Chapter 1085 Attacking Liaodong
Reminded by Jia Xu, Guo Jia started to fight back.

He ordered Cai Yu, who was still active in Jingzhou, to spread two news, one was that the three surnames in Jingzhou intended to replace Huang Zu, and the other was that Sun Quan colluded with Huang Zu to kill his own brother.

Skynet's operation for several years has already penetrated all corners of Jiangnan, and soon the news became more and more intense.

First, Huang Zu delayed his preparations to attack Xiangyang, and people became more cautious.

The three surnames didn't get along well with him in the first place, but now they suddenly help him desperately, there must be a conspiracy behind it.

He also didn't want to be taken advantage of in vain.

Sun Jian also summoned Sun Quan to his side again, and he already had some doubts.

Huang Zu was originally a reckless person, how could he kill his wise and brave eldest son Sun Ce in a single battle?
It would make sense if Sun Quan secretly passed the song, after all, Sun Ce is dead, and Sun Quan will benefit the most.

Since there are rumors everywhere, it is not groundless, and Sun Jian will not plan to reuse Sun Quan until the investigation is clear.

In this way, Huang Zu was cautious, Sun Quan cut power, and Xiangyang was saved.

Cai Mao was overjoyed, and hurried to eliminate the three undercover agents of Pang, Huang, and Kuai in the army.

For a while, the relationship between Jingzhou and Jiangdong stabilized temporarily.


Spring goes and autumn comes, and another year has passed.

Through Jia Xu's efforts, the reform of Yunzhou's military system has been completely completed, and the formation of the Jizhou Navy has also been completed.

Guo Jia devoted all he had to building four new sea-going ships, forty building ships and nearly a thousand small boats, creating a naval force of 2 people.

The combat effectiveness of the navy has initially formed.

After the formation of the navy, Guo Jia's first thing was to attack Liaodong.

In the past, Liaodong County, where Gongsun Du was located, was easy to defend and difficult to attack. A frontal attack with troops would inevitably cause heavy losses. But with the navy, it is different. A team can be sent to detour into the enemy's interior to destroy it.

This is also the reason why Guo Jia has not fought Liaodong for a long time. He is waiting for the progress of the navy.

Once the water army is completed, it is the time to attack Liaodong.

All the soldiers were gearing up, especially Xu Rong, who had already prepared the coffin.

If Gongsundu is not eliminated this time, he will not return to Yunzhou.

"My lord, Xu Rong is willing to be the vanguard!"

Wearing filial piety clothes, Xu Rong said solemnly.

Gongsun Du is an ungrateful villain. At the beginning, the Xu family supported him as the prefect, but now his wings are hardened. Not to mention betraying Yunzhou, he even wiped out Xu Rong's clan.

Naturally, Xu Rong couldn't swallow this breath. He had long wanted to lead an army to fight Liaodong, but Guo Jia had been holding back, and now the opportunity finally came.

Guo Jia nodded, and said: "General Xu, don't be impatient, you can't be a pioneer this time."

He already has calculations.

Xu Rong was a little puzzled. He was from Liaodong, and the Xu family was also a local big family. Although it had been wiped out by Gongsun Du, it was still deeply rooted and had a certain mass base.

The pioneer is none other than him.

"Guan Yu!"

Guo Jia ignored Xu Rong and started ordering generals.

The end will be here!
Guan Erye immediately stood up.

"Soldiers are precious and fast. This time, in the battle of Liaodong, this general thought he would lead [-] cavalry as the vanguard, opening roads across mountains and building bridges across water."

Guan Yu didn't expect Guo Jia to be the first to order his general, and he was very happy at the moment.

Speaking of which, during this period of time, he has been idle in Yunzhou, and now he can be regarded as having made it through.

"A certain family will definitely live up to the lord's entrustment."

Guan Yu clasped his fists and said.

Xu Rong on the side said angrily: "Chang Yun, why don't we change?"

He's the main character, okay?

Guan Er said cheerfully: "This won't work, the military order is like a mountain, since the lord has ordered a certain family's vanguard, the certain family will do their part."

Is he still idle?
After finally getting a job as a pioneer, how could he give it up to others?
Zhang Liao!

Guo Jia's eyes turned to Zhang Liao.

Subordinates are here!
Zhang Liao also stood up.

"I make you a general of the infantry, commanding [-] infantry as the main force to attack Liaodong."

Guo Jia ordered.

Zhang Liao clasped his fists together.

He is both wise and brave, and he commands the infantry quite well.

"Zhao Dahammer!"

Guo Jia called a name.

The subordinates are here!
Zhao Dachui also walked out with great strides.

Although the number of artillerymen is small, they are the treasures of Yunzhou, and Zhao Dachui is also the commander of the first battalion.

"There are many mountains in Liaodong, and the bronze artillery is inconvenient to transport, so we don't carry it. This time, we mainly use projectile artillery vehicles. Your artillery will send 1000 troops and act together with the large army."

Zhao Dahammer cupped his fists.

Since he became the commander of the artillery, this guy feels that he should have the majesty of a commander, so there are much fewer things to pretend to be.

From then on, there was one less fun in the Praetorian Guard.

"This time there is also the naval army. The naval army is in Jizhou at the moment and can set off at any time."

Guo Jia explained.

To attack Liaodong, the navy is indispensable. The reason why he endured it for so long is to wait for the navy to appear.


Xu Rong was a little dumbfounded.

The horse infantry, artillery and sailors are all in place, so there is nothing wrong with him at all.

Could it be that the lord doesn't intend to let himself participate?
Is that okay?

After all, I want revenge.

"Xu Rong!"

Guo Jia finally mentioned the name.

Subordinates are here!
Hearing this, hope rose again in Xu Rong's heart, and he trotted to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said: "This time, the general plans to attack from two fronts, using horse infantry to attack from the front of Liaodong. Using water troops to cross the Bohai Sea, marching into Lelang Xuantu, breaking Gongsun Du's position. This is a battle behind the enemy. We need someone who is familiar with the geography of Liaodong to lead the team, and with the cooperation of water and land, Gongsun Du will definitely be able to fight. So this person must be General Xu. I order you to lead [-] forest infantry, and cooperate with the water army to attack Le Lang Xuan Tu."

Hearing Guo Jia's arrangement, Xu Rong was overjoyed, and only then did he know that Guo Jia hadn't forgotten himself.

"Don't worry, General!"

Xu Rong vowed: "I will definitely make Gongsun Du, a thief, pay the price."

A cold light flashed across his eyes. Once Liaodong was captured, he would definitely destroy the Gongsundu clan.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

"Changshi Jiaxu is the military adviser, and the governor Xizhong is the general logistics supply. Huang Zhong, Guan Hai, and Ju Yi each lead their troops, and the rest of the generals stay in Yunzhou. This time, the general will personally conquer Liaodong."

Guo Jia said solemnly.

It has been a long time since Yunzhou has fought, and he, the general, is getting impatient.

The old fox's military reform is okay, but he doesn't know how effective it will be. Taking advantage of this opportunity to conquer Liaodong, Guo Jia wants to test the effectiveness of this military system.

All civil servants suddenly heard that Guo Jia was going to conquer Liaodong, and couldn't help but look at each other.

Gongsundu is only a corner of the country, tens of thousands of people, sending a general to conquer him is already a great deal of face.

There is no need to go in person!
(End of this chapter)

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