Chapter 1035 Four Women in One Drama
When Guo Jia was worrying about how to accommodate the two women, footsteps suddenly sounded outside, and a pretty face appeared in front of Guo Jia.

It was Su Qinglian.

When the two came to Jingzhou together, Guo Jia was in charge of convincing Liu Biao, while Su Qinglian was in charge of building Jingzhou's sales channels.

After Guo Jia used Cai Mao to control the overall situation, Su Qinglian also successfully completed the task.


Seeing Guo Jia surrounded by two beautiful girls, Su Qinglian was startled, then smiled.

Attractive guys attract girls everywhere.

This Guo Jia changed her identity, but she was still able to attract two young girls. It really is a blessing.

"Isn't it time for the concubine to come?"

Su Qinglian pursed her lips and smiled.

She has no feeling for Guo Jia's promiscuous love.

Anyway, it wasn't her outer room that had the headache.

"Which one are you?"

Sun Shangxiang asked with her hips on her hips.

She also felt a little upset, the women around Guo Jia were prettier than the other, and this girl suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart.

Liu Zhu is well-behaved, she has long known that Guo Jia has a wife, and seeing this woman is gentle and elegant, she is incomparable to that barbaric girl Sun Shangxiang.

"Little sister Liu Zhu pays respects to Madam."

Saying that Wei Wei is blessed.

Although she is the daughter of Jingzhou Shepherd Liu Biao, she is indeed a concubine, and she still has to salute when she sees the wife of the wife.

Ha ha!

Su Qinglian smiled slightly, and hurriedly dodged to avoid it.

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

As he spoke, he helped Liu Zhu up.

She is Guo Jia's wife?
Seeing this, Sun Shangxiang was a little dumbfounded.

If this woman is really Guo Jia's wife, wouldn't he offend her with what he said just now?

What if I enter the door, people don't want to see me, what should I do if I wear small shoes for myself?

Thinking of this, Sun Shangxiang was a little apprehensive, and bit the bullet to congratulate her.

"Little sister, Sun Ren, has seen Madam."

She also thought that Su Qinglian was Guo Jia's wife.

Ha ha!

Su Qinglian looked at the two of them from side to side, then suddenly said with a smile: "You two sisters, his wife is someone else, so I don't dare to be a concubine."

Even so, she was still very happy in her heart.

She enjoyed Cai Yan's treatment in vain, and she was still very satisfied.

you are not?
Hearing Su Qinglian say this, the second daughter was a little surprised, but hearing Su Qinglian claiming that she was a concubine, she was probably also his woman.

Sun Shangxiang suddenly felt a little upset.

How many women does Guo Jia have?
If I followed him, wouldn't I have to queue outside the door?
She is the daughter of Sun Polu, so all the aristocratic families in Jiangdong rushed to the Sun's family to propose marriage?

"Qing Lian, you came just in time!"

Guo Jia breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'll leave the two of them to you. I'm going to Jiangdong for a while."

He didn't have time to explain the issue of the two women.

Go to Koto?
Hearing what Guo Jia said, Su Qinglian couldn't help being startled.

"Your identity has been exposed. Wouldn't it be bad luck to go to Jiangdong this time?"

At least Sun Quan already knew Guo Jia's true identity, otherwise he would not have dared to advocate cooperation with Guo Jia.

Guo Jia smiled lightly, and said, "Three of the four great families in Jingzhou support Huang Zu. I'm afraid Sun Jian is not their opponent."

If Sun Jian was defeated, Jiangdong would inevitably retreat, and Cai Mao's power would be lost.

So in any case, keeping Sun Jian is equivalent to keeping Cai Mao, and keeping Cai Mao is also keeping Yunzhou's interests in Jingzhou.


Su Qinglian hesitated for a moment, just as she was about to say something, another beautiful figure hurried in, it was Cai Yu.

She said anxiously: "It's not good, the latest news has come, Zhuge Liang has gone to Jiangdong and is in contact with Sun Jian..."

As soon as the words fell, her eyes were immediately attracted by Liu Zhu in the room.

She naturally knew Sun Shangxiang and Su Qinglian, but where did this Liu Zhu come from?

"I've seen Mrs.!"

This time, Sun Shangxiang reacted quickly, and blessed Liu Zhu before he did.

She also has her own thoughts. Listening to Guo Jia's tone of voice, she trusts Su Qinglian very much. I'm afraid it will be impossible to compete with Su Qinglian. Although this Liu Zhu is a newcomer, she has already made a name for herself with Guo Jia. .If you want to compete for favor, you can only start with Liu Zhu.

That's why she acted first, and the purpose was also to make a good impression in front of the wife.


Cai Yu froze for a moment, then a half-smile appeared on his face.

Of course she likes being called that.

It's a pity that there is a sister on top.It may be very difficult for her to be in charge in her life.

Met the lady!

Liu Zhu also stood up, but Sun Ren took the lead, which made the girl a little depressed.

Ha ha!

Cai Yu suddenly looked sideways at Guo Jia, and said with a smile, "Did you see that these two girls call me Madam?"

Guo Jia shook his head helplessly.

In fact, in this regard, he owed Cai Yu the most.

"Here, you can call it that!"

Cai Yu was also polite, and said solemnly: "However, don't call me that when you get back. After all, he is just my brother-in-law."

Sun Ren and Liu Zhu were dumbfounded again.

Neither is this?
God, how many women are there in this guy?


Guo Jia coughed hastily, and said, "You mean Zhuge Liang went to Jiangdong?"

The current atmosphere is very awkward, he wants to change the subject.

Not bad!

Cai Yu nodded and said, "According to the news from Jiangdong, Zhuge Liang has already contacted his elder brother Zhuge Jin, intending to make peace with Sun Jian?"

Make peace with my father?

Sun Ren was suddenly a little puzzled, and said, "Who is Zhuge Liang? Who is he representing to make peace? Don't you plan to let Jiangdong take down Jiangxia? You are breaking your faith!"

The girl said with some displeasure.

Ha ha!

Cai Yu smiled lightly and said, "You are wrong, we have not betrayed our faith, Zhuge Liang supports Huang Zu, and Huang Zu is the one your Sun family urgently needs to get rid of."

Sun Shangxiang hurriedly said: "You let me go, I will convince my father, Jiangxia is a place that our Sun family must win, and we will definitely not make peace with them."

She suddenly grabbed Guo Jia's sleeves, and begged, "Please, just let me go. After all, we can't do it like this, we still need his help."

Hearing what Sun Shangxiang said, Su Qinglian and Cai Yu immediately became vigilant, and the eyes of the four major groups stopped on Guo Jia.

This bastard is fine, but he dared to steal the forbidden fruit, and he would die.

Su Qinglian was upset.

If you want to make out with something, you should give it to me first, but it was a mistake to be snatched by a little girl.

Cai Yu was also a little upset.

The two were more worried about Guo Jia's body.

During the period of abstinence, he actually dared to mess around, but he was really desperate for sex.

Isn't that the case?

Guo Jia immediately explained.

why not?

Sun Shangxiang wept and said: "We are already husband and wife, how can we meet people in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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