Chapter 1000 Hidden Murder

In fact, Cai Yu also knows something about Guo Jia's affairs, after all, she is engaged in intelligence.

I heard that this guy competed with others for women as soon as he came here, and even set up some kind of auction, the highest bidder won, which made Cai Yu a little bit dumbfounded.

What Skynet does is secret work, and secret work requires keeping a low profile.

But this guy is good, he made a big fuss on the first day, and made Kuai Yue, the No. [-] member of the Kuai family, disgraced.

It was almost a flag that said I was Guo Jia.

Arrogant and domineering, where is this to engage in secret work?
But it's no wonder this guy, he has such a temperament, if someone hits him with a punch, he will definitely return two punches back, and he has to add another kick.

Therefore, it is inevitable that Kuai Yue will be disheartened.


Guo Jia scratched his head helplessly. At first, he was riding a tiger, but Kuai Yue came forward to seek a fight. Wouldn't he be sorry for the audience if he didn't fight?
"Don't worry about the Kuai family. They strongly oppose the alliance. Although I don't know what they have in mind, it may be difficult to convince them."

The overall situation in Jingzhou is in the hands of the four major families.

Among the four major families, the Cai family seems to have taken the side of Yunzhou. Cai Mao is actually Guo Jia's brother-in-law, which somewhat surprises Guo Jia.


Guo Jia suddenly remembered something and asked, "What is the relationship between Cai Mao and your father?"

Cai Mao?

Cai Yu curled her lips and said, "He is the nephew of the late Taiwei Zhang Wen. He was very popular with the old man when he was in the capital. In addition, the Cai family in Xiangyang has some connections with the Cai family of Chenliu. Those who come and go often recognize the old man. Clan uncle. In fact, Zhang Wen's wife wanted to make his nephew famous because of the old man's reputation."

Cai Yu doesn't like or despise this kind of people who are trying to make money.

She was stunned for a moment, and looked at Guo Jia puzzled.

"That bastard won't tell you anything, will he?"

That's it!

Guo Jia suddenly realized.

It seems that this uncle is also very far-fetched.

No no!

Guo Jia waved his hand and said, "I just said that I have some connections with your family, and it will help Yunzhou to form an alliance."

It's a good thing this fellow has a conscience!

Cai Yu snorted.

She has never had much affection for people who were once her favorite.

"With the Cai family helping you, things will be much easier. The four major families are deeply rooted, and perhaps we can find a breakthrough from them."

Cai Yu suggested.

I know!
Guo Jia nodded, and suddenly remembered a question.

At the dinner yesterday, he was already recognized by his teacher Sima Hui, but this teacher is indifferent to fame and fortune, so he probably won't reveal his identity.

"Get ready, let's go see Mr. Shui Jing."

But no matter what, the two parties are also a master-student relationship, and Guo Jia has to pay a special visit to Sima Hui because of love, reason, public and private.

Sima Hui?
Hearing this name, Cai Yu couldn't help shivering.

"You still don't think there is enough trouble, he is your teacher, how can he not recognize you like this?"

The girl complained.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, we've met before, and he has already recognized me."

Hearing this, Cai Yu's face immediately darkened.

The exposure of Guo Jia's identity means that there will be danger at any time. Even if Liu Biao dare not offend Guo Jia, other forces will definitely not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Absolutely not!
Cai Yu grabbed Guo Jia's hand, gritted his teeth and said, "You must stay here!"


A farmhouse outside Xiangyang city.

A big man hurried in, lifted the hat on his head, and revealed a face that was cut like a knife. It was Jiangdong Zhoutai.

He was ordered to sneak into Xiangyang.

"Zhou Tai, how is the situation in the city?"

At this time, a man and a woman greeted them from inside.

The two were naturally Sun Quan and his younger sister Sun Ren, and they also followed Zhou Tai.

"Guo He has been living in the Zuiyue Tower, surrounded by Liu Biao's guards, and there are guards accompanying him when he goes in and out, so it is difficult to attack."

Zhou Tai shook his head.

Liu Biao was also very cautious, because he knew that if something happened to Guo He on his own ground, it would completely offend Guo Jia.

So he dispatched his most elite guards to guard Zuiyue Tower.

"Can you get in and start from the inside?"

Sun Quan suddenly asked a question.


Zhou Tai frowned and said: "Since Guo He lived in Zuiyue Tower, Liu Biao ordered the owner of Zuiyue Tower not to open to the public. I asked two brothers to try to sneak in, but they were immediately driven out."

Sure enough!

Sun Quan also shook his head helplessly.

He also knew that this trip was a bit difficult.

It seems that this matter must be discussed in the long run.

"Men can't get in, what about women?"

Sun Ren, who was silent at the side, suddenly asked.


Hearing these words, Zhou Tai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head vigorously.

"Miss, you must not, you are the body of a thousand gold. You must not go in and take risks. Let's think of his method again."

Time is running out!

Sun Ren snorted coldly: "Seeing that they are about to form an alliance, we must assassinate Guo He before they form an alliance. Otherwise, it will be meaningless."

She suddenly took off her cloak, revealing the perfect curves inside, and said with a smile, "Aren't you worried about my skills?"

Although Sun Ren was a girl, she liked to dance swords since she was a child. She begged her father Sun Jian and elder brother Sun Ce to teach her martial arts.

It can be said that this girl studied under Sun Jian and Sun Ce, and her martial arts are better than Sun Quan. It is not a problem to act as an assassin temporarily.


Sun Quan shook his head again.

"This is my business, I can't let you take risks. I have to go if I want to go."

He was tired of living under the shadow of his father and brother all day long, so he urgently did something to prove that he could do it too.

Come on!
Sun Ren curled his lips and said with a smile: "Even if you get close to Guo He, you may not be able to hurt him. Let me go. I am a woman and I have a natural advantage."


Sun Quan grabbed her arm and said anxiously, "You can't go!"

Sun Ren just glanced at him indifferently, and said, "Second brother, do you still want to live in the shadow of your father and brother?"

Hearing this, Sun Quan trembled and was speechless.

He suddenly understood that his sister did this for him.

If Sun Ren succeeds, the credit will naturally belong to Sun Quan, and Sun Quan will also impress his father and brother in the future.


Sun Quan hesitated for a moment.

There is nothing left!

Sun Ren said domineeringly: "Grandma, I'm Jiangdong's overlord, and it's not easy to deal with Guo He, this trash. Wait for my good news!"

As he spoke, he pulled Zhou Tai's sleeve and left the farmhouse.

This matter must have Zhou Tai's cooperation, otherwise she still cannot complete it alone.

(End of this chapter)

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