Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1261 1 Everything is under control

Chapter 1261 Everything is under control

This time the plan to lure the snake out of the cave was proposed by Guo Jia. Xu Huang and Xu Rong's 5000 people will go out of Wuguan, and they will come back after just a detour.

The purpose is to attract the Xiliang army to attack Chang'an.

Only in this way can we win Xiliang once and for all.

Jia Xu stayed in Chang'an to carry out the most difficult task, while Guo Jia was about to leave to carry out the follow-up plan.

But before that, Guo Jia wanted to send Liu Yan and Zhang Ning out of Chang'an.

There is no need for them to follow the adventure.

"Guo Jia, you can't leave me behind, I want to go with you?"

Liu Yan was a little unhappy when she heard that Guo Jia was going to send her back to Yunzhou.

It is said that the first half of this little princess's life was very ups and downs, and if she met Guo Jia, she would be considered stable.

She was having a sweet time with Guo Jia during this time, how could she leave?

Guo Jia calmly said: "This time I'm going to fight, not to travel around, and it's not suitable for you to follow. Besides, your aunt already knows that you have been found, and she hopes to see you as soon as possible. You should go back to Yunzhou earlier. .”

don't go!

Liu Yan snorted, and said: "Why do I see my aunt? We are already like this, how can Eldest Aunt have no grudges in her heart? Even if she has no grudges, how can other women not? I am a princess, how can I look at other people's faces ?”

She was a little annoyed.

It's really unreasonable for Her Royal Highness to compete with her aunt for a man.

The reason is that Guo Jia is not good.

Ha ha!

Hearing Liu Yan's words, Guo Jia couldn't help but smile.

It was indeed his fault, Liu Yan shouldn't be pushed down just like that, after all, she has the status of a princess.

Once the news gets out, Guo Jia will definitely be scolded by Shihlin.

Is there any reason in the world to marry two princesses?

Besides, these two princesses are still separated by generations?
"Girl, don't make trouble, go back obediently. This matter will still fall on your aunt. If you restore the status of princess, I'm afraid you will have to go to Xudu. You must know that Cao Cao is not a good person. If you fail, you will become his little wife."

Once Liu Yan's identity is restored, Emperor Han will definitely order her to be sent to Xudu, which is controlled by Cao Cao.

When she got there, wouldn't Cao Cao have the final say on her life and death?

In case Cao Cao plays his own mind, wouldn't he really want to commit himself to this bastard.

Thinking of this, Liu Yan couldn't help but be smart.

She would rather be with Guo Jia than that ugly ghost Cao Cao.

A descendant of an eunuch, who has enjoyed the grace of the emperor for decades, does not want to serve the court, but instead dominates and bullies the royal family.

Compared with Cao Cao, this uncle is much better.

At least he is handsome, good at speaking, and good at kung fu.

"What can my aunt do?"

Liu Yan asked in a low voice.

This is it!
Guo Jia smiled mysteriously, and said: "That's her business, you just need to go back and beg her pitifully, she will definitely soften her heart, and your business will be easy to talk about."

After thinking about it, Liu Yan also felt that she could only do this.

One's identity cannot be made public, otherwise the royal family will be ashamed.

Her identity cannot be made public, she is a wild woman, and if she wants to enter Guo's house, Cai Yan must nod her head.

If Cai Yan doesn't nod, she can only hide outside and become an outside room.

How can a princess of the court become someone else's outer room?
Liu Yan's self-esteem also prevented her from doing so.


The girl could only say aggrievedly.

very good!

Seeing that Liu Yan had compromised, Guo Jia was relieved.

"However, I have a condition, let sister Zhang go with me!"

Liu Yan said firmly.


Guo Jia said seriously: "I told her that you have been sent back to Yunzhou, if you go with her now, wouldn't it be a lie."

In fact, he planned to bring Zhang Qi by his side this time, first to enjoy Zhang Meimei's gentleness, and second, he also wanted to take the opportunity to find out about the treasure of the Heavenly Master.

You can't play her mind!

Liu Yan gritted her teeth.

The reason why she pestered Guo Jia during this time was because she was afraid that Guo Jia would harm her good sister.

She couldn't save Zhang Qi, but she didn't want her to jump into Guo Jia's pit of fire either.


Guo Jia couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"You look so closely, how can I have time, even if I have time, this body can't do it."

Hearing this, Liu Yan burst into a smile.

Speaking of which, during this period of time, she did her best to suck up Guo Jia, leaving him with no energy left to harm Zhang Qi.

"You have to promise me that you will never touch Sister Zhang, otherwise you will... you will... be struck by lightning and die."

Hearing Liu Yan's words, Guo Jia couldn't help being startled.

"Girl, we don't have any deep hatred, you don't need to curse me like that, do you?"

Zhang Qi is the woman Guo Jia is sure to win.


Liu Yan sneered, and said: "Sister Zhang has saved my life. I won't harm him. You are a big whore, just harm me, don't think of harming Sister Zhang."

It seems that this girl has a deep prejudice against Guo Jia.

Ha ha!

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help showing helplessness.

"Okay, I promise!"

it is good!
Seeing that Guo Jia agreed, Liu Yan was relieved.

"You are a great general, you keep your word. I believe in you, go back and pack your bags now."

Said bouncing away.

With Guo Jia's promise, the girl felt relieved.

After all, he is also a great general, so it is impossible to count his words, right?

Still, she was too young.

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

Although he promised Liu Yan not to touch Zhang Qi, but Zhang Qi took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, seducing him was no longer within the scope of the vow.

Is there any reason not to eat the meat delivered to your door?

What is this for?
Zhang Qi was a little surprised to see the Tiger Guards busy packing up their things.

She fled all the way to Chang'an, and managed to stabilize for a few days. Is she going to live a life of ups and downs again?
"Qi'er, pack up quickly, we are leaving."

Guo Jia's figure walked in.

"Brother Zhen, where are we going?"

Zhang Qi asked cautiously.

Go to Hanzhong!
Guo Jia coughed, and said: "Just received the news that Liu Zhang, together with Ma Chao and Nanman, is attacking Hanzhong's territory. We must go to the rescue. Originally, when the army went out, women were not allowed, but Hanzhong is your Wudoumi sect." I think it would be good to take you back to have a look."

Are you going to Hanzhong?

Hearing this, Zhang Qi nodded.When her father died, he also told her that she hadn't done some things.

She really wanted to go back and have a look.

This time is the opportunity.

"Brother Zhen, don't worry!"

Zhang Qi also nodded and said, "Wherever you go, Qi'er will follow you?"

After a period of contact, she became more and more satisfied with Zhen Jia, and the relationship between the two parties also heated up rapidly.

Except for the last step, the two of them have done almost the same.

very good!
Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

Everything is under control, next, just wait for the fish to take the bait!
 The second one is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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