Chapter 1233
Not bad!

Zhuge Liang nodded slowly.

"Ma Chao has been lost in the hands of Yunzhou several times. Naturally, he hates Yunzhou. If there is an opportunity to target the Yunzhou army, he will naturally not let it go. The general can send someone to make peace with Ma Chao and persuade him to cooperate with him. To deal with Guo Jia, this is the way."

Not bad!

Liu Ba also nodded.

They turned things around instead.

He thought that Ma Chao had to kill Liu Zhang.

In fact, that's not the case. Ma Chao is more active in destroying the Yunzhou Army.

Ma Chao can ignore this aspect.

When necessary, they can also unite with Ma Chao to face Guo Jia.

After all, Guo Jia stretched his hand into Yizhou, and Liu Zhang was very worried.


Liu Zhang hesitated again.

"Ma Chao may not be a threat anymore, but what about the Nanman? The Nanman has been on the verge of making moves during this time, and they have long been a little restless."

What if Nanman suddenly rebelled if he attacked Sword Pavilion?

Ha ha!

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, and said: "Liang has a plan to arouse the anger of the Nanman. Let them target Guo Jia."

What strategy?
Hearing what Zhuge Liang said, Liu Zhang was even more ecstatic.

Although the Nanban is stupid, they are extremely powerful in combat.

If they can be persuaded to use them for themselves, it is not impossible to defeat Guo Jia.

Sure enough, Zhuge Liang said: "The southern barbarians are stupid and simple-minded. General Liu only needs to provoke a little, and he said that Guo Jia came from the north and planned to occupy Yizhou, rob them of their land and forests, and make their people slaves forever. Send another eloquent person to persuade the leaders of the Nanman and promise them some benefits, and they will turn their anger on Guo Jia. The Nanman people cross the mountains and ridges like walking on the ground, and it is impossible to attack such a dangerous place as Jiange. No problem. This is the second way."

Hearing this, Liu Zhang stood up excitedly.

Brilliant plan!

He rubbed his hands excitedly.

Guo Jia occupies the geographical advantage of Jiange, and it is very difficult for Liu Zhang to fight. After all, his soldiers are not monkeys, and it is difficult to cross mountains and mountains.

But the barbarians are different, they grew up in the mountains and forests, if they were to attack Jianmen Pass, it would be like walking on flat ground.

As long as the Jiange can be taken down, Yunzhou's troops will not have any advantage in front of Liu Zhang.

Even if the army from Yunzhou is here, Liu Zhang is confident to keep them out of the Jiange.

"Mr. Zhuge is brilliant!"

Liu Ba also clasped his fists.

That's not enough!
Zhuge Liang waved his hand and said, "I heard that the rest of the Liangzhou army was defeated by Guo Jia and retreated to Liangzhou. They also hated Guo Jia very much. General Liu can secretly send someone to Liangzhou to contact their leader. , to persuade them to deal with Guo Jia together. This is the third route. The army of the third route is united with the army of the general's fourth route. If the armies of the four routes come together, I predict that Yunzhou will be defeated."

good good!
Hearing Zhuge Liang's clever plan, Liu Zhang was overjoyed again.

"Hearing what Mr. said, Liu Zhang immediately understood. He will never forget Mr.'s contribution when he defeats Guo Jia in the future."

he said excitedly.

Don't dare to be!
Zhuge Liang waved his hand: "Xiangyang and Yizhou are dead, and Zhuge Liang is also thinking of Jingzhou. He hopes that the general will defeat the Yunzhou army earlier and return Yizhou to peace."

Liu Zhang said loudly.

It seems that the winning ticket is in hand.

The four armies are fighting against Guo Jia, it depends on what you do.

Soon, under Liu Zhang's planning, the three envoys were sent out respectively.


"Kong Ming, do you really want to help Liu Zhang?"

A young woman looked at Zhuge Liang in confusion. She was Zhuge Liang's wife Huang Yueying.

A woman who is neither beautiful nor ugly.

Zhuge Liang is tall, handsome, and handsome, but he married a mediocre village girl, which puzzled many people.

But this village girl is none other than Huang Chengyan's daughter.

Huang Chengyan is Cai Mao's brother-in-law and Liu Biao's brother-in-law. The Huang family is also one of the four great families in Xiangfan.

The young Zhuge Liang came to Jingzhou for the first time. In order to quickly integrate into the local circle, Mr. Shui Jing decided to let him marry Huang Chengyan's daughter.

As Huang Chengyan's son-in-law, he naturally integrated into the local circle.

Not only that, but his two older sisters also married into the Pang family and the Kuai family respectively, which are also one of the four great families.

In this way, Heishui can quickly take root in Jingzhou.

Although Huang Yueying is mediocre in appearance, she is quick-witted and good at mechanism driving.

Zhuge Liannu was created by her and provided great help to Zhuge Liang.

This time, she followed suit.

But she was a little puzzled by her husband's move.

Ha ha!

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, and said: "Liu Zhang is an incompetent man, if I don't make a move, he will not be Guo Jia's opponent after all. That's why I want to help him, lest Guo Jia swallow him in a short time."


Huang Yueying still didn't understand.

"Guo Jia's troops in Xichuan are limited. At present, there are only [-] surrendered troops from Zhang Ren. If Liu Zhang follows your method, Guo Jia will definitely be unable to resist the four armies. Isn't this helping him?"

Heishui Zhi is in Xichuan, whether it is Liu Zhang, Ma Chao or Guo Jia, they are all their enemies, and it is in the interests of Heishui that the three families fight to the death.

It is really unwise to help Liu Zhang destroy Guo Jia's soldiers and horses who entered Yizhou.

A woman's view!

Zhuge Liang shook his head helplessly.

"Do you think Liu Zhang can defeat Guo Jia by following my strategy?"

Huang Yueying froze for a moment.

She is also extremely intelligent.

Thinking about it carefully, maybe the husband's strategy was correct, but Liu Zhang was the one who implemented it.

Of course, if her husband Zhuge Liang came to implement it, it would greatly increase the odds of winning.

Whether Ma Chao or Nanman refused to accept him, it was still difficult for Liu Zhang to implement this plan perfectly.

"Even if Liu Zhang can't do it, it's not Guo Jia who is guarding the Jiange. It's Zhang Ren, a surrendered general from Yizhou. He may not have the skills of Guo Jia!"

Huang Yueying made a rebuttal.

Liu Zhang is not Zhuge Liang, but Zhang Ren is not Guo Jia either.

Ha ha!

Zhuge Liang smiled again, and said word by word: "Wrong, Zhang Ren is Guo Jia!"

What do you mean?
Huang Yueying looked at her husband puzzled.

The corner of Zhuge Liang's mouth twitched for a while.

Although Skynet's intelligence is pervasive, Blackwater's intelligence is also very powerful.

He already knew that Guo Jia was in Yizhou.

"You said... Guo Jia is in Jiange?"

Hearing this news, Huang Yueying couldn't help being startled.

This Guo Jia was really courageous enough to sneak into Yizhou alone, and conquered Yizhou's [-] troops, occupying half of Yizhou without a single soldier.

Really amazing!
what is this?
Zhuge Liang shrugged and said: "Didn't he also come to Jingzhou back then? He also turned Jingzhou upside down. The teacher is right, this person is a ghost, he never does things step by step, and he always surprises him."

 Sixth watch, everything continues, all kinds of requests, friends come here!

(End of this chapter)

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