Chapter 999
Soon, Hasen and other Yuan generals led thousands of Yuan troops to leave the camp and pursue them into the mountains.

Most of Ashu remained in the barracks and continued to clean the battlefield.

This is also something that can't be helped. They had a grain cart destroyed in the fight just now, so they can't leave all the grain here.

Gao Tianzong and Che Hongyu led the people back to the mountain again.

Just after taking a short rest, a scout hurriedly ran up to them and said: "Regimental Commander, thousands of yuan troops have left the camp and entered the mountain!"

Gao Tian stood up suddenly when he heard the words, and said: "Soldiers, collect the dry food. Let's leave here."

Thousands of yuan troops came to pursue them. If they stayed here, they would only be restrained by these yuan troops.And this is obviously a situation that Gao Tianzong doesn't want to face.

All he wanted was to stop Ah Shu's army.

The soldiers silently picked up the scattered packages on the ground and tied them around their waists.

Now the food is enough for them to eat for a while, there are only a lot of brothers, but they will never come back.

There seemed to be a faint smell of robes on these packages.

Gao Tianzong saw that the soldiers were all silent, and shouted: "Soldiers, if we can live, we will continue to live for our brothers. If we die, we will go down to reunite with our brothers. Muwazi has sent our family letter At this time, no matter how afraid we are, might we flee back to Fuzhou City to face our fellow villagers?"

The soldiers were terrified, and they all shouted: "No! No!"

In fact, some people were shaken just now.After all, no matter how elite the army is, it is difficult to maintain a stable morale in such a desperate situation.

Gao Tianzong's simple words made the soldiers firm again.

If you are a deserter, even if you go back alive, you will have no face to face the folks and elders in the city.


Gao Tianzong nodded slightly, waved his hand, and led the crowd to patrol the mountain again.

After all, this place is in Fuzhou. It is not easy for the Yuan army led by Hasen and others to chase them in the deep mountains.

Of course, this will still bring a lot of trouble to Gao Tianzong and the others.

Because Hasen and others are chasing after them, this will greatly reduce their chances of raiding the Ashu army.


Fuzhou City.

The fog had just cleared.

There are continuous large ships of the Yuan army appearing on the inland river outside the city.

Ashu's army was divided into two groups, and now the army on the sea finally arrived outside Fuzhou city first.

Huang Hua and the others looked at the sea with binoculars from the top of the city, their expressions were a little dignified.

At this moment, there are only a few thousand guards in Fuzhou City.Among them, only the [-] soldiers of the Fuzhou garrison military region can be called elite, and the rest are just ordinary defenders.

The normal training of the defenders is much easier than that of the imperial army and the garrison, and their combat effectiveness is of course much lower.

Although there are many people spontaneously helping the army at the top of the city, Fuzhou City will undoubtedly face a fierce battle.

Seeing the Yuan army's naval battleship slowly approaching the shore, Huang Hua ordered and dispatched some troops to the south gate of the city.

After that, he looked towards the east.

The Yuan army likes to use the tactics of outflanking and encircling the siege most. He expected that the Yuan army should divide into two groups.It's just that I don't know what the situation of Gao Tianzong and those people is now.

What can only be inferred is that Gao Tianzong and the others must have encountered the Yuan army.Otherwise, he wouldn't have returned to Fuzhou City until now.

And at this moment, a soldier hurried up to Huang Hua, knelt on one knee and said, "Peacemaker, hundreds of monks want to enter the city through the east gate!"


Huang Hua was slightly surprised: "Where are the monks from?"

The soldier said: "They said they were the monks of Yongquan Temple. And there are some things they want to tell you to comfort you."

"Yongquan Temple..."

Huang Hua frowned and murmured, "Yongquan Temple is in Gushan..."

Immediately afterwards, he walked directly towards the city, "Take me to meet those monks."

More than ten fast horses galloped from the south gate of Fuzhou to the east gate.

When he reached the east gate, Huang Hua went up to the top of the city again, looked at the monks outside the city, and said, "Quickly put down the suspension bridge, and let all the monks come in."

He has been in Fuzhou for some years, and he has also been to Yongquan Temple.Old monk Huizhi was familiar with him.

But now, old monk Huizhi was standing in front of all the monks.It's just that his face looks very tired.

