Chapter 1316

Since Xun You was persuaded by Guo Jia, he has been working hard in Yunzhou.

This person was called Shuangbi with Guo Jia in Yingchuan back then, so his ability is obvious to all.

Since then, he has helped Guo Jia pacify the Xiongnu Xianbei and other nomadic peoples since he left the frontier.

It can be said to be a great achievement.

If it weren't for the issue of his background, he has always kept a low profile, and his status in Yunzhou is by no means inferior to Xu Shu, a drama loyalist, and Jia Xu, who has recently been in turmoil.

Cai Yu still has a good impression of this person, and he also knows that he is a capable person and can be regarded as Guo Jia's right-hand man.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that such a talent would volunteer to be a guardian in the Western Regions?
Isn't this overkill?

Don't say that Guo Jia can't agree, even she can't see it.

Cai Yu didn't understand, but Guo Jia knew it.

Xun You still couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

At the beginning, Guo Jia promised him that he would never rebel in his lifetime.

But judging from Guo Jia's current actions, it is no different from the rebellion, and now even Chang'an has been taken down.

The next step is definitely to use troops against Henan.

Cao Cao of Xudu is naturally the first to bear the brunt.

Although Cao Cao is not as good as Guo Jia, he has an emperor in his hands after all, and he regards himself as orthodox in the Han Dynasty everywhere.

The Yingchuan Xun family also fully supported Cao Cao.

Once the two sides go to war, Xun You will have to fight against his family.

Although he is only the governor of Bingzhou, he is still far away from the front line, but in a critical moment, how can he be alone?

This was the last question he wanted to face.

So when he heard that Guo Jia planned to re-establish the Governor's Office of the Western Regions, he volunteered to recommend himself.

He didn't want to stay in the Central Plains and fight with his own family.

Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be both.

Xun You can only avoid this ending by jumping out.

Guo Jia knew what Xun You was thinking, and although he felt a little pity, he also believed that this friend's loyalty should be fulfilled.

Over the years, he has indeed done a lot for himself.

Since Xun You is unwilling to confront his family, why should Guo Jia force him.

"Since this is the case, let Man Chong succeed you as governor of Bingzhou, and let Wu Yi go to the Western Regions to take office."

Guo Jia said lightly.

Hearing this, Cai Yu was taken aback again.

She looked Guo Jia up and down, puzzled, and said, "Wu Yi is crazy, so why are you crazy too? With such a talent, don't you feel inferior if you put him in that place in the Western Regions where the birds don't shit? Besides He has made so many contributions. If you send him to the Western Regions, isn’t that killing the donkey? Doesn’t it chill the hearts of everyone?”

The girl suddenly felt a little upset for Wu Yiming.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just smiled and said: "He asked for his own life, I just pushed the boat along with the flow. Besides, I let him go to the Western Regions to fulfill him."

Xun You's identity is still a secret, and Guo Jia didn't want to reveal too much, so he changed the subject immediately.

"What do you think of me moving the General's Mansion to Chang'an?"

The general's mansion moved to Chang'an?
Is this still negotiable?
Just move it!

Cai Yu froze for a moment, and quickly understood what Guo Jia meant.

What Guo Jia wants to move is not the General's Mansion, but the center of the entire rule.

Is he going to move the capital?
Cai Yu quickly became vigilant.

Now Chang'an has fallen into the territory of Yunzhou. The geographical location here is very superior, and the roads extend in all directions.

If the ruling center is moved to Chang'an, it will be of great benefit to the future layout.

Besides, Chang'an is the capital of the Han Dynasty, and it is of great significance to establish the capital in Chang'an.


Cai Yu frowned slightly.

After so many years of development, Lunu has long become the largest city in the north, and the dignitaries in the city are also deeply entrenched.

The land around Lu Nu basically fell into the hands of dignitaries.

The accumulation of interests made them the upstarts of Yunzhou.

In Lunu, they can have it all.

Are they willing to give up the luxurious life in front of them and follow Guo Jia to Chang'an to start from scratch?
This is absolutely impossible.

Moving the capital will definitely cause public outrage.

If something goes wrong, it can lead to catastrophe.

"Are you kidding me?"

Cai Yu looked at Guo Jia seriously.

This question is very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will get burned.

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Guo Jia also looked at Cai Yu seriously.

Cai Yu stared at Guo Jia for a while, then sighed suddenly, and said, "Feng Xiao, this matter is too important, you must be careful. Skynet is of course fully supporting you, but..."

She wondered: "Those people will not be willing."

The people Cai Yu was talking about were naturally the dignitaries of Yunzhou.

They want wind and rain in Yunzhou, and they occupy the surrounding land. Once the capital is moved, these lands will be worthless.

In this way, it is tantamount to damaging their interests.

These people are all supporters of Guo Jia's achievements, and they deserve to enjoy the dividends in front of them. Once Guo Jia moves the capital, it is tantamount to depriving them of their vested interests.

Cut people's fortunes, kill their parents.

How can these people let it go?
Guo Jia is probably going to provoke public outrage.

"Leave their business alone."

Guo Jia said seriously: "I just want to hear what your Cai family thinks."

He deliberately put the word Cai's family very seriously.

Although the Cai family is well-known, it is actually an empty shelf. Apart from Cai Yu, the real power faction, they don't have much power.

Cai Yu can completely represent the Cai family.

After hesitating for a moment, Cai Yu suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "Our Cai family will naturally support you. But I'm worried that the old man will be the first to jump out and sing the opposite of you under the bewitching of others."

Cai Yu's worries are not unreasonable.

Those people don't want to move the capital, but they don't dare to come forward to oppose it. They will definitely instigate Cai Yong to take the lead.

Cai Yong is straightforward and easily bewitched by others.

Cai Yu also took precautions to prevent problems before they happened, and gave Guo Jia a vaccination in advance.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I know the character of my father-in-law very well. I won't be as knowledgeable as him."

Thank you!

Hearing this, Cai Yu hurriedly breathed a sigh of relief.

She was most worried about this old man, if he was instigated by others to say something that should not be said, so that Guo Jia could not come down, it would be a little bad.

"Well, I will go back early and arrange it secretly."

Cai Yu said in a low voice: "Also, I plan to let the wind out first, to see the reactions of these people, and take targeted measures in advance."

Moving the capital is not a trivial matter, and Cai Yu has to plan ahead.

Hearing that Cai Yu stood by his side without hesitation, Guo Jia suddenly felt warm in his heart.

Sure enough, he saw Cai Yu right.

Back then Cai Yu was able to give up everything and stand on her side.Now, she would give up everything to stand by her side.

Zhen Ji!

thank you!
Guo Jia suddenly said in his heart.

 Fourth more!

(End of this chapter)

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