Chapter 1139

When Sun Shangxiang gave birth to a son, everyone in Jiangdong was very happy, and the only one who was not happy was Sun Quan.

Originally, he still loved this girl very much, but this girl's man is indeed Guo Jia, and the grievances between the two cannot be clearly expressed in a few sentences.

Inside the tent, Cheng Pu and others gathered.

This is also the first time that the generals have summoned all the generals.

Although there is only one letter difference between the generals who seek to rob and the generals who break the ruth, they are far behind in terms of power.

Sun Ben inherited the name of Sun Jian, and Sun Quan got only Sun Ben's original power.

However, this is something to gain, and it is better than nothing.

Damn Guo Jia!
Sun Quan gritted his teeth.

If it wasn't for his obstruction, how could Sun Ben inherit his father's position?
It really makes no sense!


Cheng Pu on the side clasped his fists and said, "You can't blame the general for this matter. Did he recommend you to the imperial court?"

Sun Quan inherited the position of the general who was fighting for captives, and they naturally became Sun Quan's subordinates.

Cheng Gong is a real person!

Pang Tong on the side lightly shook his round fan and said: "I don't know people's hearts are sinister. It is precisely because Guo Jia recommended the lord to inherit Jiangdong to the imperial court that Sun Ben was taken advantage of."

How to say this?

Han Dang on the side was also a little puzzled.

Pang Tong put away the round fan, and said slowly: "Have you all forgotten about Miss Sun? At the beginning, the old lord meant to send her into the palace."

When this matter was mentioned, everyone was shocked.

Miss Sun is naturally Sun Shangxiang.

When Sun Shangxiang fell into Guo Jia's hands, Sun Jian decided to send his daughter to the palace for the face of the Sun family.

But for some reason, the last decree from the court was to betroth Guo Jia as a concubine.

Similarly, Guo Jia recommended Sun Quan to the court, but it was Sun Ben who inherited the power.

Now that I think about it, Cao Cao must have changed his mind.

It's Cao Cao!
Only then did Cheng Pu suddenly realize.

How could he forget about this traitor.

Sun Ben probably bought off the traitor, and then inherited the power of the Sun family.

Ha ha!

Hearing what Cheng Pu said, Pang Tong just smiled.

"Mr. Cheng, this is where people's hearts are sinister. Cao Cao was just being used by others. The real culprit is Guo Jia."

Why is it still Guo Jia?

Cheng Pu was a little confused.

Who in the world does not know that Cao Cao is relying on the emperor to order the princes, and the emperor's words are Cao Cao's meaning.

Why did Guo Jia get involved again?

Pang Tong snorted: "The bad thing is that this memorial was written by Guo Jia."


Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, some of them reacted quickly and seemed to have noticed the problem, but they couldn't tell for a while.


Pang Tong suddenly raised his voice: "Think about it, who is Cao Cao most afraid of?"

Does this need to be said?
A name popped up in the hearts of the crowd, and that was Guo Jia.

Not only Cao Cao feared him, but all the princes in the world did not fear him.

and so……

Pang Tong said helplessly: "If someone else wrote a letter recommending the lord to inherit the throne, Cao Cao might not object, anyway, Jiang Dong has nothing to do with him. But Guo Jia's letter is different, Cao Cao will definitely not agree."

That's it!

After hearing Pang Tong's explanation, everyone understood.

Guo Jia knew that his memorial would be tampered with by Cao Cao, but he still insisted on letting Sun Quan succeed him. He had no intention of helping Sun Quan at all.

"Bastard! The old man is really blind."

Cheng Pu was furious.

In vain he thought Guo Jia was a good son-in-law from Jiangdong, but he was such a treacherous person.


Sun Quan was suddenly speechless.

Soldiers never tire of deceit since ancient times, Guo Jia did not agree with him, so it is understandable to use some means, if he were to stand in Guo Jia's position, he would do the same.

That's it!

Sun Quan shook his head.

Guo Jia didn't take advantage of the situation to completely suppress him, so he gave Sun Shangxiang a face, and he, Sun Quan, couldn't help but know the good and the bad.

Besides, now that Sun Ben has the upper hand, it will be very difficult for him to make a difference.

"I have already lost the opportunity to fight for the right of succession. For now, I can only endure it temporarily and get things done on the Eastern Front."

Sun Quan said slowly.

Now that Sun Ben has the upper hand, he can only retreat strategically first.

Eliminate Liu Yao, Yan Baihu and his ilk first, and remove the hidden dangers on the Eastern Front before talking about other things.

My lord said yes!
Everyone clasped their fists together.

Right now, that's the only way to do it.


Compared with Sun Quan's low profile, Sun Ben's side can be said to be elated.

In this one-year-long battle for succession, Sun Ben finally won.

This means that he is already the master of Jiangdong.

Congratulations, my lord!

Everyone clasped their fists in unison, congratulating Sun Ben for inheriting the power.

Ha ha, same joy, same joy!
Sun Ben couldn't help showing a smile.

His efforts were not in vain, and he was victorious in the end.

"I was able to win this time, thanks to the help of the general."

Sun Bensi said slowly.

Jiang Qin snorted and said, "He supports Sun Quan? Guo Jia is Sun Quan's brother-in-law, so they are naturally a family."

Ha ha!

Zhang Hong on the side suddenly laughed.

"General Jiang, you have misunderstood. This is the genius of the general."


Jiang Qin and Ling Cao looked at each other, a little puzzled.

Zhang Hong explained: "The general didn't deal with Cao Cao. If he recommended Sun Quan, Cao Cao would definitely not agree. That's why the lord was able to inherit the great rule."

That's it!

The crowd suddenly realized.

When Guo Jia recommended Sun Quan, it was not to help him, but to harm him.


That's how amazing things are.

Then I have to thank this great general.

Sun Ben thought of going with the generals.

"I heard that Shang Xiang gave birth, so I plan to go to celebrate in person!"

Although he also sent someone to deliver gifts, he thought it was better to go there himself.

After all, Guo Jia helped him a lot.

In addition, it is good for Jiangdong to get married with Guo Jia, the great Buddha.


Zhang Hong hurriedly waved his hand.

"The problem that was originally inherited was that Sun Quan's people were already dissatisfied with the lord and Guo Jia. Now that it is so conspicuous, the lord must not show a close attitude to Guo Jia. In the future, Sun Quan's people will definitely criticize him. It is better to maintain It's better to keep a low profile."

Sun Ben also felt that what Zhang Hong said made sense.


He hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "The next thing..."

The reason why he wanted to see Guo Jia was to discuss the next step with Guo Jia.

Lord, don't worry!

Zhang Hong shook his head.

"The general's strategic purpose is very clear. He wants us Jiangdong to fight Jingxiang to the death. As long as we fight with Xiangfan to the end, we will get the full support of Yunzhou. So the top priority, let's make a good plan, how to attack Xiangfan .”

(End of this chapter)

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