Since they parted from Gao Tianzong's army yesterday, the monks rushed to Fuzhou city overnight.

The suspension bridge at the head of the city was slowly lowered.

Huang Hua went down to the top of the wall.

When the old monk Huizhi led the monks to cross the suspension bridge and enter the city, he walked directly to the corridor, went to the old monk Huizhi, and said: "Master, the Yuan army has arrived at Gushan?"

He only thought that old monk Huizhi and other monks were here to avoid disaster.

But immediately, he saw someone among the monks was injured.

This made Huang Hua frowned, "Master, did the Yuan army actually disturb your Qingxiu?"


The old monk Huizhi bowed to Huang Hua and said: "Peacemaker, please listen to the old monk's slow talk."

Then, he told Gao Tianzong, Che Hongyu and others to hide their troops in Gushan Mountain, but Ashu set fire to the mountain and had to lead the crowd to break through in detail.

"Commander Gao, they only have a thousand soldiers left?"

After listening to the old monk Huizhi, Huang Hua and the soldiers around him suddenly changed their expressions.

This is obviously not good news.

Gao Tianzong and others went out of the city with [-] soldiers, but now there are only so few people left.How could this stop the Yuan army?

Huang Hua's chest rose and fell, he closed his eyes slowly, and said to the general next to him, "Send scouts out of the city to pass the order, let Gao Tianzong and them all come back!"

The general next to him didn't say much, just nodded and hurriedly made arrangements.

No one thinks that Gao Tianzong and others can still complete the task.They stayed outside the city to continue their mission, which was no different from seeking their own death.

The old monk Huizhi and the monks entered the city.

Some scouts left the city.

Huang Hua arranged for people to properly settle the old monk Huizhi and others, and then returned to the south gate.

What surprised him a little was that after the naval warships of the Yuan army docked, they didn't seem to have any plans to come to attack the city.Instead, they started camping not far from the river bank.

But then he wanted to understand the intentions of these Yuan troops.

These Yuan armies must have wanted to wait for the Yuan armies marching from the dry road to arrive here before joining forces to attack Fuzhou City.

After all, although the Yuan army is numerous, it is not easy to break through Fuzhou City with tens of thousands of soldiers.

After all, Fuzhou City is the main residence of Fujian. Not only the city walls are towering, but also the food reserves in the city are sufficient.

Time passed slowly.

On the west side of Gushan, the Yuan army finally cleaned up the battlefield, and the army continued to move towards Fuzhou City.Excluding those who were killed before, and the soldiers led by Hasen and others to chase after Gao Tianzong and others, there were still more than [-] people in Ashu's Yuan army.

The army is marching forward on the official road, so it can be regarded as mighty.

Moreover, in order to prevent Gao Tianzong and others from making a surprise attack again, Ashu also arranged iron cavalry in front of the army and behind the army.This allowed his army to have great mobility during the march.

Gao Tianzong and more than a thousand people trekked through mountains and rivers, led Hasen and other soldiers around in circles, and finally marched westward.

There is still an hour before noon.

They went around to the side of the official road and saw Ashu's army again.

Only at this time, Hasen and the others are still chasing after him.

More than a thousand people shuttled through the mountains, and it was too easy to leave clues for the Yuan army to follow.Not to mention, there are scouts and green forest battalion enshrined in the Yuan army who are good at this kind of thing.

Gao Tianzong and the others stopped in the mountains.

The few remaining generals looked at the Yuan army slowly passing by down the mountain with serious eyes.

Che Hongyu murmured and sighed: "If we rush down the mountain again, it will be difficult for our little people to rush out again."


Gao Tianzong nodded slightly, but said, "What can we do if we don't rush down the mountain?"

Che Hongyu heard some meaning from his words, and said, "I'm not afraid of death. It's just that if we rush down like this, we may not be able to stop the Yuan army for a long time..."

Gao Tianzong, Chang Hongxin and the others couldn't help frowning deeply upon hearing this.

As Che Hongyu said, even if they all gave up their lives.With this amount of troops alone, it is impossible to hinder the Yuan army for too long.

Right now, but is there any way to solve this predicament?
In fact, although no one said this before, everyone naturally thought about this problem when they just traveled through mountains and rivers.It's just that I didn't think of any good way.

At the moment, all the generals are silent.

(End of this chapter)

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