Chapter 1159 It's All Over

"What did he say that made you feel so guilty?"

Guo Jia asked unwillingly.

He really couldn't understand what kind of grievances and grievances there were between father and daughter.

Diao Chan's eyes fell on Guo Jia.

"Do you really want to know?"

Her voice was a little bitter.

of course!

Guo Jia smiled wryly, "I want to be a fool!"

He finally understood what Diao Chan was going to do.

This girl was reluctant to do something to her, and she couldn't forget Sima Hui's kindness in nurturing her. Being caught between the two of them was like being angry at both ends.

Now, she is going to kill Guo Jia and then commit suicide.

In this way, we must understand our grievances.


Diao Chan sighed, and said: "I only found out about this secret not too long ago. At first I always thought that he abandoned our mother and daughter, but the fact is that the master wanted to seize that man's inheritance, so he let himself The concubine's concubine stays with her, and the child in the concubine's womb is also the master's. He wants to follow the story of Lu Buwei to Qin Xiaogong, and effortlessly seek that person's inheritance. Unfortunately, that person saw through it and flatly rejected our mother. female."


Guo Jia couldn't help being a little stunned.

This fact is too dramatic.

After arguing for a long time, Mr. Shui Jing is not a person with a small heart.

If this is the case, he has no blood relationship with Diao Chan, and he has nothing to feel sorry for her.

Diao Chan has always misunderstood him.

"Seeing this, I realized. That person is not my father, let alone someone I should hate. On the contrary, he saved me and raised me, because he felt that my mother was innocent and we were just the master It’s just a chess piece. He has always regarded me as a daughter, but I have to break his heart again and again, it’s really unreasonable.”

Speaking of this, Diao Chan suddenly felt a little sad.

Everything was wrong, she was wrong from the beginning.

She is living for a purpose that does not exist, and in the end everything turns into nothingness.

everything is over!
Diao Chan murmured, pointing the crossbow in her hand at Guo Jia.

"He has been persuading me to kill you, but unfortunately I have never obeyed. Because I hate him and want to take revenge on him. That's why I committed myself to you, to get close to you, and let him watch his daughter having fun with his enemy, Make him loveless. In the end I succeeded, and the man died. But..."

She suddenly shouted hysterically: "It's all wrong."

Sorry Bong Hyo!
Diao Chan bit her lip and said, "I've always been sorry for him, and this time I want to do one last thing for him. Don't worry, Madam will be safe. I only want you!"

As he spoke, he slowly pulled the trigger.

At this moment, a long sword flashed across suddenly, instantly cutting off the crossbow arrow in Diao Chan's hand.

Diao Chan was also stunned by the sudden change, and when she realized it, a big man with a long beard had already stood in front of the two of them, it was Wang Yue.

The hilt of the sword fell into Wang Yue's hand, and his eyes stared at Diao Chan sternly, as if staring at a corpse.

Cai Yu was worried that Guo Jia would come out by himself, so she asked Wang Yue to follow quietly.

Diao Chan chose a very open location, with his back against the cliff and facing the avenue. Standing on the top of the hill, he could see the situation of Dian Wei and others.

Dian Wei and the others dared not move for fear of accidentally injuring Cai Yan, but Wang Yue was quick enough to climb up the cliff behind him.

It was precisely because of this that a massacre was prevented.


Seeing that Wang Yue on the mountain had succeeded, Dian Wei and others also galloped towards him on horseback.

"Go and see how Wen Ji is doing?"

Guo Jia didn't care about treating the wound, so he hurriedly ordered Dian Wei.

Ma'am she's all right!
After checking Cai Yan's condition, Dian Wei replied loudly.

Diao Chan did not abuse Cai Yan.

very good!

Hearing this, Guo Jia breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes fell on Diao Chan again, and a complex look flashed across his eyes.

It stands to reason that Diao Chan was an undercover agent that Heishui placed beside him, and he did something to rob Cai Yan, so he should have killed her.

But no matter what, Guo Jia couldn't hate her.

After more than ten years of relationship, if she tried to harm her, she would have died countless times.


Guo Jia said softly.

Diao Chan smiled miserably, and said, "I should be the one who said I'm sorry."

She has already taken the first step of revenge, and it is impossible to turn back.


Guo Jia took a deep breath and said, "If you let go of all your hatred, the Guo family will still accept you."

Even now, he still wants to fight for it.

No need!
Diao Chan shook her head: "When I learned the truth of the matter, I had already made up my mind. I am a tragedy, and I shouldn't have lived in this world."

She suddenly closed her eyes.

"Promise me that I will be buried here when I die."

When she was young, her favorite thing was to go to the fields with her mother to pick wild vegetables. The fields in the north are full of Artemisia annua, and playing on the Artemisia annua is one of Diaochan's hobbies.

Now, she has nothing to love in life, and her only hope is to die in this piece of Artemisia annua.


Guo Jia is still trying to convince her.

"Call me Ren Hongchang!"

Diao Chan said softly, "This is my name."

She didn't have a father, and her father was a ruthless and ungrateful person. In order to seize other people's fortunes, he would not hesitate to send their mother and daughter to Sima Hui.

The person who was really kind to her was hated by her for half his life, and finally died in depression.

"Okay, Miss Ren!"

Guo Jia changed his mind and said: "All these are wrongs and have nothing to do with you. You don't have to torture yourself."

Knowing Diao Chan's bizarre life experience, Guo Jia felt helpless for a while.

If it were him, I'm afraid he would have the same conflict as Diao Chan.

It's not a sin!

Diao Chan shook her head and said, "All of this is my own doing, I can't blame others."

She was determined to die, and it was not something Guo Jia could persuade her to come back with a few words.

It was a relief to die at Guo Jia's hands.

But how could Guo Jia have the heart to kill Diao Chan?

He suddenly let out a long sigh, and said: "Miss Ren, I don't know what to say now. It's all over, so don't torture yourself. You can go!"

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Diao Chan was taken aback for a moment.

"You...don't kill me?"

She was a little puzzled.

After all, she robbed Cai Yan and shot Guo Jia, which is already a capital offense.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just smiled lightly and said, "As you said, all of this should not have happened. We should never have met in the first place."

As he spoke, he limped and walked a few steps.

"From now on, you are free, you are no longer a member of Heishui, and you are no longer a maidservant of the General's Mansion. You can do what you want to do. If one day, you are tired and want to find a place to hide Where there is wind and rain, the door of the Guo family is always open to you."

Guo Jia said a few words softly, and left without looking back, leaving Diao Chan silent in the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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