Chapter 1219 The Final Winner
Let's say that after Ma Dai learned that Ma Chao had defeated Liu Dun's army, he immediately decided to attack Jiange and Peishui Pass with the whole army.

Guards Gao Pei and Yang Huai also had no intention of defending the city, and secretly planned to surrender to the Liangzhou army.

The two sides had contacts in private.

At this moment, Jiamengguan Zhang Ren, who had been standing still, suddenly rushed out from behind. The left and right vanguards cut into Ma Dai's rear formation, disrupting Ma Dai's position. Zhang Ren led the army to cover up and quickly defeated Ma Dai's left behind. rear army.

As a last resort, Ma Dai had to turn around and face Zhang Ren's army.

The two sides started a fierce battle in Your Excellency the Sword.

Zhang Ren took refuge in Yunzhou, and this battle was his first show, so he naturally had to play [-] points.

Ma Dai fought with his back, and naturally he couldn't afford to lose, so he had to fight desperately.

Twenty thousand against thirty thousand was evenly matched for a while.

At this time, Gao Pei and Yang Huai saw the advantage.

Now that Zhang Ren made a move, they naturally stopped joining the Xiliang Army.

So the two immediately overturned the agreement just made, and began to attack Ma Dai. The two sides attacked back and forth.

After defeating Ma Dai, Zhang Ren took the opportunity to detain Yang Huai and Gao Pei who came to greet him, led his troops into Jiange and Peishui Pass, and took over the defense of these two places.

After getting the news, Guo Jia handed Jiameng Pass to Wu Lan's guards, and Cai Yu and the Tiger Guards entered the Jiange.

Since then, this most important strategic location in Yizhou has fallen into the hands of Guo Jia.


"Report, my lord. Our army defeated the rest of Xiliang and captured General Ma Dai alive."

Zhang Ren came to Guo Jia covered in blood.

This battle was his first battle since he surrendered to Guo Jia, and the result was very brilliant. Not only did he defeat Ma Dai's remnant soldiers, but he also took down Jiange along the way.

"General Zhang has worked hard! In this battle, this general will remember your first merit."

Guo Jia hurriedly helped Zhang Ren up.

The number one fierce general in Western Shu was not called for nothing, Zhang Ren fought very beautifully in this battle.

"My lord, what about us? If the two of us hadn't charged left and right and broke Ma Dai's formation, it would not have been so easy for General Zhang to win."

Yan Yan on the side shouted loudly.

He is straightforward and says what he has.

Although Lei Tong didn't speak, he was still watching him eagerly, and he also made a lot of contributions.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said: "Everyone deserves credit, everyone deserves credit, my Yunzhou Army has clear rewards and punishments, and I will definitely not owe you all."

Hearing what Guo Jia said, the two of them relaxed.


Zhang Ren seemed to have remembered something, and immediately called Gao Pei and Yang Huai.

"These two are also old friends of our subordinates. If they hadn't come out to help each other at critical times, we would not have been able to completely defeat Ma Dai's army. The Jiange and Peishui Pass were also donated by them."

Hearing that the young man in front of them was General Guo Jia, Yang Huai and Gao Pei were frightened and fell to their knees.

"The last generals, Yang Huai and Gao Pei, pay respects to the general."

Where did they think that Zhang Ren had already voted for Yunzhou?Not to mention that this general came to Yizhou in person.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "You two have been in frequent contact with Ma Dai, are you planning to join Ma Dai?"

Before the war, he received news that Gao Pei and Yang Huai had an ambiguous attitude and seemed to have the intention of joining the Liangzhou Army, so Guo Jiacai preemptively ordered the army to defeat Ma Dai's troops of the Xiliang Army.

The two were taken aback and hurriedly denied it.

They naturally dare not admit it.

is it?

Guo Jiarao glanced at them with interest, and said, "Why don't you bring Ma Dai here to ask?"

Hearing what Guo Jia said, the two of them immediately turned pale.

They repented before the battle and did not open the door to welcome Ma Dai into the customs. The latter naturally hated them to the bone.

Once the two sides confront each other, they are all over.

"General, spare your life, General, spare your life!"

The two hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed.

"The small ones have no choice. Before this, there was Ma Chao aggressively, and then there was Ma Dai's army pressing the border. Jiange and Peishui Pass were weak, and they couldn't stop them. We don't want the soldiers to do nothing. sacrifice."

Yang Huai choked up and said.

darn thing?

Hearing this, Yan Yan Leitong became very angry.

The Xiliang army committed all kinds of crimes in burning, killing and looting in Yizhou. Even if they were abandoned by Liu Zhang, they did not join the Xiliang army.

How dare these two bastards join the Xiliang army?
It really makes no sense!
Yan Yan had a bad temper and immediately drew his sword.

"Gao Pei Yang Huai, thanks to the fact that you are still the generals of the Yizhou Army, you still want to go to the Xiliang Army. You are really embarrassing us Yizhou people. You are such a fool, don't worry about it!"

As he spoke, he was about to step forward and hack the two of them to death.

The two were even more shocked.

"General Zhang, General Zhang, for the sake of our comrades, please say something nice to us!"

Yang Huai begged.


Zhang Ren is a kind person. Although he felt that the two were a little slippery, he still helped at critical times.

Without their surrender, Jiange would not have been taken down so quickly.


Zhang Ren coughed and said, "These two..."

Guo Jia suddenly interrupted him, and said leisurely: "If Zhang Ren loses to you, I'm afraid these two will chase you with Ma Dai."

Yang Huai Gaopei is mediocre and unreliable, Guo Jia is too lazy to take them in, and keeping them is a waste of food.

Zhang Ren was speechless when he said a word.

Indeed, you can never expect loyalty from a fool.

If His Excellency Jian lost to Zhang Ren, the two of them might not show mercy to them.

What are you talking about?
Lei Tong drew his sword and chopped off Gao Pei's head. Yang Huai was about to escape, but Yan Yan chased him and stabbed him to death.

"You can't be merciful when dealing with such treacherous villains!"

He cursed and wiped the blood off the sword.

You can rebel, or you can not help each other, but you cannot join the Xiliang army, because they have the blood of Yizhou people on their hands.

This is the bottom line of Yizhou generals.

Seeing Yang Huai and Gao Pei killed, Zhang Ren also sighed.

However, the two of them also had a way of taking death, so he didn't have anything to say.

Fortunately, the Jiange has been taken down, and the troops of the two have also been incorporated by Zhang Ren, and they will not cause any waves if they die.

At this time, a general with disheveled hair and tied hands, under the escort of several soldiers, came to Guo Jia. It was Ma Dai.

Kneel down!

The Tiger Guard stretched out his foot and kicked Ma Dai's knee a few times, trying to make him kneel down.

But Ma Dai was extremely stubborn, allowing the Tiger Guards to kick and beat him without kneeling down.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia waved his hand, signaling that his subordinates don't need to be so rude.

He looked Ma Dai up and down a few times, and said: "I have heard about General Ma's name for a long time, but seeing him today, it is indeed well-deserved."

Among the nephews and nephews of the Ma family, the only ones who can make Guo Jia like him are Ma Dai and Ma Tie.

It's a pity that Ma Tie is dead.

When Guo Ye was robbed, it was Ma Tie who rescued him.

(End of this chapter)

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