Chapter 1326
Huang Xu's idea is very tricky.

If Guo Jia wrote to Emperor Han to welcome him back, Cao Cao would naturally not be happy.

Rely on the Son of Heaven to command the princes!
The emperor has become a trump card in his hand, and Cao Cao will naturally not hand over the emperor.He wanted to try to give Guo Jia some benefits, so that this auspiciousness had a more suitable reason.

In this way, Guo Jia will not become the target of public criticism.

Even if someone makes an argument with this, Cao Cao will not agree.

There is auspiciousness in Chang'an, and Guo Jia invited the emperor to return to Chang'an, but you, Cao Cao, did not let him go.

This time, Guo Jia will not be convinced.

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, Huang Xu not only knows how to fight, but also has some good opinions on politics.

In time, he will be a unique talent again.

very good!

Guo Jia reached out and patted Huang Xu's shoulder, and said with a smile, "I'm going to write a letter now."

Turning to leave.

My lord, please wait a moment!
Huang Xu opened his mouth, then suddenly closed it again.


Guo Jia looked at Huang Xu puzzled.

The latter looked troubled.

"Speak and fart!"

Guo Jia suddenly became impatient.

What he hates the most is the awkward look of men.

How did this Huang Xu get this problem?
Huang Xu hesitated for a while, and suddenly gritted his teeth: "My lord, my subordinates think it would be better for Mr. Cai Yong to write a letter on this matter."

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment.

Heard Huang Xu suddenly said to let Cai Yong write a letter?

He was a little puzzled at once.

Why did you ask Mr. Cai to write a letter?

Guo Jia thought about it for a while, and suddenly his heart moved: "You mean..."

Not bad!

Huang Xu nodded hurriedly.

"Mr. Cai is highly respected and is the father-in-law of the lord. His letter to the court represents the sincerity of our Yunzhou. Whether Cao Cao refuses or not, the reason is on our Yunzhou side."

He is very thoughtful.

Cai Yong was a great Confucianist in the dynasty, representing Confucianism.

Confucianism naturally wants to be loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

Cai Yong wrote to invite the emperor to return to Chang'an, but Cao Cao obstructed it a lot, and it was clear at a glance who was loyal and who was treacherous.

Even if Guo Jia becomes emperor in the future, this Confucianist can't say anything.

The public opinion of Confucianism was wiped out at once.

To know the public opinion of the world, Confucianism should account for half of the weight.

very good!

Guo Jia gave Huang Xu a meaningful look.

He understood another meaning of Huang Xu.

If the Cai family did this, they would definitely offend those who supported Guo Jia's accession to the throne.

The appearance of auspiciousness in Chang'an is due to the fact that their lord Guo Jia is going to be the emperor. Your Cai family wrote a letter asking Liu Xie to come back. What does that mean?
In this way, the Cai family and Confucianism will inevitably become the public enemies of Yunzhou.

If something happens to the Cai family, it will definitely affect Guo Si's succession.

That way, others have a chance.

Huang Xu actually supported Guo Ye.

This is understandable.

Guo Ye's other wife is Zhang He's daughter, and Huang Xu is Zhang He's brother-in-law.

There is nothing wrong with Huang Xu planning for his nephew and son-in-law.

It seems that the matter of moving the capital to Chang'an has indeed stirred some people's nerves.

They have done everything possible to plan for themselves.

The Cai family is like this, and so is Huang Xu.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly lost interest.

Power, wherever you go is a struggle for power!
After sending Huang Xu away, Guo Jia turned around and returned to the carriage.

Zhang Qi had already got up, and a beautiful woman was sitting beside her, it was Wu Cheng.

At this moment, Wu Cheng is helping Zhang Qi comb her hair.

"Meet the General!"

Seeing Guo Jia coming in, Wu Cheng hurriedly blessed him.

Ever since she met Zhang Qi in Hanzhong, she wanted to stay by Zhang Qi's side, and Zhang Qi was also very attached to her, so she asked Guo Jia to keep Wu Cheng while crying.

Guo Jia had no choice but to keep Wu Cheng.

Wu Cheng and Zhang Qi are like sisters together.

"Sister, you don't have to be so polite to him."

Zhang Qi smiled and said, "Brother Zhen, he is very nice!"

Wu Cheng just smiled.

She naturally knew Guo Jia's true identity, but she never revealed it.

"You're welcome, ma'am!"

Now that Zhang Qi said it, Guo Jia naturally wanted to express it.

He wanted to maintain his image as a good man in front of Zhang Qi.

Besides, Guo Jia has no interest in this pretty widow.

What is unspeakable, what is the temperament of the emperor, what is the colorful auspicious cloud?
They are all things made by the magic sticks.

Can't be true.

Liu Yan and his son also worked hard to become emperor.

What happened to Yizhou, who had taken over the air of the Son of Heaven, and what happened to marrying the unspeakably expensive Wu Cheng?
In the end, Liu Bei, the big-eared thief, was not cheap.

Cruel facts have proved that rumors are not credible, and strength is the most important thing.

"The general beat the little girl."

Wu Cheng fell to his knees again.

"The little girl is no longer a wife. If the general hadn't taken her in, she would have become a lonely ghost in Yizhou. From today on, the little girl is willing to serve Miss Zhang and the general as a slave."

elder sister!

Hearing that Wu Cheng belittled herself so much, Zhang Qi was a little unhappy.

"We are good sisters, you don't have to wait on me."

She grabbed Wu Cheng's hand and said seriously: "As long as I, Zhang Qi, have a bite to eat, I will definitely give half to my sister."

Through this period of contact, she has already trusted Wu Cheng very much.

Thank you, miss!
Wu Cheng's eyes suddenly became moist, and she couldn't help wiping them immediately.

alright, alright!

Zhang Qi suddenly turned her head and said to Guo Jia: "You go out first, we women have a chat."

Speak, Speak!
Guo Jia shook his head helplessly.

He didn't bother to listen to Zhang Qi and Wu Cheng's heart out.


After seeing Guo Jia leave, Wu Cheng suddenly complained: "How can you be so casual with the general?"

She knew Guo Jia's identity, but she never dared to tell Zhang Qi.


Zhang Qi gave Wu Aunt a strange look.

Guo Jia has an easy-going temperament and would not disobey Zhang Qi under normal circumstances.

She has always been like this.


Wu Cheng said in a deep voice: "Men are the sky, women are the earth. Heaven is superior to the earth, this is an ancient and unchanging truth. You also know what happened to the two of us. If the general hadn't taken him in, I'm afraid we don't know what will happen now." .So, you have to be grateful to the General."

Guo Jia is the biggest overlord in the north, and also the most powerful prince to ascend to the throne in the future.

If Wu Cheng wants to survive in this troubled world, he must find a backer.

This Zhang Qi is the right candidate.

Therefore, she wants to stay by Zhang Qi's side and help Zhang Qi win favor.

Only when Zhang Qi is favored by Guo Jia can Wu Cheng gain a foothold in Yunzhou.

It's a pity that Zhang Qi doesn't know Guo Jia's identity now, and still calls and drinks to him very casually.

Wu Cheng felt something was wrong.

But it was difficult for her to tell Zhang Qi and Guo Jia's identity for a while.

Because Zhang Qi is very simple, once she knows Guo Jia's identity, she will definitely show her feet.

At that time, Guo Jia will inevitably suspect Wu Cheng's purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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