Chapter 1153 Hidden Deep Enough
Cai Yan originally persuaded Diaochan to stop and let him go back, so things could turn around a bit.

It's just that Diao Chan actually told a story with twists and turns.

The daughter of this story should be Diao Chan, and the tragic diva should be her mother.

It can be guessed from Diao Chan talking about the painful place and crying bitterly.

Her life experience is very miserable.

Diao Chan continued intermittently: "Since then, my daughter has never seen her mother again. I only heard that she was beaten to death by a pharmacy clerk in order to snatch the medicine from the store. Even though she was beaten all over her body, she did not give up the medicine in her hand. She wants to save her daughter."

Having said that, she burst into tears again.

Cai Yan also felt a little sad and helpless.

Perhaps this is the sorrow of the helpless mother.

No one can help her, she can only rely on herself, without beauty, without income, she can only rob.

Compared with Diao Chan's experience, Cai Yan suddenly felt that she was too excited.

Although the Cai family's uncles were selfish, they did not detain their sisters and did not let them live on the streets.

Diao Chan wiped away her tears and continued: "Although the mother died, the daughter was rescued. At the critical moment, a kind-hearted man appeared, called a doctor for her, and cured her illness. He also paid for the neighbor The mother of the girl we helped bury. From then on, this kind-hearted man began to take care of his daughter. He rented a large yard and hired several servants to take care of the daughter. He taught her to read and write, and taught her to play chess, calligraphy and painting. , taught her the art of swordsmanship and warfare, taught her singing and dancing. My daughter is grateful to this kind man, and has always regarded him as her benefactor. She studied hard and quickly mastered many skills."

Kind people?
Cai Yan's eyes sparkled.

She suddenly realized that this kind-hearted person was the key.

Maybe that's why Diao Chan held her hostage.

But here comes the question again, who is this kind person?
Cai Yan's heart was full of doubts, and then he listened patiently.

"The kind-hearted man seems to be very busy. He can only come once or twice a year, and each time he only stops for a while to inspect the girl's homework, and then leaves in a hurry. At this time, the girl is already slim. She seems to have inherited her mother's style. All the advantages, the appearance is very beautiful, and she is also versatile under the training of good-hearted people. There is a colorful existence there. Whenever she goes out, she will attract the attention of many men. There is only one exception, and that is the good-hearted people. It seems that in his eyes, the girl does not seem to have any sense of existence. The girl is very disappointed. She has no father since she was a child, and has always been raised by her mother. The appearance of this kind man has filled the void in her heart. This time is the beginning of love When she was young, the girl had long regarded this kind-hearted man as her benefactor. In order to repay her benefactor, she was willing to do anything. But no matter how she behaved, she did not get any attention from the kind-hearted man."

Diao Chan was silent for a while, and continued: "The girl is very unwilling, so she thought of a way. When the kind person came again, she lay on the bed and pretended to be sick, pretending to be asleep, just wanting to spend more time with the kind person. This lasted for a month. The kind-hearted man was in a hurry, and he called many doctors, but none of them could diagnose the girl's problem. The kind-hearted man was so angry that he even drew his sword to cut someone down. The appearance was very scary. At this time, the girl did not Dare to continue pretending, so he got up and told the truth to the kind-hearted man. The kind-hearted man heaved a sigh of relief, and the girl could clearly see the tears of excitement in his eyes. But he quickly changed his face and flung his sleeves away. The daughter chased after him. He went out, kept the kind man, and dared not dare again with tears in his eyes. The kind man was reluctant to leave in the end, and he stayed for an unprecedented time. The girl smiled happily, and she knew that she had won. Just when the girl was about to get drunk with kindness When she repayed him with her body, she suddenly discovered that the kind-hearted man was missing a finger on his left hand. Immediately, she stayed where she was like a thunderbolt."

Missing little finger!

Cai Yan let out an ah, and lost his voice: "Could it be that kind-hearted person is..."

The corners of Diao Chan's mouth twitched for a while, and said harshly, "That's right, it's the girl's father. His little finger was cut off at the master's house."

Cai Yan's mouth grew wide and could not be closed for a long time.

It's really a trick of good fortune.

Originally thought that the girl met a kind-hearted man, but unexpectedly it was her biological father.

Thinking about it carefully, this is also reasonable.

Except for the girl's father, who would put so much effort into raising a girl.

When the two met, the girl was still a kid, maybe she hasn't shown her alluring beauty yet?

It's just that Cai Yan didn't know why the kind-hearted man didn't confess to his daughter and reveal his identity, which caused her daughter to misunderstand and almost committed herself to repay her kindness. Fortunately, she discovered the secret of the kind-hearted man, which prevented the final tragedy from happening.

"You want to ask, why didn't he say his identity?"

Diao Chan seemed to understand what Cai Yan was thinking.

Cai Yan nodded.

She did have some doubts.

Ha ha!

Diao Chan suddenly showed a strange smile.

"The girl once told him that there are two sworn enemies in this life. One is the pharmacy clerk who killed my mother. Later, the girl found out that this clerk had been killed by a kind person. The other is the girl's biological father."

Diao Chan was still a little excited when he mentioned this biological father.

"The girl hates him. Without him, her mother would not have suffered so much. Without him, she would not have been born without a father. Without him, her mother would not have been beaten to death."

Speaking of this, her speaking speed became faster and faster, and she became more and more excited, a little hysterical.

I understand, I understand!
Cai Yan hurriedly said: "Don't get excited, I can understand this girl's pain. I have also experienced a lot of distress, but compared to this girl's experience, my experience is also very good."

Indeed, when Cai Yong offended Shi Changshi and the Cai family forced the palace, Cai Yan lived a miserable life.

But that was much stronger than Diao Chan.

Ha ha!

Diao Chan wiped away her tears and said with a sneer, "You are a high-ranking lady, how can you understand the suffering of the poor people. The suffering my mother experienced was caused by that man alone. That's why I hate him, I hate him to the bone."

She finally acknowledged her identity and stopped covering it up with stories.

The girl in the story is Diao Chan herself.

That miserable diva is naturally Diao Chan's mother.

Cai Yan also did not expect that such a tragic past event was covered up in Diao Chan's plain heart.

What she didn't expect was that Diao Chan had lived in the Guo family for more than ten years without being noticed at all.

(End of this chapter)

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