Chapter 1215 Rout
Let's say that Liu Dun and others received Liu Zhang's order and led the army back to help in the starry night.

There is still a considerable distance between Luoxian County and Chengdu, and even if they hurry up, it will take some time.

Liu Dun was originally irritable, urging the soldiers to hurry up all the way, wishing to fly back to Chengdu.

The army marched for a day and a night, and the soldiers were no longer exhausted. The general who commanded the army came to ask Liu Dun for instructions that the army needed to rest.


Liu Dun flatly refused.

"Rescuing soldiers is like fighting fires. Chengdu is at stake. We must arrive quickly. How can we waste time on the road?"

All his privileges come from Liu Zhang, Liu Zhang is finished, he is naturally not a shit.

Therefore, Liu Dun must go back to save Liu Zhang.


A general pleaded: "The army has been marching continuously for two days and one night, and it took less than three hours to rest. Everyone is a little tired. If we don't rest, I'm afraid we won't be able to walk anymore."

darn thing!

Liu Dun was furious, he raised the whip in his hand and beat his head and brain.

"My father is waiting eagerly in Chengdu. You guys are dawdling on the road. Do you want to rebel? Tell you, if you don't make it to Chengdu within three days, everyone will die."

He is the son of Liu Zhang, with a youthful spirit and a high position, so naturally he doesn't know the hardships of the grassroots, and he doesn't know how to be sympathetic to the soldiers.

The general was whipped and furious.

How the hell can you ride a horse, and there are spare horses for transfers. We all have to use two legs to travel, and it really doesn’t hurt our backs to stand and talk.

Can you come down and try to hurry with everyone?
Of course, he didn't dare to say such words, so he could only go back in humiliation and ordered everyone to continue on their way.

Naturally, all the soldiers complained, and some even dropped their weapons and did not leave.

Liu Dun was even more angry, and led his personal guards to kill several leading assassins in a row, and then forced himself to suppress the dissatisfaction of the soldiers.

The arms couldn't twist the thighs, and everyone could only force themselves to go on the road. They had already greeted Liu Dun's ancestors many times in their hearts.

In this way, after walking for a hundred miles, they set up camp and stopped to rest.


While Liu Dun was on his way desperately, ten miles ahead, people's heads were shaking, and an army quietly approached. The tall figure at the head was Ma Chao.

When he heard that Liu Dun's army had come overnight, he was overjoyed, and immediately left five hundred troops beating drums and shouting at the foot of Chengdu City, and tied straw men as suspects.But he quietly led the main force northward, rushing in the direction of Liu Dun's army.

"Report, general, Liu Dun's army is setting up camp ten miles ahead."

In front of the horse to report.

very good!

Ma Chao nodded in satisfaction.

Liu Dun's reckless rush has already exhausted the strength of the soldiers, and this is a good opportunity for the Xiliang army to make a surprise attack.

They waited for work, and waited for a long time.


Ma Chao suddenly pointed his gun.

"Prosperity and wealth are right in front of us. After defeating Liu Dun and taking down Jiange, the whole of Yizhou will be ours. At that time, Ma Chao will allow you to be at ease."

hoo hoo hoo!
Everyone roared again, and their expressions became excited.

The so-called freedom is burning, killing and looting, which is also the unique method of the Liangzhou army to motivate soldiers.

Yizhou is very rich. Once they are allowed to burn, kill and loot, they will naturally get rich.

"Steal money, grab food, grab women!"

Ma Chao roared.

"Steal money, grab food, grab women!"

The crowd followed suit.

Seeing that morale had reached its peak, Ma Chao swung his spear.


As he spoke, he took the lead and led a hundred cavalry to charge towards Liu Dun's camp.

The people of Xiliang made good use of cavalry. Although Ma Chao's cavalry was small, it was powerful and powerful, and shot towards Liu Dun's camp like a sharp arrow.


The other pawns rushed up screaming.

They have been inspired by Ma Chao's promise.

Although there are no horses, there is no downwind.

Ten miles away, Ma Chao led the cavalry and charged into the camp first, heading straight for Liu Dun's tent.

Shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first.

As long as Liu Dun is killed, this army will be finished.

From the very beginning, Ma Chao decided on this strategy, and the hundred cavalry was his trump card.

Liu Dun traveled all night, exhausting the soldiers' stamina, and finally stopped to rest, who can stand up?

Even the soldiers in charge of security were dozing off.

Ma Chao's cavalry descended like heavenly soldiers, killing them all by surprise in an instant.

Enemy attack, enemy attack!
The guard at the head of the camp shouted.

A group of soldiers bit the bullet and formed a formation in an attempt to block Ma Chaojun's entry.

The flexibility and sharpness of the cavalry and the sharpness of the thrusts were fully displayed by Ma Chao. One hundred cavalry formed a wedge formation, and with Ma Chao, who was highly skilled in martial arts, as an arrow, he crushed the army in just an instant.


Ma Chao lifted a general into the air with one shot, and led the cavalry to crush him without hesitation.

The troops in charge of the guard were quickly routed.

"Don't love to fight, bypass these tents and go straight to the tent of the Chinese army commander."

Ma Chao roared loudly, mercilessly, and kept reaping the lives of Yizhou soldiers around him.

As the core of the team, he maximizes his attack power, breaks through all obstacles, and reaches the heart of the enemy.

Ma Chao's subordinates are also experienced fighters. Although the number is small, they cooperate very tacitly.

Auxiliary assistance, clearing obstacles, clearing obstacles, ensuring safety and ensuring safety, allowing their leaders to exert their attack power to the peak.

This cavalry is like a sharp knife, invincible, blocking and breaking.

On the other hand, the Yizhou army is like a bunch of headless flies. The soldiers can't find the generals, and the generals can't find the soldiers. After a while, they are pierced layer by layer by the sharp knife of the Xiliang army.

What's going on? What's going on?

Liu Dun came out of the tent in a panic.

He was originally a delicate young master, even with a horse and a horse, he was very tired after two days and one night of rapid marching.

This time I actually fell asleep.

When he woke up, Ma Chao had already rushed in.

"Young master, hurry up, the Xiliang army is coming!"

Liu Gui hurried over with his own soldiers in a panic, and he had just received the news.

Hearing this, Liu Dun was taken aback.

"Isn't Ma Chao under the city of Chengdu? How did he appear here?"

We've been fooled!
Liu Gui had a mournful face.

"Ma Chao is attacking west and east. He is clearly attacking Chengdu, but he is actually coming with our army. Young master, please get on your horse and leave. The front army has been defeated. Ma Chao's cavalry is attacking the Chinese army."

After all, he was a bit older than Liu Dun, so he already understood Ma Chao's strategy by now.

Liu Dun almost passed out.

He never dreamed that this would be the result.

"Father mistook me, Yang Huaigao mistook me!"

Liu Dun stamped his feet, and hastily put on his horse.

 The first update, recommend tickets and rewards to the bowl!

(End of this chapter)

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