Chapter 1289: The Barbarians Retreat

Third brother, are you still alive?

Seeing Meng You's return, Meng Huo was also a little surprised.

He heard that Meng You's army was completely wiped out by the Han people, Mang Yachang died in battle, and only a few hundred people escaped by chance.

Second brother!

Seeing Meng Huo, Meng You couldn't help crying.

"This time, you'll barely see your brother."

There are three brothers, Meng Huo, he is the second child, and there is an older brother, Meng Jie, but Meng Jie doesn't get along well with them, so the two brothers walk closer.

Among the barbarians, Meng Huo was called the great king, and Meng You was the second great king.

Just come back!

Just come back!

Seeing that his younger brother was fine, Meng Huo was relieved.

A soldier can be recruited again after he dies, but there is only one younger brother, and he is gone when he dies.

"Third brother, how did you come back?"

Meng Huo was a little puzzled.

Almost 1 people died, and it was a miracle that this younger brother was able to come back alive.


Meng You glanced left and right, then suddenly lowered his voice and said, "To be honest, my younger brother was captured by the Yunzhou army. He originally wanted to kill me, but after my younger brother's sharp tongue, he finally persuaded the other general, He agreed to let me come back."

Hearing this, Meng Huo couldn't help being stunned for a moment, his face suddenly became ugly.

"You boy, shouldn't you do anything that insults the barbarians?"

He knew this brother fairly well.

This guy is a little afraid of death, once he falls into the hands of the enemy, he will probably beg for mercy.

How can it be?

Meng You said awe-inspiringly: "I am my brother's brother, and I am also the second king of the barbarians. How could I do something that humiliates the country?"

Naturally, this guy couldn't admit it.

No one saw it anyway.

is it?

Meng Huo looked at Meng You suspiciously, with an expression of disbelief.


Meng You straightened his chest and said: "As the second king of the barbarians, I cannot be humiliated. Brother, I originally planned to kill myself to preserve our brother's prestige. But when I heard the other general's tricks suddenly, I was very concerned about my second brother, so Only then did he persuade them with his three-inch tongue, and then he returned to his brother's side."

is it?

Meng Huo still didn't believe it.

"What did you say to those people?"

It is human nature to be afraid of death, and there is nothing abnormal about Meng You's fear of death, and Meng Huo will not go into it deeply.

Is such that!

Meng You suddenly regained his energy, spit and spittle, and told a story.

The original script was that Meng You knelt down and begged for mercy, Zhang Liaoyi explained Meng You, and the two sides reached an agreement.

But it was slightly changed in Meng You's script.

"The Han general is called Zhang Liao, and he has extraordinary martial arts skills. When he was on the battlefield, he was narrowly defeated by my younger brother. That's why he was in awe of me."

Hearing this, Meng Huo couldn't help but chuckle.

Meng You's martial arts are not satisfactory at all.Don't talk about yourself, even the dead busy tooth grows much better than him.

This Han general was narrowly defeated by Meng You, which can only be said to be too far behind.

However, the Han people don't pay much attention to martial arts, and there are many generals who don't understand martial arts, so it's not uncommon for them to be defeated by Meng You.

"The general told me that he wanted to march overnight and attack brother with Zhang Ren from Jiange."

Meng You continued.

is it?

Meng Huo sneered and said, "Let them come, I have been waiting for a long time."

Hearing that Meng You had suffered a disastrous defeat, he immediately adjusted his deployment and allocated a part of his troops to guard the rear.

The people in his hands are all the elite of the barbarians. If they fight head-on, the Han army will not be their opponent.

Hearing what Meng Huo said, Meng You laughed dryly.

"Brother is invincible, brother naturally knows that they can't do anything to you. But..."

When he said this, his tone suddenly sank, and he continued: "Our army has come from a long distance, and the food and grass are very tight. That bastard Liu Zhang has not sent reinforcements for a long time, and Ma Chao's people have disappeared. There is no point in continuing to fight. So what if we take down the Jiange? Isn’t that bastard Liu Zhang being taken advantage of?”

Meng Huo fell silent.

Meng You's words reached his heart.

If he hadn't estimated the face of the southern barbarians, he would have retreated from the path a long time ago.

But when he thought that the Nanman king was driven out by the Han people with 3 people, Meng Huo couldn't hold back.

After losing this battle, who will take Meng Huo seriously in the future?

So Meng Huo had to hold on.

Meng You watched coldly, knowing that the elder brother was in trouble.

Originally, his own 1 people could still share some of the pressure for him, but unfortunately the entire army was wiped out in the First Battle of the River Channel, and they were all fed to the fish.

As a result, Meng Huo's pressure was even greater.

"In my opinion, the Yunzhou Army didn't want to compete with us. They wanted to fight Liu Zhang. Liu Zhang invited them to come in to deal with the Xiliang Army. Now that the Xiliang Army has been beaten away, Liu Zhang immediately rescinded his promise and spread the word The rumors asked us to help him deal with the Yunzhou Army, all rooted in this Liu Zhang. We were deceived by Liu Zhang! Look at him, he wants us to fight the Yunzhou Army to the death, so that he can be a fisherman. "

Meng You said firmly.

It really is this bastard!
Meng Huo was furious.

Originally, he was not very dissatisfied with Liu Zhang's back-and-forth, but he was even more furious when he heard that Liu Zhang was obstructing him.

"Don't fight anymore, we'll go right away, catch Liu Zhang from Chengdu, roast him and eat him."

Meng Huo slapped the table and stood up.

Big brother is wise!

Meng You hurriedly said: "My little brother thinks the same way. Originally, we still felt embarrassed when we went back. Now I have reached an agreement with Yunzhou. There is still time to retreat."

very good!

Meng Huo was also in a dilemma. Meng You's return made him feel relieved, and he didn't want to fight anymore.

Now it is appropriate to pour dirty water on Liu Zhang, and he can explain to those barbarian leaders when he goes back.

Meng Huo went down the donkey and said, "Brothers, we have all been fooled by that bastard Liu Zhang. The Yunzhou army is not our enemy, and they will not rob us. We will go back tonight to settle accounts with that bastard Liu Zhang." go!"

Find Liu Zhang to settle accounts!

Everyone also shouted in unison.

That night, the barbarians left the Yinping trail, leaving a mess all over the place.


The barbarians retreated, the Jiange was saved, and Guo Jia also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Zhang Wenyuan is indeed a great general, with not only martial arts but also means!"

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

No wonder this Zhang Liao can become Cao Cao's five sons.

Once the barbarians are settled, there is no threat in northern Sichuan. As for Liu Zhang and Ma Chao, they have not yet been placed in Guo Jia's eyes.

Guo Jia's gaze once again fell in the direction of Xiliang.

Speaking of which, the wait is almost over, it's time for this Xiliang vixen to do something, Guo Jia's waiting is a little impatient.


A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth, and he said word by word: "Don't let me down."

He led the army to toss for so long, if Han E retreated halfway, it would be in vain.

 The fifth update is over, the cold is gone, the author's body has recovered, and I will continue to prepare for the battle. I hope everyone supports it!

(End of this chapter)

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