Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1135 1 Everything is expected

Chapter 1135 Everything is as expected
Cai Yu finally left, and her heart flew back to Yunzhou long ago.

Now, the hopes of the Cai family rest on Cai Yan.

If she can give birth to a son smoothly, the status of the Cai family will naturally be as stable as Mount Tai.

It is not in vain that Cai Yu has done so much for her.

Cai Yu left and took Liu Zhu with him.

After getting Guo Jia's forgiveness, Liu Zhu also went to Yunzhou happily but also a little uneasy.

This time, it was her formal entry.

Guo Jia was not idle either. After handing over Jiangxia's defense to the Jiangdong Army, he returned to Jianye with the fleet.

For Guo Jia's return, the Wu family and the Sun family naturally came out to welcome Guo Jia.

Jiang Xia was defeated in one day, and Jiang Dong was frightened by this terrifying combat power. Fortunately, this person is the son-in-law of the Sun family, otherwise they would also be in a hurry.

"Congratulations on the triumphant return of the general."

Wu Jing welcomed Guo Jia in with a smile on his face.

The Sun family has such strong foreign aid, so why worry about the failure?

Mrs. Wu personally supported her pregnant daughter with a pleasant smile.

She suddenly discovered one thing, she could just count on her daughter for the rest of her life.

Fortunately, Sun Shangxiang married Guo Jia instead of the emperor.

In this way, Cao Cao has done a good deed.

"By the way, Feng Xiao. Jiang Xia was also taken down, and the matter of Zhong Mou's succession..."

Wu Jing asked with a smile.


Hearing Wu Jing's question, Guo Jia couldn't help laughing.

"I have already recommended Zhongmou to the imperial court to succeed his father-in-law, and it should be here by now."

His memorial has almost arrived in Xudu, Cao Cao should have reacted.

Guo Jia recommended Sun Quan to the imperial court.

However, with Cao Cao's pissing nature, he probably wouldn't agree, and he would definitely choose Sun Ben, who was opposed to Sun Quan.

In this way, Guo Jia only needs to push the boat along.

Hearing this, Sun Quan was a little stunned.

He never thought that Guo Jia would recommend him?

This is impossible!
Sun Quan was very surprised.

Could it be that Guo Jia has changed his sex and plans to reconcile with himself?


He shook his head again.

The conflict between the two was already irreconcilable, even if Sun Quan was in power, he would not follow Guo Jia's order to continue attacking Xiangyang.

He wants to maximize the interests of the Sun family, and will not be willing to be Guo Jia's puppet.

For this reason, Sun Quan was also ready to confront Guo Jia hard.

But Guo Jia's words completely disrupted Sun Quan's deployment.

Everyone supports him, and he is still a fart!

Sun Quan suddenly had the feeling of punching the air.There was an indescribable pain in my heart.

He couldn't help but look at Pang Tong.

Pang Tong's eyes were also a little dazed, and he hadn't guessed that Guo Jia would come.

In this way, he has no direction to attack.

Guo Jia would actually support Sun Quan, which is quite a surprise.

not good!

Pang Tong suddenly remembered something, his expression changed, what was he trying to say?
At this moment, an announcement came from outside the door that the angel had arrived.

Hearing this, Guo Jia suddenly laughed, and said: "It's just in time, everyone, put down the incense table quickly, accept the imperial edict, and welcome the new lord to take the throne."

He is living here as a guest, so naturally he doesn't need to participate in this kind of occasion, so he avoided it first.

is it?

Hearing that the angel had come, the Wu family was also very happy.

Sun Quan succeeded in succeeding to the throne, and they were relieved.

Soon, under the auspices of Wu Jing, everyone happily welcomed the angel in.

The angel stepped forward as if no one was around, and opened the imperial decree. First, he praised Sun Jian for his great achievements, then changed the subject, commending Sun Ben and Sun Quan for their contributions, and finally ordered Sun Ben to inherit the titles of General Polu and Marquis of Wu, Sun Quan inherited the titles of General and Marquis of Wu Cheng.

Hearing this, the members of the Wu family and the elder faction were dumbfounded.

What about Sun Quan's succession?

How did he become Sun Ben?


Wu Jing and the others looked at each other and wanted to ask Guo Jia for clarification, but Guo Jia had already returned to the boat.

"Congratulations, lord!"

People from the young and strong faction immediately stood up to celebrate Sun Ben's succession.

Sun Ben also clasped his fists one by one, acting very low-key.

Wu Jing hurriedly asked: "Angel, is this edict wrong?"

Cheng Pu from the Veteran School also asked this question.

Huang Gai, Dong Xi and others are stationed in Jiangxia, only Cheng Pu is left here.


The angel hurriedly scolded: "The imperial decree is the will of the emperor, are you questioning His Majesty's decision?"

For a long time, the princes did not take the emperor seriously, but even if the emperor was controlled by Cao Cao, there are not many people in the world who do not give Cao Cao face.

So these policemen also straightened their backs.

Cheng Pu also said angrily: "It is obvious that the second son was recommended by the general, but there must be something wrong with why he has become Sun Ben now."


Angel was a little angry.

"Okay, okay, you question the will of the emperor, are you trying to rebel? Show our family clearly."

As he spoke, he held the imperial decree high.

Everyone's eyes widened, watching each word for fear of missing one.

Sure enough, it was Sun Ben not Sun Quan that was written in the imperial decree.

This is not right!
Cheng Pu was still skeptical.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Qin and Ling Cao from the Young and Strong faction also stood up.

"The court's eyes are discerning, and the people of Jiangdong have discerning eyes. General Sun is expected by everyone, and it is only natural to inherit the old master's career. Could it be that the court really wants to find a man without virtue to inherit the title of Marquis Wu? Even if the imperial court agrees, we will not agree!"

The crowd said aggressively.

With the appointment of the imperial court, it is certain that Sun Ben will succeed the Lord of Jiangnan.

Even the opposition of the elders is useless.

"Someone must be correcting!"

The elders were menacing.

Naturally, they would not approve of this matter.


The angel on the side was really angry, and immediately said with a flick of his sleeves: "Okay, okay, since you Jiangdong said so, our family will go back and reply to the emperor, and you will be charged with treason."

He was really angry.

All right!

At this time, Sun Ben stood up, clasped his fists and said, "My father-in-law calm down, Sun Ben has no heart for the court. I think there must be some misunderstanding during this period. I, Sun Ben, accepted the imperial decree."

He turned his head to look at Sun Quan, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Do you want Jiang Dong to be the target of public criticism?"

Cao Cao coerced the emperor to order the princes, and everyone agreed on the surface, but secretly obeyed and violated.

But no one confronted it openly.

The current situation is very delicate. They have lost Sun Ce and Sun Jian successively in Jiangdong. It is the time when their vitality is seriously injured. At this time, they must not offend Cao Cao.

The corner of Sun Quan's mouth twitched a few times before he sighed helplessly.

"Sun Quan accepts the order!"

For the sake of the overall situation and the honor of the Sun family, he also chose to compromise.

(End of this chapter)

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