Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1167 Preventing troubles before they happen

Chapter 1167 Preventing troubles before they happen

The two chased after each other, Cai Yu was a woman after all, and she drank a lot of wine, she was really exhausted at the moment.

Guo Jia, you bastard!

She suddenly hugged her knees and said sadly: "You bully me."

Seeing that Cai Yu stopped chasing, Guo Jia stopped cautiously.

"Girl, I didn't bully you, I'm telling the truth."

He said seriously: "You can consider handing over the matter at hand to your cronies. Come back, and I will treat you well."

Cai Yu is almost thirty this year, and she often runs outside, her complexion is a bit vicissitudes, far less youthful than the other wives and concubines in the General's Mansion.

So Guo Jia wants her back.

How many women are 30 years old?

She has served Yunzhou for more than ten years, and it is time to come back and rest.


Cai Yu suddenly raised her head and looked at him coldly.

"Why, you want to deprive me of my power? Is it because I don't like it and want someone else to replace it? Sure enough, the clothes are not as good as the new ones, and the people are not as good as the old ones."

The girl said sarcastically.

What Guo Jia said was very embarrassing.

He didn't expect Cai Yu to say that.

It seems that this girl is very greedy for the power in her hands.

Let me come back!

Cai Yu's tone changed suddenly, and he said with a smile: "Make Guo Sili your eldest son and tell the world that everything about you belongs to him, so I, as an aunt, can rest assured."

Ha ha!

Guo Jia suddenly smiled, with a helpless voice.

This girl still has things about the Cai family in her heart.

This is the fundamental reason why she refuses to give up the power in her hands.

Guo Jia shook his head.

He suddenly realized that he was also a little dazed.

When he first came to the Three Kingdoms, he only wanted to do a big job and make a career, so that he could be worthy of his status as a time traveler.

At that time, he didn't know how long he could live, so he just held on to the idea of ​​working day by day, flattening gold, destroying the Xiongnu Xianbei Wuhuan, strangling the seeds of the chaos of the future generations in the cradle, and leaving them to the Han people of future generations. A little blessing.

But people's desires are endless. In the past, Guo Jia longed to leave a name in history and make a career.

Now that he has achieved fame and capital, he is a little at a loss.

His life trajectory also gradually overlapped with those of the founding monarchs.

Is there any point in doing this?

Guo Jia himself didn't know.

Even if their Guo family can be like a big man, and the incense has been passed on for hundreds of years, in the end someone will overthrow Guo Jia and establish a new dynasty.

Guo Jia suddenly didn't understand.

What is the meaning that history has given you to travel through?

hey hey hey~
Seeing Guo Jia stunned, Cai Yu on the side was a little upset.

"What do you mean by that? Do you have other ideas? Let me tell you, Guo Si is the blood of our Cai family, and he will definitely inherit everything from you in the future."

This is the future of the Cai family, and it is also Cai Yu's persistence.

Seeing that Guo Jia stopped talking, she immediately said earnestly: "Establishing a son does not establish a concubine, and establishing an elder does not establish a young. This is the rule passed down by the ancestors. You can't even follow this. Besides, the hundred people in Yunzhou The officials are all watching."

Guo Jia is the lord of Yunzhou, and his family affairs are the major affairs of Yunzhou.

Establishing a son is not an easy matter.

Let's talk about this later!

Guo Jia said lightly.

He didn't want to just establish a son like this.

"By the way, what did Liu Zhang say when we went to Xichuan this time?"

Guo Jia changed the subject, not wanting to get entangled in this matter.

Still like that!

Cai Yu also felt that haste makes waste, and the matter of establishing a reserve can only end here.

"He is very cautious and petty. He wants us to help, but he doesn't want to pay. He is a treacherous villain."

This is Cai Yu's evaluation of Liu Zhang.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia nodded.

This is in line with Liu Zhang's personality.

Hesitating and indecisive, this made the great foundation occupied by Liu Daer.

"It seems that Ma Chao is not too urgent. If he is, he will come to me naturally. Get ready and let them bleed."

Guo Jia smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Cai Yu suddenly glanced at Guo Jia in surprise.

"So, you really plan to take Ma Chao first?"

Right now the Central Plains has been divided up by the princes. The north of the Yellow River belongs to Guo Jia, and the northwest border and Hanzhong are occupied by Ma Chao. The territory between the Yellow River and the Yangtze River includes Cao Cao, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao and Lu Bu. However, Yuan Shao and Lu Bu are probably not Cao Cao’s opponents. Sooner or later they will Become Cao Cao's territory.The south of the Yangtze River is the territory of the Sun family, and Xiangfan will fall into their hands sooner or later.

Cai Yu originally thought that Guo Jia would attack Cao Cao first. After all, this person was enough to threaten Yunzhou, but what she didn't expect was that Guo Jia's first battle was against Ma Chao in the northwest.

This seems to be putting the cart before the horse.

Ma Chao's territory does not border Yunzhou, and there is no conflict of interest between the two parties for the time being.

Cai Yu didn't understand why Guo Jia would do this.

"You don't know something?"

Guo Jia stood up slowly and drew a line on the ground.

"Ma Chao is nothing to worry about, but this Han'e is a little weird. She instigated Ma Chao to take down Hanzhong, and then entered Xichuan with the Northwest Army. If they occupy Xichuan, cut off the road, and block Hanzhong, they can attack and defend. In the future, Guanzhong and Sili will inevitably become the battlefield, and Ma Chao will inevitably become the great enemy of the Central Plains."

Since ancient times, there has been a road into Shu.

If Ma Chao occupied Xishu, he would be invincible as long as he sent troops to defend Hanzhong.

This is also the reason why Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang were able to resist Cao Wei for decades with the power of a state.

Therefore, Guo Jia wanted to take advantage of Ma Chao's attack on Xichuan, lest he become a climate in the future. Once he really became another Liu Bei, it would be a little troublesome for Guo Jia to take Xichuan.

In contrast, even if the Central Plains fell into Cao Cao's hands, it would take minutes for Guo Jia to beat him.

In Hebei and Henan, there is only one Yellow River, which cannot stop the Yunzhou army at all.

But Sichuan and Shu are a little different.

If you want to conquer Sichuan and Sichuan, you must open up the road from Hanzhong to Sichuan.

The Cao Wei of the later generations spent a lot of hands and feet for all this, and it took decades of poverty to destroy the Kingdom of Shu.

So Guo Jia couldn't wait like this.

He wants to kill Ma Chao in the cradle first.

I understand!

Cai Yu nodded.

She doesn't understand how Guo Jia decides, and she doesn't need to understand, she just needs to do it step by step.

Others, this girl is too lazy to bother.

Facts have proved that Guo Jia's decision-making is correct.

there's one more thing!

Seeing that Cai Yu was about to leave, Guo Jia suddenly smiled and said.

"I really miss the old days."

old days?
Cai Yu was suddenly at a loss.

She didn't understand it for a while.

Guo Jia suddenly grabbed her hand, pushed it down on the table, and said softly: "The days when we were fighting in the field."

This bastard!

Cai Yu was ashamed, and when she was about to struggle, she was touched by his hands, and her body immediately became numb.

Soon, a symphony sounded in the backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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