Chapter 1054
As soon as Wang Yue came forward, Cheng Pu, as a junior, was naturally unwilling to make things difficult any longer. No one is an opponent of the Juggernaut alone, so he had to give up.

Sun Jian and Guo Jia also stood up at the right time and stopped the competition.

Both sides have their own winners and losers, and it can be regarded as a draw.

It was getting late at this time, Sun Jian immediately asked Guo Jia to go down to rest.


"My lord, something is wrong!"

As soon as he got back to the tent, Mrs. Wu greeted him.

what happened?
Sun Jian looked at his wife puzzled.

Everything is going well, and the two sides have reached an agreement, how could it be bad again?

Mrs. Wu immediately told about the fact that Sun Shangxiang was not pregnant.

Hearing this, Sun Jian was also a little dumbfounded.

The reason why they form an alliance with confidence is because Sun Shangxiang is pregnant.

Once this girl gave birth to a son and a half daughter to Guo Jia, the relationship between the two parties would become more stable.

"you sure?"

Sun Jian couldn't believe his ears.

"Hey, it's already this time, is this concubine still talking nonsense?"

Mrs. Wu resentfully said: "Don't you know what kind of virtue your precious daughter is? She didn't even figure out the intercourse, where did she get pregnant?"


Sun Jian couldn't help but also scratched his head.

For this daughter, he is also a bit big headed.

After a long time of trouble, it turned out to be a big oolong!
"What I'm worried about is, does this Guo Jia have other plans?"

Mrs. Wu was not stupid enough to tell Sun Jian as soon as she realized that something was wrong.


Sun Jian pondered for a while, and felt that the cooperation between the two parties was mutually beneficial, and even if there was no such problem as Sun Shangxiang, there would be no mistakes.

"Well, let's arrange them to live together tonight and see if there is any difference? If there is nothing strange, there is no need to make a fuss."

The daughter has already married Guo Jia, and the marriage was bestowed by the current emperor. This title has been determined, and there is nothing to worry about.

we can only do this?

Mrs. Wu nodded secretly.

But she was still a little uneasy.


Sun Jian seemed to think of something again, and complained: "You are also negligent as a mother. When your daughter grows up, you should teach her the rules. What's the point of being crazy all day long?"

Among the several children, he was most worried about this daughter.

It's okay to be at home before, but now that she's married to someone else, if any jokes are caused, the Sun family will also lose face.

Do you have the nerve to finish?
Mrs. Wu was a little upset, snorted, and said: "I have already told her not to learn martial arts, and not to hang out with those boys. You just don't listen, and you still talk about generals, how can you not learn some martial arts?" Get close? This is the end, my daughter has become a tomboy, and you still blame me."

Speaking of Sun Shangxiang, Mrs. Wu was also full of grievances.

If it wasn't for Sun Jian's pampering, how could this girl become like this?

alright, alright!

Seeing that his wife was angry, Sun Jian hastily said a few words of relief.

"Yes, yes, blame me, blame me. I shouldn't be spoiling this girl, I will definitely talk to her properly later on."

Sun Jian had only such a daughter, so he naturally doted on her very much, so this girl became domineering.

In Jiangdong, this girl is basically walking sideways, and anyone should show some face.

Which of the family's children has not been bullied by her?

Sun Jian was also worried about how this girl would get married in the future.

It's better now, this girl will marry someone overnight, and she will marry Guo Jia, the great general of the dynasty.

Seeing what her husband said, Mrs. Wu gave up.

She was going back to make arrangements.


At this moment, Sun Jian suddenly asked, "What do you think of this kid Zhongmou?"


Mrs. Wu was stunned for a moment, and said: "He is an obedient child. Although he failed to go to Jingzhou this time, the starting point was also for Jiangdong, and he didn't cause any losses. You don't need to punish him."

She thought that Sun Jian wanted to punish Sun Quan, so she asked Sun Quan for mercy.

I did not punish him!

Sun Jian shook his head and narrowed his eyes.

For Sun Quan, he has always remained in the impression of being respectful to himself, meticulous in doing things, and loving his younger brothers and sisters.

However, Sun Quan's performance during this period made Sun Jian feel refreshed.

Madam Wu was relieved to hear that Sun Jian did not punish Sun Quan.

Among several children, Sun Quan is her favorite.

Because Sun Quan was obedient and acted steadily.

"By the way, husband, I think Zhongmou is not young anymore, and it's time for him to exercise."

Mrs. Wu said in Sun Jian's ear.

Mrs. Wu is very clear about Sun Quan's thoughts, and she also intends to help him.

Sun Jian nodded.

The eldest son, Sun Ce, marched and fought with him at the age of 15. Although Sun Quan's martial arts skills were not as good as his elder brother's, he had a calm personality and vision.

At that time, Sun Ce will be outside, Sun Quan will be inside, and the brothers will join hands to make the Sun family flourish.

Thinking of this, Sun Jian couldn't help showing a smile.

Not bad!

Sun Jian said slowly: "It's time for Zhongmou to go out and practice."

If you don't cut jade, you can't make it into a tool, and if you don't learn it, you don't know it.

He intends to train this son to become an independent existence.

Before that...

Sun Jian paused, and said, "It's better to find him a marriage first."

Self-cultivation, family order, rule the country and the world.

This is the inheritance of the Han people.

Now that Sun Quan has reached his age, it is time to start a family and start a business.

"Now there is Mrs. Xie, the daughter of Shang Shulang Xie Yu. She is gentle, courteous and modest. She is a good match for Zhongmou. As long as the husband nods, the concubine will go back to make arrangements."

Mrs. Wu already had a draft.

Not bad!

Sun Jian nodded in satisfaction.

He has also heard about this Mrs. Xie. After being a scholar, he can also be regarded as Zhou Zheng.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to Madam!"

Sun Jian exhorted.

Husband don't worry!

Mrs. Wu smiled and agreed.

Watching your children get married is the happiest thing about being a mother.

"there's one more thing?"

Sun Jian seemed to think of something again: "Although Shang Xiang got married according to the order, our Sun family can't just marry our daughter in such a muddle-headed way. You go back and prepare for a grand wedding for your daughter. Marrying a son and marrying a daughter, we The Sun family can be regarded as a double blessing."

He got up and took a few steps, and said: "At that time, Bo Fu and I will take time to go back, but we can't stay for a long time, everything will still be handled by Madam and your younger brother Wu Jing."

After all, Mrs. Wu is a woman, and sometimes it is not convenient to come forward.

Wu Jing was the prefect of Jianye and Sun Jian's brother-in-law, so it was appropriate for him to come forward in this matter.

I understand!

Mrs. Wu immediately beamed with joy.

It's still my husband who is thoughtful, and entrusting such a big matter to the Wu family is also a respect for the Wu family.

Their brothers and sisters will definitely do well, and there will be no mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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