Chapter 1198
Liu Zhang eventually killed Zhang Ren's family.

He wants to use this method to prove that he is the master of Yizhou.

After killing Zhang Ren's family members, the whole city of Chengdu was in awe.

Zhang Ren is the Minister of Gu Ming, Liu Zhang even dared to kill his family members, let alone others?

Liu Ba and others didn't dare to say anything, so they had to defend the city with all their strength.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Liu Zhang was very satisfied, and issued orders one after another.

He ordered his son Liu Dun to lead the army to move into Chengdu and prepare for defense.


"This Liu Zhang, has he lost his head? How dare he kill Zhang Ren's family at this time?"

Cai Yu looked at the news with both surprise and joy.

This is asking for death!

You must know that Zhang Ren still has an army of [-] to [-].

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, but said nothing.

This is Liu Zhang's character.

Otherwise, in future generations, he would not give up his family's foundation and let Liu Da'er take advantage of it.

"Isn't it a little cruel for us to do this?"

Cai Yu couldn't bear it.

Zhang Ren went to Chengdu to write letters, which were all captured by Skynet.

Liu Zhang didn't know about Zhang Ren's situation, and thought he was treasonous, so he beheaded his family members.

The instigator of this matter is they.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just smiled lightly.

"Liu Zhang was very afraid of Zhang Ren. Even if there was no such thing, he would find a way to get rid of Zhang Ren."

He wasn't too stressed about it.

Cai Yu couldn't help but sighed.

She felt a little pity for Zhang Ren. He was originally loyal to Liu Zhang, but he ended up like this.

"How's Ma Chao?"

Guo Jia suddenly asked about this.

After all, the purpose of coming back to Yizhou is to wipe out the vital forces of the Liangzhou Army.

"Ma Chao left the central and rear troops behind and marched into the depths of Yizhou alone with 4 to [-] people. He is probably looting the surrounding areas at this moment!"

Mentioning this person, Cai Yu's face was full of contempt.

This guy is really cold by nature, he even left his wife behind, and led people to attack Chengdu alone.

Without the supplies from the central army and the rear army, he can only be regarded as a rogue at this moment.

Ha ha!

Hearing this, Guo Jia's heart relaxed.

This is Ma Chao. In order to achieve his goal, he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. Ma Chao left the Chinese army and entered the hinterland of Yizhou alone, which was expected by Guo Jia.

When he started working with Zhang Ren, the foreshadowing had already been laid.

In this way, Yizhou may not be able to hope for peace.

Guo Jia's main goal is to make both the Yizhou and Liangzhou armies suffer.

This time, Yizhou may be in turmoil.

"Han E retreated with the remnants of the defeated generals."

Cai Yu took out another message.

She suddenly said contemptuously: "I just now know what it means that a husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they will fly separately when disaster strikes."

Ma Chao doesn't care about Han E, and Han E doesn't care about Ma Chao. This couple is really a strange thing.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said, "Gather together for profit, and divide for profit. Therefore, a marriage based on profit is not guaranteed."

He had already made up his mind on this.

Cai Yu was silent.

"If you were Ma Chao and I were Han E, what would you do?"

She looked at Guo Jia with interest.

of course!

Guo Jia snorted and said, "Naturally, we will do our best to help. Whoever dares to bully our Zhenji, I will fight him desperately."

is it?

Cai Yu's heart blossomed, but she said: "It may not be true, you, Mr. Guo, are suave and suave, and there are so many beauties around you, how can you remember me as a miserable person."

How to speak?
Guo Jia stared at her eyes: "Why is our Zhenji a miserable person? I treat her as a treasure."

Cai Yu smiled happily as he spoke.

This bastard just can talk.

alright, alright!

Cai Yu no longer struggled with this issue.

She also believed in Guo Jia.

"Next, what to do?"

Cai Yu looked at Guo Jia in confusion.

The development of the matter seems to have exceeded her expectations, so this girl is still a little at a loss about what will happen next.

How to do it?
Guo Jia giggled and said, "Naturally, we should do whatever we want. It has nothing to do with us."

Whether it's Yizhou or Xiliang, it's a good thing whoever dies, and Yunzhou is much easier to clean up.

Cai Yu shrugged helplessly, as if she knew this earlier.


Guo Jia seemed to think of something, and asked, "What happened to the black water?"

Jingxiang is so close to Yizhou, it is impossible for Zhuge Liang not to take any action.

Cai Yu thought for a while and said, "Pan Yin said that before the war, Zhuge Jun had a long discussion with Ma Chao and his wife, and he didn't know what agreement the two sides had reached."

Sure enough!

Hearing this, Guo Jia nodded slowly.

He knew that Zhuge Liang would not sit idly by.

But here comes the question, what is Zhuge Jun's purpose in coming to see Han E?

Guo Jia's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Although the black water has fallen, Guo Jia still dare not underestimate him. Zhuge Liang is not an ordinary person after all.

At the beginning, Guo Jia set up in Xiangyang for so long, but finally failed.

This is also Guo Jia's only failure since his debut.

Although there was an element of luck in it, Zhuge Liang did defeat Guo Jia in this matter.

During this trip to Yizhou, Guo Jia will definitely not make repeated mistakes.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly stretched his waist.

"Let's go, let's meet Zhang Ren."

Now that Zhang Ren has been abandoned by Liu Zhang, it is Guo Jia's great opportunity to subdue him.

After subduing Zhang Ren and his men, Guo Jia will have a lot to do in Yizhou.


Soon, news of Zhang Ren's family being killed reached Jiameng Pass.

Zhang Ren was so angry that he almost passed out.

Even though he was wrong in every possible way, Liu Zhang just killed him, why did he kill his whole family?
Liu Zhang is a fool!

Zhang Ren shook his body and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He was devoting himself to Yizhou, fearing that something might go wrong, but he didn't expect to end up like this.

Sorry general!

Everyone hurriedly supported Zhang Ren.

"what is this?"

Yan Yan said angrily: "I was waiting on the front line to fight desperately, but he killed General Zhang's family. Isn't this something wrong with his brain? He just reversed it and took down Chengdu and established a new leader."

He was a little dissatisfied with Liu Zhang's stupidity.

Zhang Ren was a great hero. In the battle of Jiamengguan, he wiped out the Chinese army of Xiliang Army.

Not only that, even they have become rebels.

It really makes no sense!
Yan Yan has a fiery temper, clamoring to rebel.


Wu Lan on the side hurriedly said: "There must be some misunderstanding. It's better to send someone to Chengdu to explain the situation."

Also talk shit!
Lei Tong sneered and said, "Liu Zhang is narrow-minded. General Zhang has made great achievements. He is afraid of his achievements, so he attacked General Zhang's family. It really chills me to follow such people."

Those who died today were Zhang Ren's family members, and those who died tomorrow might be their family members.

Everyone felt a bit sad about the death of a rabbit and a fox!
 During this period of time, the grades have been a bit sluggish, so I plan to make an update to improve it. I hope that all book friends will support you.

  The old rules, four chapters as a base, a reward of [-] plus a chapter, a recommendation ticket of [-] plus a chapter, a monthly ticket of [-], plus a chapter, do what you say, never break your promise!

(End of this chapter)

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