Chapter 1137 Dystocia
But that's different!

Sun Shangxiang was still a little distressed, and seemed a little unhappy.

It should be her second elder brother who succeeded her, but it was someone else. This girl was a little hesitant to turn around for a while.

it's the same!
Guo Jia smiled and said: "Think about it, does Sun Ben dare to be rude to you? If he dares, your man will kill him immediately. Similarly, if he dares to be rude to your mother and brothers, your man will also be killed killed him."

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Sun Shangxiang felt better.

In any case, her married daughter can influence the affairs of the Sun family.

Even if Sun Ben succeeded to the throne, wouldn't he dare to do anything to them?

Because behind her is Guo Jia.

Sun Shangxiang's suffocation disappeared, replaced by bursts of dull pain in her lower abdomen.


Suddenly she was shocked and said: "It's not good, I... I'm afraid I have to..."

how was it?
Hearing what Sun Shangxiang said, Guo Jia was also taken aback, and he hurriedly supported Sun Shangxiang.

"Girl, how are you?"

I have a stomach ache!

Sweat poured out of Sun Shangxiang's face instantly.

Doctor, doctor!
Guo Jia suddenly yelled.

Several military doctors on the ship came in. They were all medical students and became doctors in Yunzhou after graduation.

One of the doctors felt Sun Shangxiang's pulse, and suddenly said: "My lord, I'm afraid my wife will give birth early."

Hearing this, Guo Jia hurriedly stood up.

"Quick, go find Mrs. Wen!"

Although the military doctors are doctors, Guo Jia doesn't want them to deliver babies. Besides, they are all big men, who wants their wives to be touched by other men.

Several doctors hurried out to make preparations!
Although they have not delivered babies before, they have also learned the corresponding procedures.

After a while, Wen Po, who was found from Jianye City, rushed over.

Time was running out, and they were also held on horseback by Guo Jia's soldiers and rushed all the way here.

After bouncing around for a long time, when we arrived on the boat, we were naturally staggering. Fortunately, these women were in good health, and after recovering a bit, we started the emergency delivery work.

Guo Jia's room naturally became a delivery room, and several women and maidservants were busy in it, and Sun Shangxiang's painful groans came from time to time.

On the deck, Guo Jia walked up and down anxiously. It is reasonable to say that Sun Shangxiang's delivery date is still one month away, but she did not expect that she would give birth early.

Maybe it's because this girl had a hard journey back to the funeral, and she was saddened by the death of her father and brother, and she was about to give birth early.

These made Guo Jia a little at a loss.

Fortunately, it was parked at the pier of Jianye City, otherwise he would not be able to find Mrs. Wen in the middle of the night.

At this moment, the wharf brigade arrived.

The leader is naturally Mrs. Wu.

Hearing that her daughter is about to give birth, how can she sit still?
If the Sun family wanted to gain a foothold in Jiangnan, they had to hug Guo Jia tightly.

Right now, only Sun Shangxiang can make it work.

If this girl's stomach is strong enough to give birth to a son for Guo Jia, then the mother will be more expensive than the child, and the Sun family will be able to feel proud.

Therefore, Mrs. Wu has been praying in the carriage, she must give birth to a son, and then the mother and child will be safe.

"Feng Xiao, don't worry, this woman can't wait to have a baby."

Mrs. Wu grabbed Guo Jia's hand and comforted her.

She didn't come by herself, she also brought a few daughters-in-law. These people had some experience. After meeting Guo Jia, they all followed her in to help.

Remember to disinfect!
Guo Jia reminded him, but no one listened to him anymore.

Mrs. Wu's face was solemn, and she kept praying.

In this era, the chances of dystocia are still very high.

A problem is two lives.

Therefore, when a man looks for a wife, he first looks for those with big breasts and big buttocks, because they are easy to give birth to.

An hour passed, and Sun Shangxiang kept wailing, but there was no progress.

Guo Jia walked up and down anxiously.

It was the first time he had experienced such a thing.

When Guo Ye was born, there was a medical expert like Hua Tuo at home, and a careful hostess like Cai Yan presided over the overall situation, so it was safe and sound.

But at this moment, Guo Jia can only count on himself.

God bless, mother and child are safe!
Mrs. Wu's voice trembled a little.

Judging from the information brought back by the daughters-in-law, things are not going well.

Sun Shangxiang belongs to the petite and exquisite type, with a very slender waist and limbs, and this type is difficult to give birth to.

Her mother has already scratched a handful of sweat for her daughter.

Mrs. Wu prayed that nothing would go wrong, otherwise the Sun family would have no hope.

After another hour, Sun Shangxiang was still wailing, but the wailing sound became smaller and weaker.

Can't wait!

As soon as Guo Jia gritted his teeth, it seemed that he had to do it himself.

It seemed that Sun Shangxiang could not give birth to this child with his own strength, so he had to help her.

"You guys wait here, I'm going in to help!"

Guo Jia said without looking back.


Mrs. Wu hastily blocked Guo Jia.

"Feng Xiao, you must not go in at this time, if you encounter bad luck, it will hinder their mother and child."

According to the traditional concept, a woman is very negative when giving birth. At this time, no man can enter, otherwise it will be a collision of bad luck. If it is small, it will hinder the daughter, and if it is large, it will hinder the master?
Madam Wu!
Guo Jia said angrily and amusedly: "If I don't go, their mother and child will really be doomed."

Saying that, he shook off Mrs. Wu's hand and entered the room.

In the room, Sun Shangxiang was extremely weak, but the child was still missing.

After Guo Jia came in, those steady women and maids were taken aback.

"You all go out and leave a few maids to help. Doctor, prepare the surgical equipment."

He hastily waved.

Since the traditional method is not feasible, he will use the scientific method.


A stable woman wanted to say something that a man entering the delivery room is not good for pregnant women, but Guo Jia stretched out his hand and pushed her out.

Guo Jia ordered people to guard the door to block the mournful Mrs. Wu, then washed her hands with alcohol and picked up the sterilized equipment of the doctors.

Surgery is nothing new in Yunzhou, and Hua Tuo is the originator of modern Chinese medicine.

As an agent in the previous life, this kind of thing is just a child's play for Guo Jia.

But it was the first time he had a cesarean section.

But it doesn't matter, there will be a first time for everything.

Why not let those doctors do it?

Because Guo Jia didn't want her woman to be touched by other men, so she had to do it herself.

After working for a long time, I heard a cry, and the baby was finally born.

It is very big, weighing seven or eight catties.

No wonder it was difficult to give birth smoothly.

The operation was successful, and the next step is to suture the wound and disinfect it.

Although it was a little painful, it successfully saved Sun Shangxiang's mother and son.

(End of this chapter)

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