Chapter 1106 Destruction of Goguryeo
Soon, Tian Yu arrived, and he did his part as the firefighting captain.

He was originally the sheriff of You Beiping, and he was very handy in handling government affairs.

Guo Jia asked Zhang Fei and Tai Shici to lead the [-] local army to stay and assist Tian Yu, while he led the army to continue eastward.

The old fox's attempt to kill three warriors with two peaches failed, so Guo Jia had to do it himself to destroy this later Xiaoqiang.

Guan Yu had [-] cavalry, Zhang Liao had [-] infantry, and Xu Rong had [-] troops.

This time, Xu Rong was fortunate to be a pioneer.

Together with Guan Yu, he joined forces with [-] soldiers and was the vanguard to attack Goguryeo.

The current king of Goguryeo is Gao Yiyimo. When he heard that Guo Jia was coming to attack, he hurriedly sent envoys to see him.

Willing to submit to the big man, willing to pay tribute every year, willing to present beautiful women, does not have any air of the number one overlord in the universe.

Regarding the conditions offered by Goguryeo, Guo Jia did not bat an eyelid.


The envoy argued that if the two countries are at war, the envoy will not be beheaded!
Guo Jia sneered, you are considered a country?Stop talking nonsense, cut it off!
Ever since, Goguryeo trembled up and down, and there was a feeling that a catastrophe was imminent.

This time, the big man wanted to be honest.

Gao Yimo had no choice but to beg his grandpa to sue his grandma. The whole country was mobilized and an army of [-] was assembled.

At the same time, he also scolded Gongsun Du as a bastard, he was defeated when he lost, and he actually cheated his [-] troops, it really is unreasonable.

You must know that these [-] troops are the elite of Goguryeo.

Although [-] troops have been gathered at the moment, most of them are mobs, and they can't stop the Yunzhou Army's attack at all.

As soon as he joined the battle, he was beaten by Guan Er and Xu Rong, throwing away his armor and retreating two hundred miles in a row.

Here is located in the plains, which is a good opportunity for the cavalry to display their skills.

Pound's heavy cavalry was like a sharp knife, tearing apart the enemy's formation. After Guan Er led the light cavalry to seal the victory, Xu Rong led the infantry to make up the knife.

The three cooperated tacitly, and the Goguryeo cavalry was helpless to fight back.

As a last resort, Gao Yiyimo put down his stance and sent envoys to Fuyu Kingdom to seek help from the new King Fuyu, asking Fuyu Kingdom to send troops for help.

Fuyu Kingdom saw that Guo Jia was going to use troops against Goguryeo, so naturally he didn't dare to talk too much. When the new king was Niu Jiaren, he also relied on the help of Yunzhou to ascend to the throne. His daughter also married the general of Yunzhou. Huang Xu is his wife, and the two parties are also considered in-laws.

Besides, Goguryeo bullied Fuyu many times, how could Fuyu help them deal with Guo Jia?
Ever since, the new Fuyu State sent [-] troops to help Guo Jiaping conquer Goguryeo with a swipe of his pen.

Gao Yiyimo couldn't ask for help, but instead found a culprit, so angry in his heart.

I fell ill that night.

Before he died, he passed the throne to his sons, but the ten sons would rather die than take over.

Fuck, seeing the enemy is about to kill him, whoever catches him will die fast!
Seeing that none of his sons were successful, the old king felt resentful, out of breath, and died.

The old king died, and Goguryeo was even more unwilling to fight. After resisting for a few days, it was defeated across the board.

Several princes fled to the deep mountains and old forests with their men, and handed over Wanducheng.

Guan Yu and Xu Rong officially entered Wandu City.

On the first day after entering, Xu Rong went on a killing spree, ordering his subordinates to kill ten people in and around the city.

In just ten days, 10,000+ Goguryeo people died in the hands of Xu Rong.

He kept simmering a fire in his heart, because he failed to catch Gongsundu in the pacification of Liaodong this time, so the fire burned on the Goguryeo people.

Since then, Xu Rong has become a nightmare in the hearts of Goguryeo people.

Goguryeo has talked about Xu's discoloration for decades, and even adults coax children to say, go to sleep, if you don't sleep, Xu Rong will come.

Even children dare not cry.

After wreaking havoc on Goguryeo's territory, Guan Yu Xu Rong returned to the court with his victorious master.

At this time, Guo Jia could barely walk to Xuantu County.

After receiving the news of Guan Yu Xu Rong's victory, Guo Jia immediately stopped, hosted a banquet in Xuantu County to entertain the army, and ordered someone to carve an inscription, and erected a monument in Xuantu County to record Guan Xu's great achievements.

This inscription also became a shadow in Goguryeo's heart. For hundreds of years, no Goguryeo people dared to cross this stele.


Guan Yu and Xu Rong's army returned to Xuantu County, just as [-] reinforcements led by Fuyu Niu Jiaren also came to Xuantu County.

"My humble servant, Fuyu Niujia, pays homage to the great general of the previous court! Hearing that the great general is going to attack Goguryeo, the king of my country specially ordered me to lead an army of [-] to come to help."

Master Niu Jia said respectfully.

At the same time took out some souvenirs.

"This is a small gift, it is not a respect, and I hope the general will accept it with a smile."

What's so funny about that?

Guo Jia smiled lightly and ordered someone to take the gift list.

This Fuyu is really stingy, the gifts he gave Guo Jia were just souvenirs.

Ha ha!

For so many years, Guo Jia was the first time to receive such a cheap gift.

"It should be, it should be!"

Niu Jiaren smiled all over his face.

This Niu Jiaren was also a beneficiary of the last coup, so he naturally respected Guo Jia.

Goguryeo was destroyed, and went to Buyeo for a heart attack.

Suddenly Jia Xu's heart moved, and he whispered a few words in Guo Jia's ear, and Guo Jia immediately understood.

"Master Niu Jia, you are welcome. You came at the right time. The Goguryeo people have been repulsed by our army. The entire Wandu city has become ruins. Our army came from a long distance and cannot stay for long. I will leave the finishing work to you Fuyu country."

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Mr. Niu Jia almost laughed his teeth out.

People die in war, and he naturally understands this truth.

So these 3 people were just putting on a show, and they didn't come out to put on a show until the battle situation was almost over.

Cleaning the battlefield is a beautiful job, but Guo Jia did not expect Guo Jia to entrust this job to them.

This is a great opportunity to make a fortune!

"Your Excellency, please rest assured!"

Master Niu Jiada vowed: "Our Fuyu country will never disappoint the general's entrustment."

He seemed to have thought of something again, and immediately volunteered: "In order to avoid those Goguryeo people resurgent, I am willing to go there overnight to suppress them."

it is good!
Guo Jia slapped his thigh and said with a smile: "Everything depends on Master Niu Jia!"

Master Niu Jia nodded again and again, and immediately went back to dispatch troops to Wandu City.

Seeing Niu Jiada's happy back, Guo Jia and Jia Xu looked at each other, and burst out laughing suddenly.

Although Goguryeo suffered heavy losses and its organization was broken up, it still did not lose its confidence.

Wild fire, in spring!
Once Yunzhou withdraws its troops, they will revive.

This is also impossible.

The arrival of Master Niu Jia is just in time, and Goguryeo has no place to vent his anger, and he will definitely give the Buyeo people a head-on blow.

In this way, the Liangzi of the two sides will be completely followed, even if Guo Jia does not instigate it, they will continue to fight for generations.

(End of this chapter)

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