Chapter 996

"Great joy! Great joy!"

"God bless me Da Song!"

All the ministers were extremely excited for a moment, and some even shed tears.

The death and surrender of the Yuan army in Jiangling Mansion has far-reaching significance, not only affecting the mere Jiangling Mansion.

The Great Song defeated the allied forces of Dali, Xin Song, and Yuan with the power of one country, and it was about to rule the world.

At that time, Lin'an, the old capital, can be regained.

This is the long-cherished wish of these veterans of the Song Dynasty for many years.

But now, this wish is about to come true, who can't be excited?
It took a long time before these ministers could barely suppress the excitement and ecstasy in their hearts.

Su Liuyi hurriedly said: "Empress, the government of Jiangling has been settled, which is of great significance to the entire northern border war. Shall we invite the emperor back to the palace now?"

Le Chan smiled wryly, and said helplessly: "But the emperor went to look for Deputy Zhang and ordered the army, but now even I don't know where he is..."

All the ministers are dumb.

Su Liuyi pondered and said: "Otherwise, we will put up notices in each government to tell the whole world about Jiangling's great victory. In this way, if the emperor sees it, he will definitely rush back to the palace."

Lu Xiufu was also at the side: "This way, it can also make the people of Song Dynasty feel at ease."

Le Chan glanced over all the officials, and seeing no objection, she nodded, "Then let's do it this way!"

After all, she is not good at government affairs or military affairs. Before leaving, Zhao Dongting told her that she should follow the wishes of Lu Xiufu and others in everything.

For Lu Xiufu and others, Zhao Dongting naturally had unquestionable trust.

"The Empress!"

Only at this moment, the eunuch's voice suddenly sounded outside the imperial study, "Eunuch Si Yi, who raised the pigeons, asked to see him, saying that there is an urgent military report!"

Le Chan and all the officials were slightly stunned, and then said: "Come in."

Yi Shiyu gently pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing that all the ministers in the imperial study room were present, the little eunuch, who was favored by the emperor but still remained timid, swallowed his saliva, and then knelt down: "My maidservant kowtows to the empress."

"Be flat!"

Le Chan smiled and said to Yi Shiyu, "Where did the military situation come from?"

Yi Shiyu replied: "It was Deputy Zhang who ordered the letter from the army."

Then he stood up and handed the secret letter to Le Chan.Eunuch Liu took it and spread it in front of Le Chan.

The eyes of all the officials in the imperial study were on the letter.

Just now I was talking about the emperor going out of the palace to find Deputy Zhang Ji Lingjun, but I didn't expect that Zhang Fujun Ji Lingjun received a letter in the blink of an eye.

Le Chan also opened the letter eagerly, and the smile on her face became more and more intense.

Lu Xiufu and the others were so itchy to look at it, they couldn't help asking: "Empress, what did you say in the letter?"

Le Chan smiled and said: "This letter is written by the emperor himself. The emperor has already entered the army of Deputy Zhang. Moreover, they defeated Dali Feng Hebi's army in Jiu Maoai, Chenzhou. The commander of Dali army Feng Hebi and the prince Duan Shi led [-] people to surrender to our court. The emperor and the others plan to go to Jiangling Mansion immediately to support Jiangling Mansion on the battlefield."


"Great joy!"

"God bless me!"

There was another voice like this in the imperial study room.

All the ministers of the Humerus of the Great Song Dynasty seemed to be crazy at this moment, some laughed wildly while crying, and some laughed wildly while crying.

Su Liuyi could bear it so much that he hurriedly said to Le Chan: "Empress, should we send a message to Yuanling, Chenzhou, and ask the county magistrate to rush to Zhang Fujun to report to the army and tell the emperor about the great victory of Jiangling's mansion?" Things?"

Le Chan nodded, "It should be so."

Su Liuyi thought about it, and said: "Not only that. Before the emperor ordered Marshal Yue, Zhao Da, and Zhao Hu to go to Changsha, and also sent two generals Xiao Yulin and Liu Zijun to rush to the battlefield of Jiangling Mansion. Now Jiangling Mansion is Dading. Feng Hebi's army has been broken, and the crisis in the capital has been resolved. I think that the good news should be spread to Marshal Yue and other troops at the same time, so that they don't have to rush to Jiangling Mansion and Changsha."

Le Chan pondered slightly, and said: "For this matter, you should ask the emperor for instructions first!"

Su Liuyi nodded and said nothing more.

He was just suggesting, but he couldn't make up his mind after all.

Soon, there were pigeons soaring into the sky in the palace, heading towards Yuanling, Chenzhou.

Lu Xiufu and others left the palace one after another, all beaming with joy.

