Chapter 1081 Sun Quan Returns
No matter how Guo Jia persuaded her, Diao Chan just refused to agree. She would rather be a maid than any title.

Guo Jia had no choice but to follow her.

Anyway, in the general's mansion, no one would use Diao Chan as a maidservant.

Looking at Diao Chan under the moon, she is as beautiful as jade. If it were normal, Guo Jia would definitely spend some time with Diao Chan. Unfortunately, he is not in any mood now.

The little overlord Sun Ce died in battle.

The whole courtyard was filled with Sun Shangxiang's grief-stricken cries.

Someone is bound to lose sleep tonight.


"My son!"

Mrs. Wu was distraught.Mrs. Sun on the side was crying even more faintly.

Sun Ce is only in his 20s, and the two have only been married for three years, and they have no children yet. Now it is true that Yin and Yang are separated.

Sun Jian was also in tears.

The eldest son Sun Ce has always been his right-hand man, but now he is broken in Huang Zu's hands, and he is sent to a white-haired man to a black-haired man.

Old thief Huang Zu, my grandson family is at odds with you!

Sun Jian cut off the corner of the table angrily. The hatred of killing his son was irreconcilable, and he must smash Huang Zu's body into thousands of pieces.

"Come here, prepare to send troops, I want to fight to the death with the old thief Huang Zu."

He had been carried away by anger.


Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and Han stood up as a group of veterans.

"Now that Bo Fu has died in battle, the morale of the army has been shaken. It is not appropriate to fight again. It is better to take it easy."

Desperate for quick success, Sun Ce chased after Huang Zu on Qingqi, and was ambushed. Not only died, but also captured the only cavalry in Jiangdong.

As a result, the Jiangdong Army lost its land mobility.

Without the cooperation of the army, it would be very difficult for the navy to take down Jiangxia's water village.

Therefore, these experienced generals dissuaded Sun Jian from sending troops for the time being.

Are you afraid?
Sun Jian stared at these veteran generals.

These three people followed him all the way to Jiangdong.


Cheng Pu cupped his fists and said, "We know that our lord is eager for revenge, but in the battle of Hulukou, the Jiangdong army lost all their cavalry. Without cavalry, we lost the initiative on land. Even if we attack the water village with all our strength now, the water village Land assistance is coming in a steady stream, we are bound to fall into a bitter battle, I hope the lord think twice."

Not bad!

Huang Gai also stood up.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. This time the attack is unfavorable. We can wait for a while. When the new cavalry is ready to go to the battlefield and cut off the aid from the water village, it will not be too late for us to attack Jiangxia."

Although Han Dang didn't speak, he also stood in front of Huang Gai. He also supported the idea of ​​suspending the attack.


Sun Jian said angrily, "It was your son who died, so of course you are not in a hurry?"

The one who died was the little overlord Sun Ce, that was Sun Jian's favorite son, how could he not be in a hurry?

Li Su, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said: "The matter has already happened, even if my elder brother cut Huang Zu into pieces, he would not be able to bring Bofu back to life. Besides, we are all very sad about Bofu's death. Brother, don't be blinded by hatred." , Attacking Jiangxia still needs a long-term plan."

Seeing that his three confidantes and his half-brother all objected, Sun Jian could only let out a long sigh.

He also knew that what he said just now was a bit too much, so he said sadly: "I am saddened by Bo Fu's death, I am in a daze, there are many inappropriate words, everyone don't take it to heart."

Everyone looked at each other and nodded slowly.

They could also understand Sun Jian's suffering, so they didn't say anything.

Just then, there was a burst of crying outside.

"Brother, why did you leave?"

A young man stumbled in with a sad face, it was Sun Quan.

He had just arrived in the land of Shanyue, and before his butt was warmed up, he heard the sad news from Jianye City that Sun Ce had died in battle.

Without saying a word, Sun Quan rushed back without stopping. He wanted to pay tribute to his elder brother.

Seeing Sun Quan approaching, Sun Jian's face immediately turned ashen, stood up immediately, and kicked Sun Quan to the ground.

"You bastard, do you still have the face to come back?"

Although he and Mrs. Wu tried every means to hide their shame, there were still many people who saw Sun Quan's ugly appearance at that time. There were so many people talking about it, so there was no secret.

Not long after Sun Quan was demoted, Sun Ce found out about it. At that time, he was furious, and he wished he could go to Sun Quan to find out.

He treated these younger brothers and sisters very sincerely, and almost showed them his heart, why Sun Quan would do such things that were inferior to animals.

It's just that Sun Quan was far away from Jianye City because of military affairs, and Sun Ce had to suffer from being dumb and depressed all the time. Perhaps this was another reason for his death in battle.

So Sun Jian became angry when he saw Sun Quan. If it wasn't for the scandal caused by this guy, how could Sun Ce fall into Huang Zu's trap in a trance.


Sun Quan hugged Sun Jian's leg in a hurry, and said sadly, "My son made a big mistake, I'm sorry big brother, I'm willing to lead the dead to attack Jiangxia water village, and kill Huang Zu to avenge big brother."

He was indeed sorry for Sun Ce, although it was Guo Jia's scheme.

As soon as the incident of bullying his sister-in-law happened, Sun Quan couldn't hold his head up in Jianye.

Sun Jian said angrily.


Cheng Pu and others stood up again.

"The eldest son has already gone, even if the lord punishes the second son, it will not help, let him give him a chance!"


Li Su also persuaded: "The second son is also the master's own flesh and blood, even if there is anything wrong, it is all over."

Once Sun Ce died, the only one the Sun family could get out was Sun Quan. This second son was more stable than his elder brother from the young faction, and was deeply loved by the elder faction.

"Tell me, how do you want to avenge your brother?"

Sun Jian also snorted, and no longer held Sun Quan accountable.

After all, his hands and backs were full of flesh. Even if Sun Quan misbehaved, he was still his son. With the eldest son gone, he couldn't force the second son to death, right?

"Father, all uncles and generals!"

Sun Quan took a deep breath and said, "Huang Zu had the Jingzhou clan as his backing, and our attack on Jiangxia is actually an enemy of the Jingzhou clan. In my view, instead of forcing them to deal with Jiangdong together, it is better to divide them and let them fight among themselves. We'll break it down one by one."

This time, he also came prepared.

How to break each one?

Hearing this, Sun Jian was slightly moved.

It was indeed a little reckless to march into Jiangxia last time, otherwise Sun Ce would not have been damaged.

"The enemy of the three surnames in Xiangyang is Cai Hao from Xiangyang. Jiangxia is their last stronghold. If we attack Jiangxia with all our strength, we will definitely let them form a group to deal with Jiangdong. If we temporarily suspend our troops and stop putting pressure on Jiangxia, they will definitely turn around To deal with Cai Mao. The other three families have their own plans, and they will not form a consensus. When they are both defeated, it will be the time for us to attack Jingzhou."

Sun Quan said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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