Chapter 1065

"Sun Quan pays homage to Mr. Guo!"

Above the hall, Sun Quan bowed respectfully to Guo Jia.

Although he is Sun Shangxiang's elder brother and Guo Jia has become his prospective brother-in-law, Guo Jia should worship Sun Quan first.

But Sun Shangxiang is just Guo Jia's concubine, concubine and wife are two different things.

The concubine's natal family does not enjoy the treatment of the wife's natal family.

Besides, in terms of official position, Guo Jia is already a great general of the dynasty, and Sun Quan is just a scholar, the difference between the two sides is too far.

So it is normal to worship Guo Jia.

Not only Sun Quan, but even Sun Jian now wants to worship Guo Jia when he sees him.

Of course, worship in this era is nothing more than bowing hands, not kneeling.

Zhongmou is polite!
Guo Jia hurriedly helped Sun Quan up.

He is still very interested in this brother-in-law.

Among the Sun family, only this Sun Quan was considered a real figure.

Sun Quan must have come up with this Ruanxiang strategy.

The two sat down as the guest of honor.

"Jiangdong is located in a remote place, not as prosperous as the Central Plains, and the hospitality is not good. I hope you will forgive me."

Sun Quan said hypocritically.

where where?

Guo Jia also smiled and said: "Very good, very good, you feel at home!"

Beauty tricks are useless to the current Guo Jia. Guo Jia also accepts all the maids sent by Sun Quan. If she can't use them herself, she gives them to the soldiers of the Tiger Guards.

Happy birthday to both parties!

In fact, he also knew that the marriage was approaching, and as long as the two married, Guo Jia would return to Yunzhou, even if Sun Quan wanted to stop it, he couldn't stop it.

He wanted to see what tricks this brother-in-law had.

Ha ha!

Sun Quan smiled, looked left and right, and said, "I wonder if you are satisfied with these maids?"

He spent a lot of money to get a lot of beauties, and sent them all to serve Guo Jia.

It's okay, it's okay!
Guo Jia also made a haha.

Anyway, comers are welcome.

Sun Quan saw that Guo Jia was full of energy without any signs of fatigue, and secretly doubted in his heart.

Could it be that Zuo Ci fooled himself, why did Guo Jian accept so many beauties without any discomfort at all?
He suddenly became suspicious and stood up immediately.

"Sir, please wait a moment, Zhongmou suddenly has a stomachache, come and go."

go Go!
Guo Jia smiled faintly, and waved away Sun Quan.

The ancients called going to the toilet as changing clothes.

It was fake for Sun Quan to go to the bathroom, so he took the opportunity to ask the maids for the truth.

"You have been in the mansion for a few days, has Mr. Guo favored you?"

He grabbed the hand of a maid outside and asked.

The maid shook her head.

Although they had been here for a long time, Guo Jia really didn't favor them, so these women felt a little resentful and turned to hook up with Guo Jia's guards.

Sun Quan asked several questions in a row and got a unified answer, and he immediately understood in his heart.

This Guo Jia is really cautious.


There was a flash of sternness on his face.

This time I'm afraid you are doomed.

Sun Quan put his hand into his sleeve, and put two pieces of incense inside, which Zuo Ci gave him.It is said that it has an aphrodisiac effect, as long as a man smells it, he will be unable to help but sing every night.

Originally, Sun Quan didn't intend to use this sharp weapon, but now, he didn't dare to hide it anymore.

"Put these two pieces of incense away and light them when Guo Jia falls asleep."

Sun Quan handed the incense to a maid and said.

The maid nodded.

Although she didn't know what Sun Quan gave, the Sun family was their master, and they had to complete what the master asked.

very good!

After doing this, Sun Quan said goodbye soon.

What he wants to see most now is Guo Jia's death in another hospital.


Night owls come into the house and come for nothing!

Looking at Sun Quan's back, Guo Jia snorted.

It seems that something is not quite right!
Why did Sun Quan have some intentions against himself?
Could it be because he was upset that he married his sister?

Guo Jia couldn't figure it out.

But Sun Jian has already agreed to the matter between them, a Sun Quan is not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia couldn't help stretching and went back to the room.

I'm going!

When he saw the situation in the room, he couldn't help being startled.

Violent demolition?
He remembered that it was fine when he came here, how could it become like this after a while?
Is there really any reason for this?
Just then, there was a noise outside.

Guo Jia hurriedly chased him out, but found that Xu Hu and Qiu Ju were entangled in the grass. He grabbed Qiu Ju's hair, and Qiu Ju didn't know which part of him he was holding.

I say you...

Guo Jia suddenly felt helpless.

"What's going on?"

He was a little dumbfounded.

It's just gone out for a while, and the two live treasures have already demolished the house. If they go out for a long time, what will happen?
"Sir, don't worry about it, this is my grievance with this bastard..."

Qiu Ju said through gritted teeth.

After all, a woman is a woman, so she beat her hard and used all kinds of tricks.

At this moment, Xu Hu's face was slashed, and he was naturally scratched by Qiu Ju.


Xu Hu said angrily: "This girl is unreasonable. I'm just telling the truth, and she's impatient with me. I'm going to teach her a lesson today, and let her know what it means to be a master who pees standing up."

Still peeing standing up!

Qiu Ju sneered and said, "Do you believe that I let you enter the palace to serve the emperor?"

She caught Xu Hu's vitals!

You are ruthless!
Xu Hu's face changed miserably again, and he said: "If you are capable, don't catch people."

Qiu Ju's hair was entangled in Xu Hu's hands, and it was difficult to hold her head up.

"Whoever told you bastard to pull my hair, my wife's hair, I will make you a eunuch."

Xu Hu was also angry: "If you don't scratch my face, how can I pull your hair?"

He also pulled her hair after being scratched by Qiu Ju.

Seeing that the two were still chattering, Guo Jia became a little impatient.

"I said, two, it's not a solution to waste it like this. Can you give me a face, can everyone let go?"

In fact, the two have worked very hard.Guo Jia's proposal moved them a lot.

"You let go first!"

Qiu Ju said to Xu Hu.

"You let go first!"

Xu Hu is not to be outdone.

'I am a woman!'
Qiu Ju did not back down.

"What's wrong with women? It's really rare for a woman to do what you do!"

Xu Hu retorted.

You bastard!
Qiu Ju was annoyed again, and worked harder.

Xu Hu's face turned pale again, and his subordinates twisted it a few times!


Qiu Ju's hair also hurt from being strangled.


Guo Jia hastily stopped the two subordinates who were about to commit suicide.

"I'll count one, two, three, how about letting go together?"

The two could only nod their heads.

it is good!
Guo Jia shouted: "One, two, three, let go!"

Both of them let go, then took a few steps back, leaving a safe distance, and then stood up.

Qiu Ju snorted, tidied up briefly, and said something, which was not too big.Then walk away!

Xu Hu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He was actually despised by a woman, but it's really unreasonable!
(End of this chapter)

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