Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1097 Gongsun Du's Defeat

Chapter 1097 Gongsun Du's Defeat
As the commander-in-chief of the entire war, one must focus on the overall situation and not care about the gains and losses of one city and one place.

Tengyun's side is the focus of the Liaodong Army's defense, and it is inevitable that Guan Yu's army will be frustrated.

But the east is not bright, the west is bright.

Although Tengyun's offensive was blocked, the battle at Mengchong's side went very smoothly.

As long as Zhang Liao's army can defeat Mengchong, Yiwulushan's defense line will lose its meaning, and the Yunzhou army can still win the final victory.

In fact, Guo Jia's purpose in this expedition to Liaodong was not to eliminate Gongsundu, but to drive him to Qingzhou.

Not only took back Liaodong, but also caused trouble for Yuan Shao, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

I don't know if this old boy is acquainted, anyway, Guo Jia has already leaked it to his counselor Liu Yi.

If he is ignorant, Guo Jia is happy to kill him.



Zhang Liao yelled, and rushed to the Mengchong cottage in the lead.

With the help of Huang Zhong and Ju Yi, they have taken down Mengchong Village, captured Gongsun Kang alive, and completely opened the northern road from West Liaodong to Liaodong.

"General, spare my life! The villain has quite a bit of savings over the years. If the general spares my life, the villain is willing to contribute these properties to the general."

Gongsun Kang's face was ashen, he was just a living bag, and he got the position of commander-in-chief only by fawning on Gongsun Du.

I didn't expect it to be broken so soon.

Ha ha!

Zhang Liao let out a cold voice, and said: "Gongsun Du uses you as a fool as a general, how can he be undefeated?"

This Gongsun Kang was timid and afraid of death, so he was passive and sabotaged, and even planned to bribe Zhang Liao when he was about to die.

Civil servants are not greedy for money, and generals are not afraid of death, only then can the country be peaceful and the people safe.

Gongsundu's subordinates are greedy for life, afraid of death, and regard wealth as life. How can they be invincible?

Lord General!

Gongsun Kang hurriedly said: "There are some beauties in my family, but they are all virgins of Yishui. If the general doesn't dislike them, I would like to give them all to the general."

Money and beauty, since ancient times, men have liked these two.

But what Gongsun Kang didn't expect was that Zhang Liao was an accident.

"Come here, pull this guy down and cut him down."

He has no interest at all in this soft bone.

A few soldiers immediately tore Gongsun Kang off, leaned forward, let out a scream, and then sent up a head, it was Gongsun Kang.

He seemed to be a little restless.

Where in Gongsundu, he can send money to send women to get promoted and make a fortune. Why can't it work with the Yunzhou Army?

General Zhang?
Ju Yi who was at the side suddenly said: "Why don't you let him spit out the money and then kill him."


Zhang Liao said sternly: "This general is the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and he represents the law and discipline of Yunzhou. How can he accept bribes from the enemy? Besides, if he takes money from him, his life will be spared. If he kills him again, it will be against his promise?"

He naturally dismissed such things.

Ju Yi stopped talking, secretly blaming Zhang Liao in his heart.

Letting them spit out the money and then find a pretext to kill them has always been the way to deal with prisoners of war.

This Zhang Liao seems too old-fashioned.

It seems that it is impossible for his men to make a fortune.

Zhang Liao suddenly slapped the table and said sharply: "Here, this general reiterates that anyone who dares to accept bribes from the enemy in private shall act according to the military law."

The hearts of all the generals shuddered, but Ju Yi was a little bit disapproving.

After defeating Mengchong, Zhang Liao immediately sent someone to deliver a letter to Guo Jia, while strengthening the city defense, he was always ready to deal with the counterattack of the Liaodong Army.


"General, it's not good, Meng Chong has fallen into the hands of the Yunzhou Army."

A general came to the general's mansion in a hurry.

Hearing the news, Gongsun Du stood up in surprise.

"How so fast?"

he asked puzzled.

Although Mengchong's geographical location is not as good as Tengyun's, it is also a crucial place. Gongsundu deployed [-] troops here.

Later, after Goguryeo's reinforcements arrived, he specially dispatched [-] cavalry to assist Mengchong.

"General, the Goguryeo cavalry is completely useless, and was wiped out by two thousand infantrymen from Yunzhou. These two thousand infantrymen came up from the small road, and the two sides cooperated inside and outside to take down Mengchong Fortress. Now Yunzhou has occupied After Mengchong, send troops to fill the road, and be ready to cross the army at any time."

The general was weeping.


Gongsun Du sat down on the ground.

Mengchong and Tengyun blocked the north and south exits. With these two gates, he has the capital to fight Guo Jia. Now that Mengchong has been captured by his opponent, the army of Yunzhou can pass through Mengchong. Liaodong.

In other words, the defense line of Yiwulu Mountain that he devoted all his efforts to build is finished.

Gongsun Kang, that bastard!
Gongsun Du suddenly became hysterical.

He has always been a nepotism in employing people, and everyone who has a relationship with him, whether talented or not, occupies a high position.

This Gongsun Kang was originally his younger brother, and the position of general was obtained by sending twenty boxes of gold beads and a few beauties in exchange.

"General, what should we do?"

The general at the side asked in a low voice.

Right now, there are still [-] guards and [-] Goguryeo cavalry in Liaodong, and this is their only strength.

"Someone sent an order to order the Goguryeo cavalry to rush to Mengchong to block the way of the Yunzhou army's eastward advance."

Gongsun Du said weakly.

Goguryeo cavalry?
The general was stunned for a moment.

Five thousand cavalry were wiped out by two thousand infantry, even if all 1 were sent up, it would be meaningless.

That is to block the time for people to go east, even if they can't be blocked, at most they can be harassed.

Besides, the Yunzhou army had already captured Mengchong, and the number reached more than [-]. The [-] Goguryeo cavalry were sent to death.

Instead of going to die, it is better to stay in Xiangping City and supplement their strength.

"Didn't you understand? Let the Goguryeo cavalry rush to help Mengchong."

Gongsun Du suddenly roared.

Yes Yes Yes!
The general was so frightened that he nodded his head again and again, turned around and left.

Although he didn't understand what Gongsun Du was thinking, he still had to do it. If he didn't do it, he might die.

Anyway, he didn't worry about it.

"Idiots, all idiots!"

Gongsun Du suddenly roared.

Originally, he was a little ambitious, but Guo Jia brought him back to his original form after a war.

Compared to Yunzhou, he, Gongsundu, is just a flea.


It was Liu Yi who suddenly said: "It's time for General Yang Qiu to withdraw!"

At this moment, Yang Qiu is supervising the battle at Tengyun Fortress, and has been able to thwart several attacks of the Yunzhou Army.


Gongsun Du nodded helplessly.

He sent Goguryeo cavalry to die in order to withdraw his troops.

Mengchong fell, and Gongsundu had decided to withdraw from Liaodong.

"My lord is wise, my subordinates are ready!"

Seeing Gongsundu doing this, Li Yi's face flashed with relief.

This is the right choice.

(End of this chapter)

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