Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1104 2 peach kills 3 soldiers

Chapter 1104 Two peaches kill three soldiers
Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty eliminated Wei's North Korea, four counties of the Han Dynasty were established in Liaodong.

So this Liaodong Peninsula has been the territory of the Han Dynasty since ancient times.

It's just that the big Han is now in great decline, and the princes from all over the country are busy fighting for territory, and these corners and corners have problems.

First, the Fuyu people, then the Xianbei people, and then the Goguryeo people, gradually encroaching on the territory of the surrounding Han people.

Before Gongsundu occupied Liaodong, although it still belonged to Youzhou, it was actually in a state of anarchy.

The Liaodong vassal state was under the control of Puyu, and Xuantu County was also influenced by Goguryeo, and the local tyrants separated one side.

On the contrary, the arrival of Gongsun Du suppressed Puyu and Goguryeo, pacified the aborigines in the southern Sanhan, and strengthened the regime of the Han people.

From this aspect, this guy still has some credit.

But now that Gongsun Du is gone, Liaodong has become Guo Jia's territory again, and the surrounding forces are all eyeing him. Who knows what posture the new master likes?
If Guo Jia told those people that the Liaodong Peninsula would restore the previous order from then on, those people would definitely come to Xiangping to fight for their interests.

As long as they are willing to come, Guo Jia has a chance to destroy them.


Guo Jia was still a little puzzled.

"What's the use of killing these leaders? If their banners are scattered and flee into the deep mountains and old forests, wouldn't it be extremely difficult for us to find them?"

In fact, Guo Jia just wanted to get rid of Goguryeo once and for all, at least to make him as badly damaged as the Xiongnu Xianbei, and be unable to pose a threat to the Central Plains for decades or even hundreds of years.

Ha ha!

Jia Xu suddenly smiled and said, "Could it be that my lord has never heard the story of two peaches killing three warriors."

Hearing this, Guo Jia suddenly understood.

The allusion of two peaches killing three scholars comes from "Yanzi Chunqiu".

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Jing of Qi had three generals under his command: Gongsun Jie, Tian Kaijiang, and Guye Zi. They made outstanding military exploits, but they were also proud of their achievements. In order to avoid possible disasters in the future, Yan Zi suggested that Duke Jing of Qi eliminate the disasters as soon as possible.

On this day, Yan Zi set up a bureau.Ask Qi Jinggong to invite three warriors and reward them with two precious peaches; but the three cannot divide the two peaches equally, so Yan Zi proposes a coordination method - three people compare their merits, and the one with the most merit can get one peach .

Gongsun and Yu Tian Kaijiang reported their own achievements first, and each took a peach.At this time, Gu Yezi believed that he had made more contributions, and was so angry that he drew his sword to accuse the former two; but Gongsun Jie and Tian Kaijiang also felt inferior after hearing Gu Yezi's report of their contributions, and they gave Taozi away in shame. out and kill himself.

However, Gu Yezi was ashamed of the shame of humiliating others to praise him and asking others to sacrifice for him, so he drew his sword and killed himself—just like that, relying on only two peaches, he eliminated three threats without bloodshed.

The old fox meant to use Liaodong as a peach to lure and kill the warrior Goguryeo.

But here comes the problem again. Since two peaches kill three warriors, there must be at least one warrior on par with Goguryeo.

The size is okay, but the combat power is too weak.

In a real fight, they may not be Goguryeo's opponents.

Even if you go to Fuyu, there are only two scholars, where are the three scholars?

When Guo Jia hesitated, Jia Xu spoke again.

"My lord, have you forgotten Xu Rong?"

He couldn't help reminding.

Xu Rong?

Hearing this, Guo Jia's heart skipped a beat, and he lost his voice: "What do you mean?"

Not bad!

Jia Xu nodded and said calmly: "My subordinates suggest that the lord appoint Xu Rong as the prefect of Liaodong to guard the entire Liaodong. Xuantu County should be divided between Puyu and Goguryeo. There may not be any situation at the beginning, but after a long time, in order to fight for the control of Xuantu, the two sides will inevitably have disputes. At that time, the Fuyu people and the Yaji people will confront each other. Just let Xu Rongju secretly manipulate, It can trigger a war between the two sides. Once a war breaks out between the two sides, Xu Rongju will be able to have both sides. With his viciousness, he will definitely not let the two forces survive."

There is a saying in the art of war, attacking the heart is the top, and attacking the city is the bottom.

Instead of concentrating forces to destroy Goguryeo, it is better to create a divide and let them eat dogs themselves.

Dogs eat dogs among them, since they have lost their strength and ensured the safety of Liaodong, why not do it?
Jia Xu has always disagreed with Guo Jia's effort to attack Goguryeo.

Killing one thousand, self-damaging eight hundred!

Even if Guo Jia killed the King of Goguryeo, those people would elect another one in a few years, and it would be impossible to fight against and defend against.

The best way is to divide them and set them against each other.

I have to say that what Jia Xu said makes sense.

Even if I try my best to destroy Goguryeo, another Goguryeo will come out after a while, and Goguryeo will be hard to guard against.

If they can be divided, let them attack each other, and keep them in a hostile state at all times, this is the best strategy.

The old fox's thinking is much smarter than his own.

Guo Jia pondered for a while, then smiled wryly: "Well, you Jia Wenhe, are you creating a breeding ground for Xu Rong? If he tastes the taste of power, I'm afraid he will be the next Gongsun Du."

Xu Rong was originally Guo Jia who Dong Zhuo had defected to after his death. Although he had been doing his best, he had a vicious personality and was difficult to control.

The Liangzhou army and horses under him are also a bit out of tune with the Yunzhou army, and they are also very loyal to Xu Rong.

Jia Xu discovered this when he reformed the military system.

This is a potential risk that must be calculated.

Jia Xu suggested to keep Xu Rong and his men in Liaodong. If he had no dissent, it would be fine. He could help Guo Jia reduce the influence of Goguryeo and Puyu.Once he becomes ambitious, he will also be cut off by Guo Jia.

Because it is a great risk for Xu Rong and his Liangzhou Department to stay in Yunzhou after all.

Kill three birds with one stone, hurt yourself and others.

As expected of the old fox Jia Xu.

If you don't sing, you're done, and if you sing, it's a loss.

"Actually, I also believe that General Xu is loyal to the lord."

The old fox added one last sentence.

He said this without any sincerity at all.

Guo Jia didn't quite believe it either.

In fact, there is a price for betrayal. Xu Rong didn't betray because the price was not enough. Once he has the same power as Gongsun Du, won't he betray?

Thinking of this, Guo Jia's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Regarding the matter of letting Gongsun Du go, Guo Jia was a little ashamed of Xu Rong, so he was given a chance, if he could stand the test.

Guo Jia will definitely treat him well in the future.

If he can't stand the test?

Guo Jia also showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He will not let the second Gongsundu appear.

(End of this chapter)

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