Chapter 1095 Entering Liaodong

The gang of Teng Yun and Meng Chong fought in full swing, attracting the main force of the Liaodong Army. A fleet quietly bypassed the Liaodong Peninsula and landed on the south side of Lelang County.

These are just some barren lands, and the people living here are all the aborigines on the Korean peninsula. The four counties of Han only enclose some fertile land, and no one takes these barren lands and primitive residents seriously.

However, Gongsun Du was indeed a talent, and he did not know what method he used to persuade these natives to accept the government's rule.

Although these natives were ignorant, they still supported Gongsundu very much. After discovering the landing of the Yunzhou fleet, they immediately reported it to the prefect of Lelang County.

Gongsunzhi, the prefect of Lelang County, is also a member of Gongsun's family. When he heard that the Yunzhou Army had landed in Lelang, he immediately gathered [-] soldiers from the county and marched towards the dock in a mighty manner.

The [-] soldiers from the county are in disrepute, and [-]% of them are soldiers contributed by the local aborigines. Only half of them have weapons, and the other half hold sharpened sticks in their hands.

Kill it!

Gongsunzhi rushed over with this group of people.

There is a saying in the art of war, strike halfway through!

It wasn't long before the Yunzhou army landed, so it was a good opportunity for them to do something.

In fact, Gongsun Zhi is also poor, and he is not welcome in Gongsun's house, otherwise he would not come to this place where no shit.

His eyes widened at the sight of so many ships.

If they were all robbed, he, Gongsun Zhi, would be the richest man in Liaodong, so why would he care about Gongsun Du's wink?
Thinking of this, Gongsun Zhi became excited.

"Warriors, kill these people, the things are ours, and when you go back, each will be rewarded with three liters of millet."

There is a saying that there must be brave men under great rewards!
These Bai Ding eat coarse grains and wild vegetables every day, and occasionally they can eat some fine grains for Da Ya Ji. The three liters of millet are extremely delicious in their eyes.

Here, three liters of millet can be exchanged for a pretty woman.

Hearing what Gongsunzhi said, everyone was completely excited and rushed over screaming.

Seeing so many ships, they couldn't bear the temptation anymore.

He is really poor.

Sometimes, poverty is also a kind of motivation.

Soon, under the instigation of Gongsun Zhi Sansheng Xiaomi, 1 people rushed over screaming.

There is an ambush!
Gan Ning on the bow immediately realized the situation.

"The bow main gun is ready!"

Gan Ning hurriedly told the sailors to turn the boat around.

Right now the two sides are far apart, and only the main gun has this range.

When they got close, they used the small cannons on the ship's side to greet them.

The two ships fired salvos in turn, and they will definitely be able to gain time for the army to land.

"General Gan, there is no need to panic!"

Xu Rong at the side dissuaded Gan Ning.

"These are some aboriginal untouchables, they have no fighting power, give me a meal, and I will kill them."

He said swearingly.

Gan Ning looked at Xu Rong puzzled.

It is roughly estimated that there are more than 1 people here.

There are only 2000 people who have logged in now.

2000 people can wipe out these 1 people, and bring back the leader's head?

Seeing Gan Ning's disbelief, Xu Rong couldn't help laughing and said, "Why don't we make a bet?"

He made a boat all the way, and vomited all the way, all the bile came out, for which Gan Ning often made fun of him.

Ha ha!

Hearing what Xu Rong said, Gan Ning was also happy.

"It's not that I don't believe it, but that you and the soldiers have been bumping all the way, and I'm afraid your body hasn't recovered yet."

Gan Ning said politely.

Xu Rong and his Liangzhou soldiers were basically landlubbers. After boarding the ship, they vomited at least 30 days a month.

Not to mention fighting, I am afraid that walking will be a problem without a few days of self-cultivation.

no problem!
Xu Rong said confidently: "Even if it is Half-Life, there is no problem in dealing with these untouchables."

He is very confident in his opponents.


Seeing Xu Rong's insistence, Gan Ning didn't say anything more.

"Don't worry, I'll use the guns on the ship as cover."

No need!
Xu Rong smiled faintly, and said, "Save some ammunition! There is no need to deal with these untouchables!"

He suddenly took a deep breath and shouted: "Soldiers, as long as you can walk, stand up for me, the time for our revenge has come."

Hearing Xu Rong's greeting, his old Liangzhou department staggered to its feet.

Many of these generals were brought out by Xu Rong from Liaodong. Gongsundu massacred in Liaodong, including their relatives.

So this time, they also came for revenge.

Hatred is also a great catalyst!

Hearing Xu Rong's greeting, most of the people stood up one after another and formed a formation on the shore.

"Soldiers, these people in front of you are Gongsun Du's henchmen, and they are also the ones who killed our relatives. What do you say, what should we do?"

Xu Rong shouted.

Returning to his hometown in Liaodong, the only thing he wants to do now is revenge.

kill them!
All the soldiers were jealous.

Their relatives died at the hands of Gongsun Du.

These years, not only Xu Rong lived like a year, but so did they.

Now that they have finally landed in Liaodong, they are about to start killing right now.


A word popped out of the corner of Xu Rong's mouth, he didn't pay attention to any formation or strategy, and just let the gang of red-eyed soldiers kill him.

The power of hatred is powerful, and it finally overcomes the resentment of the aborigines for eating their stomachs.

This is a war without suspense.

Xu Rongzhi assembled more than 2000 people, and these 2000 people rushed over like hungry wolves, tearing up these seemingly vicious sheep.

A factor of 1 people were killed, and even Gongsun Zhi could not escape the bad luck. He was beheaded by Xu Rong himself, his head was placed in a lime box, and his body was boiled in public and thrown into the sea.

Gongsun Zhi was killed and the county soldiers failed. Xu Rong repaired the day and immediately sent his troops north to attack Lelang County.

At this moment, there is no leader among the dragons in Lelang County. Where is the fierce Xu Rongjun's opponent?
Soon, Lelang County fell into the hands of the Yunzhou Army.

The first thing Xu Rong did when he conquered Lelang County was to allow his subordinates to start burning, killing and looting. In a few days, he turned a large city with a population of 10,000+ into an empty city.

Not only that, he also sent troops to sweep up the surrounding indigenous tribes, and implemented a policy of killing and looting and burning them all to drive them all to extinction.

The killing of the clansmen made Xu Rong accumulate grievances all over the sky, and Guo Jia deliberately suppressed them these years, and there has been no place to vent them.

Now that it was so easy to fight, Xu Rong naturally wanted to vent his anger.

There is only one word in his mind - kill!
For a while, Lelang County became a hell on earth.

The powerful landlords fled to Xuantu and Liaodong one after another, and those who could not escape died under Xu Rong's knife.

With ruthless means, Xu Rong quickly gained a foothold in Lelang County, and rushed to repair a temporary pier to supply the navy.

(End of this chapter)

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