Chapter 1177 Guo Jia Enters Shu
Luo County, where Yizhou was originally governed in the Eastern Han Dynasty!
After Liu Yan became the shepherd of Yizhou, he changed his government to Chengdu in the relatively prosperous Shu County.

Western Shu has always been known as the kingdom of heaven, and Chengdu is in the center of this heaven.

Although the road is rough, it still does not block the footsteps of the merchants.

Chengdu has always been closely connected with the outside world.

As the center of the entire Yizhou, Chengdu is also extremely prosperous, and you can see people coming and going even at night.

"What a heavenly kingdom! The prosperity of Chengdu is no less than that of Lunu in the past."

A man stood on a high platform, looking at the people passing by, he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

is it?

Standing beside the man was a woman wearing a costume of a foreign race, and she was smiling and holding the man's arm.

"Since that's the case, why don't you let go of everything and hide in this paradise with my concubine?"

This woman's face is incomparably delicate and beautiful, and her foreign costume is even more charming than Huajiao.

She is Su Qinglian who bid farewell to Jingzhou and came to Yizhou to manage.

In order to sell Yunzhou's products to all parts of the country, Su Qinglian also worked hard.

In just one year, she established many trading points in Yizhou, and the combination of these trading points constitutes the entire sales network.

Su Qinglian is a strong woman, a woman who does not give in to a man. In Yunzhou, only Cai Yu can compare with her.

The average man feels a little ashamed when he sees her.

There is only one person who can make her lean on her side like a bird, and that is Guo Jia.

He came to Shu County in person.

Ha ha!

Hearing what Su Qinglian said, Guo Jia just smiled slightly, he knew that Su Qinglian had some resentment.

Speaking of these years, most of the women who have been with Guo Jia have achieved results, with the exception of Cai Yu and Su Qinglian, two heroines in the middle school.

"Since you miss me so much, why don't you go back to Yunzhou with me."

Guo Jia put his arms around Su Qinglian's slender waist and said with a smile.

go back!

Su Qinglian smiled sweetly.


She suddenly said with a smile that wasn't a smile: "There is only one way to get this concubine back. As long as my husband can do it, this concubine will leave everything to go with you, have children for you, and be your little wife."

You are here again!

Guo Jia smiled bitterly.

He naturally knew the method Su Qinglian said, which was to abolish Cai Yan's position as the main wife and remarry Su Qinglian as his wife.

Only in this way, Su Qinglian will willingly enter the gate of the Guo family.

But how could Guo Jia do this?
"just kidding!"

Su Qing gave Guo Jia a white look, and she knew it was impossible.

There was a flash of loneliness in my heart.

Su Qing's ambition is in the world, and she never thought of being subservient to someone's harem for the rest of her life.

She also doesn't think there is any man in the world who can match her.

But the world is unpredictable, Guo Jia's sudden appearance shattered Su Qinglian's self-confidence.

The advent of the Zhongshan border trade model turned a remote and poor place into the most prosperous place in Dahan.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a rich country.

This shocked Su Qinglian, who was a businessman.

It turns out that commerce can do the same.

You don’t need to buy low and sell high, and you don’t need to transport hard. You only need to set up a specific platform and give some preferential terms, and merchants rush in like moths to a flame.

In just a few years, a small place with a bad name has become the business center of the big man.

Unseen and unheard of, but he succeeded.

From that time on, Su Qinglian became very interested in Guo Jia, the designer of this model.

Guo Jia's every move next came into Su Qinglian's eyes.

After a period of investigation, she suddenly discovered that Guo Jia not only had fantastic ideas in business, but also in other places.

Some of Guo Jia's measures and methods have never been seen in this era.

Su Qinglian immediately had a strong interest in this person, which was the fundamental reason why she committed herself to Guo Jia.

With the further contact between the two, Su Qinglian more and more found that there were many things that attracted her to this person, so she couldn't help but fell into Guo Jia's arms.

It's been a few years now.

Thinking of this, Su Qinglian couldn't help but sigh.

It's like moths to a flame, out of control.

Knowing that Guo Jia has a wife, she still became Guo Jia's woman without hesitation.

She believes that only Guo Jia can be worthy of her in this world.

It is precisely because of this dignity that she would rather be outside than go in and share Guo Jia with other women.

As early as the moment she was with Guo Jia, Su Qinglian was ready for a lifetime of loneliness.

Having said that, Su Qinglian naturally felt uncomfortable seeing other women blooming and bearing fruit.

Women are always jealous.

Strong as Su Qinglian is no exception.

It's a pity that when he met Guo Jia, he already had his first wife, Cai Yan, and it was impossible to compete with the Su family's reputation and qualifications.

Of course, it's not that Su Qinglian didn't think about fighting, but what made her a little desperate was that Guo Jia and Cai Yan were very affectionate, and it was impossible for her to separate them.

With the help of Cai Yan's younger sister Cai Yu, Su Qinglian gave up the idea of ​​competing for favor in the harem, and put all her mind on business.

The business in Yunzhou can be successfully resold to the whole country, and this girl has contributed a lot.

Guo Jia knew that Su Qinglian was wronged, but there was nothing he could do.

He couldn't satisfy Su Qinglian.

Su Qinglian also knew that Guo Jia was in trouble, so she didn't mention it anymore.

The two fell silent in a tacit understanding, and neither of them wanted to speak.

For a time, the scene was a little awkward.

"Look, let the lantern fly."

The people below cheered.

Flying lights?

Guo Jia was suddenly a little puzzled.

Seeing Guo Jia's doubts, Su Qinglian explained: "This is a local custom and a local characteristic."

She pointed to the busy people below.

"The locals use cloth as lanterns and light them at the bottom. The lanterns are filled with heat and can be lifted into the air slowly. That's why they are called flying lanterns."

At this moment, one after another bright lights slowly rose.

Seeing all this, Guo Jia couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

The so-called flying lanterns are Kongming lanterns of later generations.

The principle is the same as that of a hot air balloon.

Guo Jia always thought that Zhuge Liang invented it, but Zhuge Liang has not yet arrived in Sichuan and Shu, so it seems that this lamp was not invented by him. It should have been handed down from the local area and improved by Zhuge Liang.

History really loved Zhuge Liang and gave him many titles.

Even this stuff has become made by him.

"Do you want to give it a try?"

Su Qinglian tilted her head and glanced at Guo Jia.

Guo Jia nodded.

Su Qinglian immediately grabbed him, walked into the crowd, bought a Kongming lantern, and lit it.

Seeing the sky lantern slowly rise into the sky, Su Qinglian immediately cheered, smiling like a little girl.

Sometimes happiness is as simple as that.

(End of this chapter)

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