Chapter 1284
Hearing that Meng You wanted to confiscate the food and meat, the busy men quit.

What are they working so hard for, isn't it just to have a full meal?

Meng You wanted to take away the things that risked his life without saying a word, how could it be so easy?

Busy teeth are also a little uncomfortable.

"Second king, my brothers have been working very hard recently, and their morale is a bit low. If they don't have a full meal, I'm afraid they won't have the strength to fight the Han people in the future. Besides, the material seized this time is really too little, even if we live frugally It can’t be used for a few days. It’s better to let the brothers have a full meal and boost morale than to use it tightly.”

What he said was also to the point.

He also euphemistically reminded Meng You that this thing is related to everyone's morale, so don't be reckless.

I'm in a hurry, I can't tell what troubles will happen,
It's better not to be outraged by the public.

Unexpectedly, Meng You took Mangya's kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs.

He thought Busy Tooth was threatening him.

"Are you planning to rebel?"

Meng You waved his hand suddenly, and the Flying Eagle Guards immediately set up their crossbows and aimed at the surrounding area of ​​Mang Yachang.

They are one of the few elite units among the barbarians, so they naturally look down on these infantry.

It's okay to eat well, that's what their barbarian king's guards eat well, why do you mud legs eat well.

You must know that the barbarians have a strict system.

Many of these pawns were also slaves.

Slaves are not worthy to be compared with their barbarian guards.


Seeing that Meng Youlai was serious, Busy Yachang hurriedly waved his hand to stop his subordinates.

"Second King, we have no objection to you taking the food, but please don't cause any trouble, so as not to spoil the king's plan."

He wasn't afraid of Meng You, but he was afraid that Meng You would anger his subordinates, and there would be some conflict between the two sides, which would ruin the plan of the barbarian king Meng You.

Just know!

Seeing that Mang Yachang regressed again, Meng You nodded in satisfaction.

"Hand over the food and pigs and sheep, hurry up!"

Meng You's eagle guards began to urge impatiently.

Everyone also swallowed their anger and handed over the things in their hands.

Since they are busy and don't say anything, it is convenient for them to do something, so as not to make it difficult for the leader.

very good!

After collecting the seized items, Meng You's face revealed a smile.

"Give it up today, and send someone to my place to collect rations tomorrow morning!"

He said and left with everyone and the seized materials.


After Meng You left, a barbarian suddenly yelled and scolded: "What, I dare not go for fear of death. He took back what we fought so hard to grab. If it weren't for the fact that you are a king Younger brother, I have already cut you in half."

The barbarians pay attention to force, and Meng Huo's force ranks first among the barbarians, and it is difficult for others to hold a candle to it.

All the barbarians were convinced by him.

But it is also normal for one person to become a chicken dog and ascend to heaven here.

Meng Huo became the king of the barbarians, and his younger brother Meng You was naturally the second king.

Although the Second Great King doesn't have much force and resourcefulness, he has a good brother.

Although everyone despised him, they did not dare to provoke him easily.

The fat in hand was taken away, and everyone was angry, and many soldiers threw the earthen pots in their hands with bang bang.

It's been a waste of time, and I don't know whose dog to feed!
Busy teeth grow and there is nothing to say, and everyone has their own thoughts that night, and it is difficult to fall asleep.

After this scene, Meng You stepped on the ground with what little dignity he had.

Since then, no one has taken Meng You seriously.


"General Zhang, General Zhang, good news. The Nanmans really couldn't take it anymore and sent someone to snatch the grain truck. According to our eyeliner, Busy Yachang and Meng You almost fought for this."

Lei Tong said excitedly.

As expected!
Zhang Liao nodded in satisfaction.

The barbarians are hiding in the mountains and forests, they are not easy to deal with.

In order to deal with this team, they had to move the tiger away from the mountain.

Grain is the best bait.

It is possible for a barbarian to watch so much food and grass slip past under his nose.

Sure enough, Busy Tooth Grow did it.

"General Zhang!"

Yan Yan on the side suddenly clasped his fists and said, "This old man is so impressed by the five bodies you admire. I don't know how General Zhang expected that the two sides would fall apart because of this thing?"

Cohesion is the soul of an army. Without this, the army will not be far from disintegration.

Yan Yan really didn't believe it when Zhang Liao said that a few grain trucks could disturb the morale of the barbarians.

Now that he heard it with his own ears, he was still shocked.

Ha ha!

Zhang Liao smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry about scarcity but inequality. This is an ancient and unchanging truth. The southern barbarians are short of food. If you were in the future and suddenly snatched some food from your opponent, how would you distribute it? Definitely." He will give priority to his subordinates. The same is true for barbarians. I just magnified this contradiction."

Zhang Liao is a wise general who has been guarding Beidi for many years and has been following Xun You.Xun You is a top strategist, and Zhang Liao has learned a lot from him over the years.

That's it!

Yan Yan and Lei Tong naturally realized suddenly.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is also human nature. Ten fingers may be long or short, and it is impossible for a general to be exactly the same as his subordinates.

If there is only a little food on hand, they will naturally give priority to their confidants, who are their direct descendants.

In this way, it is bound to arouse the anger of other barbarians.

Why give him more and give me less.

Usually when there is enough food and grass, there is nothing. Once the food and grass are insufficient, giving more is a chance to survive.

Once this problem is magnified, it will be endlessly destructive.

Before they could do anything, the enemy was in chaos.

This is the battle of the mind!
A smile appeared on Zhang Liao's face.

It is said that by the side of Wu Yi, the right army division, he learned the most and the most profound thing is the psychological warfare.

Those who go to war surrender without fighting.

Xun You is the top strategist of the Three Kingdoms, good at tactics but short at strategy.

This is somewhat contrary to his uncle.

His uncle Xun Yu is also a top strategist, but he is better at strategy than tactics.

So the uncle and nephew also have a division of labor.

The uncle is responsible for pointing out the direction, and the nephew is responsible for the specific planning methods.

Nine out of ten strategies used by Cao Cao in later generations came from him.

It can be seen how powerful this person is.

Xun You's strategy is to attack the heart first.

When the army's morale is in turmoil, it will inevitably lead to various problems. The next thing they have to do is to wait patiently, and then they are not good at trapping and let the enemy run in by themselves.

Zhang Liao also benefited a lot from following this great strategist and learned a lot.

Of course, Zhang Liao has also set up this trap.

Now just wait for the barbarian to take the bait himself.

 Fifth watch, let's get moving.Book tomorrow's monthly pass and recommend rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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