Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1355: The Arrival of Sun Quan

Chapter 1355: The Arrival of Sun Quan
Seeing that his clothes were missing, Dong Cheng was almost frightened.

Clothes are nothing more than jade belts, but jade belts are a deadly thing.

Once the letter inside is discovered, his life will be over.

At this time, Dong Cheng suddenly began to blame himself.

What kind of autograph letter did you say?It was also blocked by Cao Cao.

Now it's all right, once exposed, just wait for Xiaoming to finish playing.

Thinking of this, Dong Cheng could no longer bear to sit down on the clothes.

Dong Cheng touched his butt and stood up again.

Butt hurts a bit.

Instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed, and pulled off his clothes, only to find that the jade belt was lying under the clothes.

Thank goodness!

After checking it, he found that the mechanism of the jade belt was intact, Dong Cheng let out a sigh of relief.

Although Cao Cao suspected that he was doing something small, he just made Dong Cheng's clothes rummaged, but he didn't find anything.

So I didn't check the jade belt very carefully, but just threw it on Dong Cheng's clothes, and even if there was something there, it was turned into ashes.

But this jade belt is a gift from the emperor.

Cao Cao's men could take away Dong Cheng's clothes, but kept the jade belt.

Dong Cheng put on his clothes and hurriedly left Cao Cao's mansion.


Cao Cao left in a hurry because he wanted to meet someone.

This person is Sun Quan of Jiangdong.

Guo Jia made an early deployment in Jiangdong and supported Sun Ben to take over, thus controlling the situation in Jiangdong.

After Sun Quan was defeated in the power struggle, he has been suffering forbearance.

Now the opportunity has finally come.

Cao Cao invited the princes of the world to come to Xudu to watch the ceremony, so naturally he would not let the Sun family who dominates the south of the Yangtze River go.

Naturally, Sun Ben would not come to Xudu, so Sun Quan volunteered to come.

Sun Quan also has his own purpose in coming this time, that is to form an alliance with Cao Cao, to deal with Guo Jia externally, and to counter Sun Ben internally.

Cao Cao also knew what Sun Quan was thinking. Now he was facing great pressure from Yunzhou, and he also needed the support of the Sun family in Jiangnan.

If Sun Quan can move to Sun Ben's position, the two sides will join forces, and they may be able to fight against Guo Jia together.

So when he heard that Sun Quan was coming, Cao Cao hurriedly stood up to greet him in person.

"Sun Quan pays homage to Da Sima!"

Seeing Cao Cao coming out, Sun Quan hastily bowed to him.

Ha ha!

Cao Cao hurried forward to take Sun Quan's hand.

"Well, it really is the son of a general. Brother Wentai is an invincible hero, and the son he gave birth to is also a good-looking talent."

Cao Cao and Sun Quan's old son Sun Jian are of the same generation, so there is nothing wrong with saying that.


Cao Cao sighed and said, "The first hero of Wentai died in the hands of a villain."

As he spoke, he shook his head with a look of pity.

Sun Jian, the first hero, died in the hands of assassins in the end. I have to say that this is also an irony.

Da Sima!
Sun Quan said in grief and indignation: "My late father didn't die at the hands of villains, he died under Guo Jia's conspiracy."

Hearing this news, Cao Cao's first thought was not to believe it.

Guo Jia is Sun Jian's son-in-law, and Sun Jian's power is still very beneficial to him, and he has no need to kill Sun Jian.

Secondly, this Sun Quan is also a ruthless person. It is said that he coveted his sister-in-law's beauty when he was in Jiangdong, and he also used his hands and feet in public.

So Cao Cao didn't believe much in Sun Quan's words.

"Guo Jia is sinister and vicious. He has been planning Jiangdong for a long time. First he killed my brother, and then he killed my father. He also supported a puppet Sun Ben as the head of the family, and spread rumors everywhere to ruin my reputation. His heart is hateful , his actions are despicable. I, Sun Quan, swear to be sworn to death with him."

Sun Quan gritted his teeth and said.

In fact, Guo Jia was wronged.

It is true that Guo Jia wanted to control Jiangnan, but the death of Sun Ce and Sun Jian had nothing to do with Guo Jia.

The former died under Zhuge Liang's crossbow, and the latter died in the hands of Yan Baihu's assassins.

On the contrary, Sun Quan didn't report the news, and watched his father die tragically, which can be described as extremely cold.

When he said that, it was a slap in the face.

There is such a thing!

Cao Cao pretended to be surprised and said, "So there are still these secrets?"

He also pretended to be confused.

Sun Jian and Sun Ce are invincible heroes. They are all tiger generals in the world. With them, the Jiangdong Army is a fierce tiger.Now that both father and son are dead, Cao Cao is happier than anyone else.

But right now he couldn't say that.

That's true!

Sun Quan said: "Sun Quan came here this time to get the support of Da Sima and overthrow Sun Ben, Guo Jia's puppet. You and I will deal with Guo Jia together."

This sentence, Cao Cao loves to hear.

Right now, Guo Jia's family is dominant, and he is a bit powerless to fight against himself.

Jiangdong Sun Quan and Guo Jia are not very good at dealing with each other. If they can get his help, it will be much easier for the two families to deal with Guo Jia together.

"Nephew, don't worry, as an important minister of the court, the old man will never sit idly by."

Cao Cao patted his chest and said.

As long as Sun Quan is willing to deal with Guo Jia, what if Cao Cao helps him?

Besides, Sun Ben is Guo Jia's answering person, he will do whatever Guo Jia asks him to do, and Cao Cao is also a little displeased.

Are you thinking about how to deal with Sun Ben?
Now that Sun Quan came to cooperate with him, how could he refuse?
More Da Sima!
Sun Quan clasped his fists again, and his heart relaxed slowly.

With the support of Guo Jia, Sun Ben gradually unified several counties in the south of the Yangtze River.

Now purely in terms of territory, the Sun family's territory is only second only to Guo Jia.

Over the years, Sun Ben expanded his territory and gradually won the support of the people in the south of the Yangtze River, and Sun Quan, Sun Jian's direct son, became increasingly irrelevant.

The ambitious Sun Quan was naturally not reconciled, he wanted to take back everything in Jiangdong.

However, Sun Ben had Guo Jia as his backing, and he also won the support of those young generals. It was difficult to seize power by force, so he had to seek help.

Looking around the world, Cao Cao is the only one who can stand against Guo Jia.

So Sun Quan took this opportunity to come to Xudu, hoping to seek Cao Cao's help.

Cao Cao was worried that he would not have the opportunity to intervene in Jiangnan affairs, and the arrival of Sun Quan brought him every opportunity.

Ever since, the two hit it off and started a close cooperation.


"My lord!"

After returning from Sun Quan's residence, Xun Yu frowned and said, "This Sun Quan cannot be trusted."

He is a man who cares about his reputation.

The fact that Sun Quan bullied the widow's wife was known all over the world, so Xun Yu didn't have a good impression of this young man.

Cao Cao looked at Xun Yu with interest.

"how do I say this?"

Xun Yu coughed: "When Sun Jian was alive, he was dispatched to the Shanyue area, so it can be seen that he is not very satisfied with him. Most of this person's words cannot be trusted."

He was worried that Cao Cao would be fooled by Sun Quan, and helped him take down Sun Ben, but made another Guo Jia.

Ha ha!

Hearing this, Cao Cao couldn't help laughing a few times.

"Wen Ruo doesn't need to worry, the old man has his own ideas in his heart. How can the old man not know that Sun Quan is treacherous? I'm just going to plan."

 Second watch, let's go!
(End of this chapter)

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