Chapter 1015 The Dark Side

After Sima Hui rode away on a donkey, two figures turned around on the side of the road, they were Guo Jia and Cui Zhouping.

In fact, Guo Jia had come a long time ago. Originally, he planned to meet Sima Hui in person, but Cai Yu couldn't resist Cai Yu's objection. For safety reasons, he dressed up as a tiger guard and hid in the dark to observe.

Sima Hui's words and deeds were also seen by him.


Cui Zhouping was puzzled and said, "It can't be Mr.!"

He really couldn't think of why Sima Hui opposed Guo Jia, let alone the teacher-student relationship between the two, even if there was no such relationship, Sima Hui, a wandering cloud and a wild crane, would not interfere with political matters.

There must be some misunderstanding.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia suddenly affirmed: "Before I came here, I also had some doubts, but after seeing him with my own eyes, I suddenly became sure. It must be him!"

How can this be?

Cui Zhouping asked puzzledly.

Why didn't he see any clues.

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said, "If Cai Mao lied about this matter, with the manner of a gentleman, he would not care about it at all. Now he is driving you away, and then left in a hurry, which shows that his heart is disturbed. Going to discuss it with someone. So, he knows about this matter, at least it can't be separated from him. "

As he spoke, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

Maybe I really underestimated this Sima Hui, there must be an unknown secret behind him.

This can't be!

Cui Zhouping still couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe that his husband would do such a thing.

This doesn't match his temperament of being indifferent to fame and wealth!
"I hope not!"

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "Whether it is true or not, we will find out later."

When Mr. Shui Jing left just now, he sent a clever Tiger Guard soldier to follow him.

If Sima Hui went to Wolongzhuang, it would prove that the two of them did it.

After a while, a horse came galloping suddenly.

"It's our people!"

Xu Hu, who was the leader, recognized it immediately.

not good!

He immediately rode up to meet him.

The knight on the horse was lying on his horse, seemingly injured.

The man fell off his horse and opened his mouth to say, "The target suddenly disappeared, and the subordinates were ambushed..."

Then he died of anger.

Xu Hu turned over his body and found two fine short arrows stuck in the back of his heart, hitting the vital point, struggling back here, already exhausted.

There is indeed a problem!
Guo Jia's face immediately darkened.

This man was chasing Sima Hui, and Sima Hui must have found his trail, so he ordered someone to lie in ambush halfway.

It seems that this teacher is really not simple.


Cui Zhouping just widened his eyes, he never dreamed that the teacher would have a dark side.


He was a little overwhelmed.

Guo Jia took a deep breath and said calmly, "Cremate this brother and take the ashes back."

Fallen leaves return to their roots!

These brothers were brought out by him, so he had to take them back. The corpses were inconvenient to transport, so the ashes had to be brought back, which is also a tradition in Yunzhou.

Xu Hu and others cremated him with tears in his eyes and collected the ashes.


Cui Zhouping smiled wryly: "This is really..."

He was suddenly glad that Guo Jia didn't show up, and if Guo Jia showed up, he couldn't tell what would happen.

Guo Jia's face was very gloomy.

Now that Sima Hui recognized him, he still opposed him, there must be a reason for this.

What is the reason?
Can this gentleman tear off his disguise and kill people?


Are you OK!

Back at Zuiyue Tower, Cai Yu rushed forward like crazy.

She has already received news that Guo Jia was attacked.

"It's okay, a brother died!"

Guo Jia said regretfully.

Cai Yu was relieved to see that Guo Jia was not injured.

"I've said it a long time ago, don't take risks yourself, you just don't listen, but fortunately you didn't show up this time, if you show up, I'm afraid it won't be this brother who died."

The girl complained.

Guo Jia's face was also a little ugly.

He never expected that Sima Hui would have a mysterious side.

If it wasn't for Steady not showing up this time, he might really be in danger.

Cai Yu complained a few words, then gritted her teeth suddenly and said, "Come on, assemble my men and destroy Sima Hui and Zhuge Liang."

As he said that, he turned around and was about to go out.

Skynet has been operating here for many years, and it also has a strength that cannot be ignored.

Guo Jia grabbed her again, shook his head and said, "Don't startle the snake!"

Now that it is confirmed that Sima Hui has a problem with Zhuge Liang, the enemy is clear.The next thing to do is to find out who they belong to, and why are they fighting against Yunzhou?
"What are you waiting for, you'll know if you catch him and interrogate him!"

Cai Yu said angrily.

She suddenly cast a sideways glance at Guo Jia, and said with a sneer, "Isn't there one beside you?"

This girl refers to Xiao Hua.

Although it was confirmed that this girl was a spy, it was never clear who sent her, so Guo Jia didn't have a showdown.

Not her!
Guo Jia shook his head.

During this period of time, he also carefully observed this little flower, and found that this girl was not a material for serving people at all, and made a lot of jokes at the beginning.However, she is very smart and learns very quickly, and she has also pretended to be a good model during this time.

Sima Hui must be a thoughtful person who could endure for so many years, and would never send a novice to approach him.

"That's about it, let's open a breakthrough from her body, maybe we can really find some clues."

Cai Yu couldn't wait any longer.

The longer this kind of person stays with Guo Jia, the greater the danger.

Can't move!
Guo Jia grabbed her again, and calmly said, "I'll take care of Xiaohua's affairs, and you can investigate Sima Hui and Zhuge Liang's affairs."

"Why, don't you want to?"

Cai Yu said sarcastically.

From the first day, this girl disliked Xiao Hua.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia suddenly smiled and said, "Have you ever heard of chasing tigers and devouring wolves?"

Last time, Guo Jia used countermeasures to reveal to Xiaohua the news that Kuai's family was an alliance. Not long after, Kuai Yue was assassinated.

Although it was not successful, it showed Xiaohua's purpose.

They also came to destroy the alliance.

Dare to take action against the Kuai family of the four major families, which shows that the power behind this girl is not from Jingzhou.

Since the enemy was hiding in the dark, Guo Jia muddied the water and fished in troubled waters.

This matter is promising.

What do you mean?
Cai Yu asked puzzledly.

Guo Jia suddenly whispered a few words.

Cai Yu suddenly turned from worry to joy, cast a blank look at this guy, and said: "You have a lot of tricks, and this girl is really out of luck to meet you."

Having said that, she also agrees very much that fighting poison with poison is also a good way.

Perhaps such a try will be able to create another situation.

(End of this chapter)

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