of the Song Dynasty were brave and good at fighting, they would be dangerous.

Wen Tianxiang didn't dare to gamble.

Zang Bohou and Chen Diaoyan didn't dare to bet either.

This battle has been fought like this, and it can be regarded as a sweet treat, so there is no need to take such a dangerous risk.

The army all over the mountains approached the city of Jianning Mansion.

Some imperial cavalry rushed across the suspension bridge and ran directly towards the city.

The drawbridge rattled.

Then, the infantry led by Chen Diaoyan rushed out of the suspension bridge.

Zang Bohou led the cavalry behind to resist the pursuit of the Yuan army, and retreated while fighting.

It will take some time for so many soldiers to return to the city from the suspension bridge.After all, it is impossible for the soldiers to fly directly to the top of the city.

But fortunately, there are still the Great Song Imperial Army and the Jianning Mansion garrison on the top of the city.

As the Yuan army pursued them closer and closer, Wen Tianxiang on the top of the city waved his hands and ordered, "Fight!"

There are gunshots.

Arrows fell towards the top of the city.

Hong Tianlei was also thrown out of the city by the artillery cart.

All of these fell into the pursuit of the Yuan army.The loss of soldiers and generals of the Yuan army is nothing to worry about.

This made them gradually dare not approach the city.

Although there are still many people in the army, they can only stand outside the city in embarrassment, watching the Song army gradually pour into the city.

Because, at this time, there was no one in the Yuan army who could command the entire army.And the artillery throwing vehicles of the Song Army at the head of the city were quite powerful.

In the end, all the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty poured into the city.

The Yuan army who came to kill them was shot by the Shenlong musketeers on the top of the city.

There was blood bubbling on the moat.

There are many dead bodies outside the city.

Amidst the creaking sound, the suspension bridge was slowly hoisted again.

The corpse on the bridge rolled down, and then rolled into the moat with a plop, ups and downs.

Some of the Yuan army only dared to stand hundreds of meters away, while others did not dare to enter the city rashly even though they were chasing after them.Watching the suspension bridge being hoisted again, it finally receded like a tide.

The fight in Jianning Mansion is considered to be over.

Chen Diaoyan and others were able to return to the city, but the soldiers from the east and north battalions of the Yuan army did not dare to attack the city again.

Wen Tianxiang watched Yuan's army recede from the top of the city, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

At last, this fight did not develop into the situation he least wanted to see.

Chen Diaoyan's Heavenly Killing Army can come back, this is the best ending.Compared with beheading more yuan troops, Wen Tianxiang hoped that the soldiers under his command would suffer less losses.

Even if Fuzhou is in an emergency, he will never want the soldiers and the Yuan army to consume each other.


The drawbridge is completely closed.

Countless Great Song Forbidden Army gathered under the city.

Then, Chen Diaoyan and Zang Bohou took several generals to the city.

"Military orders!"

Several people stopped in front of Wen Tianxiang and cupped their hands.

Wen Tianxiang turned his head, his eyes fell directly on Chen Diaoyan, his face was full of coldness, "Come here, take Chen Diaoyan down!"

Immediately, guards stepped forward to tie up Chen Diaoyan.

Chen Diaoyan knew it was a matter of disobedience, so he didn't struggle.

From the time when he disobeyed orders, he thought that he would be punished by Wen Tianxiang.Only then, he was willing to take the risk.

Now, it looks like he's barely betting right.

As a general, all he wanted was victory.Even if he was punished, he was willing at this moment.


But Si Zhenguo, Bai Yingwei and others in the Heavenly Killing Army on the side were anxious, and quickly knelt down and said: "Marshal, please show mercy!"

Wen Tianxiang snorted, "He disobeyed orders and disrespected him, what can we do for mercy?"

Then he waved his hand and said: "Tie him up and take him to the confinement room in the army first, and wait for him to be released!"

The guards had no choice but to tie up Chen Diaoyan.

Bai Yingwei, who was kneeling on the ground, was even more anxious when he saw this, and shouted again: "Marshal, the commander's disobedience is to make the last general execute the beheading tactic! The last general begs the marshal for extrajudicial mercy!"

Wen Tianxiang only said: "No matter how big the reason is, disobedience to military orders must be punished!"

Bai Yingwei led the army to attack the Yuan army's central army, which he saw.However, this is really not a reason to let Chen Diaoyan go.

Disobedience is something you cannot get used to.If the matter of Chen Diao's disobedience is perfunctory, there will only be more and more disobedient generals in the army in the future.