Even Su Liuyi, who was furious before, has completely dissipated his previous anger under this series of good news.

Su Quan smashed Yeluzhu's army, which is a great contribution to heaven.With this merit, when he, Wen Tianxiang, and Zhang Jue retire, it will be a certainty to take over the post of Deputy Military Commander.

At that time, Su Quandang can completely take over from him, allowing the Su family to continue to prosper.

Even because of this ecstasy, Su Liuyi felt a little loose about Su Quandang's marriage.

Concubine Yang Shu's bedroom.

Mrs. Su finally saw Concubine Yang Shu after reporting layer by layer.

She only said that Concubine Yang Shu invited her to the palace to reminisce about the old days, which was naturally a lie. The current Concubine Yang Shu devoted herself to cultivating Buddhism and took her grandchildren with her whenever she had nothing to do, but she seldom walked around with the nobles in the court.

After seeing Mrs. Su, Concubine Yang Shu only asked: "Why did Mrs. Su suddenly come into the palace to see me?"

Madam Su saluted and said: "Please forgive me, the Empress Dowager. I have taken the liberty to ask for an audience. I really want to ask the Empress Dowager for something."

Concubine Yang Shu was slightly surprised, "Madam Su, what do you need from me?"

Mrs. Su said: "My nephew Su Quandang wants to marry the maidservant in Zhang Jiedu's mansion on North Jingbei Road. My master is very angry about this matter. As a concubine, I ask the queen mother to persuade my master."

Concubine Yang Shu couldn't help chuckling, "For this matter, you asked the wrong person for me. You should ask the emperor."

Then he suddenly realized something, and said meaningfully: "You want to come to see the empress, right?"

Mrs. Su also laughed, and said: "I can't hide it from the empress dowager. The empress dowager is also from a commoner background. I really want to ask her to persuade my master."

Le Chan became the Queen of the Song Dynasty as a girl of the people, and she is the best representative of flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix.Regarding Su Quandang's matter, Mrs. Su felt that she would support Su Quandang.

She didn't want to see Su Liuyi and Su Quandang arguing over this matter, and she couldn't persuade Su Liuyi, so of course she wanted to ask Le Chan to come out.

Whether you agree with this marriage or not is another matter, she is a woman, so she has to be more emotional.In her mind, Su Quandang is now an adult and holds a high official position, so it's okay for him to decide the marriage.

Concubine Yang Shu nodded when she saw what Madam Su said, "You have really worked hard for Su Quandang. So, I will follow you to the emperor's bedroom to meet the queen. What a good grandson."

Mrs. Su was overjoyed, and said repeatedly: "My concubine, thank you Empress Dowager!"

Then the two of them took all the maids and eunuchs to Zhao Dongting's bedroom.

When they arrived at the bedroom, Le Chan hadn't come back yet.

Concubine Yang Shu cared about teasing Zhao An and Zhao Ru, and almost snubbed Mrs. Su.Fortunately, there are Ying Er, Zhang Ru and other girls by my side, so Madam Su will not be embarrassed.

Now Zhao Dongting's dormitory is getting more and more lively.

It is a certainty that Yuewu will be accepted as a concubine, and even Yunjing has been approved by Zhao Dongting.

The harem sister group is gradually growing.

After a short wait, Le Chan finally came back.

"elder sister."

"elder sister."

Yue Wu, Zhang Ru and other women all shouted like this, seeming very close.

Le Chan doesn't have much empress dignity here, she has a warm smile, and she can't kill many people with her before entering the palace.It's just that the former cool look has been reduced a lot.

She greeted Concubine Yang Shu, exchanged a few pleasantries, then sat with Madam Su at the stone table, and asked, "How does Madam want me to persuade Master Su?"

She just heard about Su Quandang from Concubine Yang Shu.

Mrs. Su said: "The concubine is bold, the empress also entered the palace as a commoner at the beginning. Thinking about how to persuade her, the empress should be more aware than the concubine."

Le Chan nodded lightly, and said with a smile: "But if you can't persuade, then you can't blame Bengong, Madam."

Mrs. Su knew that she was joking, but she also felt a little warm in her heart because of Le Chan's kindness, and said: "I don't dare, I will thank the empress first."

Le Chan smiled and held Mrs. Su's hand, "Then I will go out with you right now. Master Su has just left the imperial study and returned home!"

She has a pure heart, and although she has just become a queen, she also understands how to get closer to these ministers and women.

Zhao Dongting is in charge of the outside, and she is in charge of the inside.It is her responsibility as a queen to establish a good relationship with the families of these imperial relatives and nobles.

The backyard is well controlled, and it also has an extremely positive effect on the stability of the court and China.

(End of this chapter)

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