Wen Tianxiang, who has been the coach for many years, knows this very well.

Not only had to be held accountable, he even had to punish Chen Diaoyan severely.

Chen Diaoyan probably also knew what Wen Tianxiang was thinking, he only looked at Wen Tianxiang, and did not speak out to refute.Then, he was detained by Wen Tianxiang's personal guards.

Wen Tianxiang glanced at the generals, and said: "Disobedience is disrespectful! It is a capital offense! This commander hopes that you will all take this as a warning in the future, and no one should learn from Chen Diaoyan!"

Hearing this, the generals beside him all changed color.

The military order ordered this to kill Chen Diaoyan?
Even Zang Bohou couldn't hold back at this time, and said: "Military order, Commander Chen made a mistake first, but now the enemy is outside..."

Si Zhenguo also kowtowed to Wen Tianxiang, and said repeatedly: "Military order, the last general, as the Marquis of Duyu, is also responsible for failing to dissuade the commander! Please punish him with the military order!"

He wanted to take the responsibility onto himself and reduce Wen Tianxiang's anger.

Chen Diao's contribution to Da Song is due to his contribution, and everyone is also a general in the army, so no one wants him to be beheaded.


Wen Tianxiang's eyes fell on Si Zhenguo, but he snorted coldly and said, "Of course you are also at fault!"

Then he waved his hand and said, "Left and right, take him down too! Put him in a confinement room and wait for his release!"

The generals were dumbfounded.

No one thought that Wen Tianxiang's anger would be so intense this time.

Soon, Si Zhenguo was also detained.

Guang Yangyan, who was also the deputy commander of the Heavenly Slaughter Army and the commander of the first iron cavalry regiment, had a bitter expression on his face, and cupped his hands and said: "Military order, the last general is also responsible..."

Wen Tianxiang didn't even bother to say anything, he just waved his hands.

Guangyang Yan was also detained.

Seeing him like this, the generals wanted to continue pleading, but at this moment, all the words were stuck in their throats.

Everyone can see that the current military aircraft order is in full swing, and it is useless to ask anyone for mercy.

Fortunately, the military order only locked Chen Diaoyan and the others into a confinement room, that is to say, there is still room for change in this matter.

Because Bai Yingwei is young, but at this moment, he is anxious.He only thought that Wen Tianxiang would kill Chen Diaoyan.

His eyes were red.

His head hit the ground with a bang.

He has followed Chen Diaoyan for more than ten years, and he has long regarded Chen Diaoyan as his elder brother in his heart.

Soon his forehead was splashed with blood on the ground, but he kept saying: "I beg the Marshal to extrajudicially show mercy, the last general... the last general wishes to be punished on behalf of the army commander!"

Many soldiers at the top of the city were moved, even Zang Bohou was the same.

It has to be said that Chen Diaoyan is fortunate to have a subordinate like Bai Yingwei.No matter who Ren is, having such subordinates is something to be proud of.

In the eyes of Zang Bohou and others, Bai Yingwei's actions at this time were a little naive and ridiculous, but they were also admirable.

If Wen Tianxiang hadn't been here, Zang Bohou might have dragged Bai Yingwei up, saying you're such a fool.

Wen Tianxiang really wanted to kill Chen Diaoyan, but he did it just now, how could he be locked up in a confinement room?
Looking at Bai Yingwei, Wen Tianxiang couldn't help but smile across his eyes.Such a general, given time, will surely become a famous general in the Song Dynasty.

He pretended to sigh softly, and said: "What reason do you have for telling me to let Chen Diaoyan go?"

Bai Yingwei said: "Although our army's beheading action failed to kill the commander of the Yuan army, only killed a commander, but this is the fault of the general. The general thinks that the command of the army commander is not at fault."

Wen Tianxiang snorted, "It's a mistake not to obey orders."

Bai Yingwei didn't know what to say, he just said: "If the marshal insists on beheading the commander, the final general is willing to die on behalf of the commander!"

Wen Tianxiang walked away, ignoring Bai Yingwei.

But no one noticed that after Wen Tianxiang turned around, there was a slight smile on the corner of Wen Tianxiang's mouth.

Of course he didn't want to kill Chen Diaoyan, but if there was no reason, he couldn't alert the army under his command.But Bai Yingwei's words just now finally gave him some reasons to spare Chen Diaoyan's life.

Shooting down the banner of the Yuan army, killing the commander-in-chief of the Yuan army, and destroying the middle army of the Yuan army, these military achievements are not low.

(End of this chapter)

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