Chapter 1360

Land and population have always been the focus of warlords' contention.

The Yunzhou family is the only one, and they own nearly half of the land, so they are naturally jealous.

If they couldn't defeat the Yunzhou army, they would have swarmed up.

Hearing that Guo Jia can sell the land in his hands, these people's minds became active again.


At this time Xun Yu coughed a few times and said, "General, if you can really return these lands to the imperial court, that would be a great merit."

Although he also knew that this possibility was zero, he also asked with the attitude of giving it a try.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "As long as everyone supports Guo to welcome the emperor back to Chang'an, how difficult is it for Guo to distribute the land to you? Anyway, Yunzhou has a huge territory, so it's nothing to give away part of it."

Differentiate, continue to differentiate.

Since Cao Cao has gathered these people to fight against himself, he will divide these people.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help looking at Cao Cao.

The emperor is the trump card in Cao Cao's hand, how could he send the emperor out?

Even if they support it, it doesn't make any sense.

Besides, if they support it, wouldn't they want to offend Cao Cao?
But not everyone is afraid of offending Cao Cao.

Yuan Shao took the lead and said: "As long as you are willing to give me Jizhou and Youzhou, this general will support you to welcome the emperor back."

With Guo Jia's strong support over the years, Jizhou and Youzhou have long become geomantic treasures, and Yuan Shao has always been a little bit greedy.

If Guo Jia can really give him Jizhou and Youzhou, what if he supports Guo Jia?
Yuan Shu on the side also said loudly: "If you are willing to give Liaodong to the general, the general will support you."

He is in the Lianghuai area, and his land is a bit far from Guo Jiali's. It is unrealistic to ask for other places, but he has a boat in his hand, and he can cross the sea to Liaodong.

Where there is abundant copper and iron ore, once Yuan Shu obtains it, it can greatly alleviate the dilemma of lack of copper and iron in the Lianghuai area.

The two spoke, and everyone was a little ready to move.

Cao Cao's face became even uglier.

He never imagined that Guo Jia would shatter his carefully designed united front with just a few words.

If things go on like this, all the princes will stand on Guo Jia's side, wouldn't he be the target of public criticism?

At this moment, Sun Quan suddenly stood up.

"Everyone, don't believe him. This man is despicable and shameless. He has no integrity at all. What he said is simply a tactic to slow down the army. We came here in response to Duke Cao to fight against this traitor. Don't be confused by his rhetoric. "

He has suffered from Guo Jia's loss, so he still remembers it fresh.

is it?

Guo Jia looked at Sun Quan contemptuously: "A guy who kills his brother and sister-in-law Ling dares to say something mean and shameless here? It's ridiculous."

He suddenly turned his head and said, "Cao Sima, why did you find such a notorious fellow?"


Sun Quan's face was livid, and he was speechless in anger.

The incident of killing his brother was unique, but the incident of Mrs. Ling was known to everyone in Jiangnan, and he couldn't blame him even if he wanted to.

But Sun Quan was wronged, Guo Jia was behind this incident, and he couldn't clear it up even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

"Guo Jia, stop talking nonsense here. You planned everything back then, and I was just framed by you."

Sun Quan said angrily.

is it?

Guo Jia's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "What about Sun Wentai's death? Do you dare to say that you didn't know about it? You clearly knew that Yan Baihu sent the assassin, but you didn't do anything about it. Do you dare to say that you were not responsible for your father's death? "

Speaking of this, he was already stern.

When Sun Jian died, Guo Jia also made some investigations and found out that Sun Quan knew about it and did not report it, but he did not point it out.

Now that Sun Quan is recklessly attacking him, he will not be polite.

Shake it all out for him.


Sun Quan was speechless for a while.

He does have some responsibility for this.

When Yan Baihu dispatched the assassin, he did know about it, and had the opportunity to report it to Sun Jian so that he could prepare early.

But in order to successfully inherit everything from Jiangdong, he chose to conceal it.

This is indeed a stain on Sun Quan's words.

It's just that Guo Jia didn't expect this matter to be known by Guo Jia, and he trembled out of it. Sun Quan was ashamed and anxious, and almost passed out.

Seeing that the united front was broken by Guo Jia, Zhou Yu couldn't sit still.

"Guo Jia, you didn't have any good intentions in bringing the emperor back to Chang'an. When His Majesty was in trouble in Chang'an, you would not save him, and joined forces with the bandits Dong. Your Majesty was in danger. Now Your Majesty is very safe in Xudu. , you invite him back to Chang'an, do you want to follow the example of Dong thief and come to coerce the emperor to command the princes?"

When he was in Chang'an, Zhou Yu was almost wiped out by Dong thief, and Guo Jia hated Guo Jia's reluctance to save him.

But none of this matters.

The hatred buried in Zhou Yu's heart is Xiao Qiao.

At that time, he fell in love with Xiao Qiao at first sight. He was talented and beautiful, handsome man and beautiful woman, and the combination of the two was a good story.

It's a pity that Xiao Qiao didn't go with her, but turned around and threw herself into Guo Jia's arms.

This incident greatly stimulated Zhou Yu.

It was only then that he swore that he would be at odds with Guo Jia, so he took refuge in Yuan Shu.

Who is this……

Seeing the young man's sharp words, Guo Jia looked Zhou Yu up and down.

"This is Zhou Yu, Zhou Gongjin, the nephew of Luoyang Ling Zhou Yi, the post-general's master book."

Xun Yu on the side hastily introduced.

He admired this young man very much. Yuan Shu was brought back by Guo Jia several times, and it was this young man who got him back.

You are Zhou Yu!
Guo Jia nodded slowly, and said, "I heard Xiao Qiao talk about it."


Hearing these two words, Zhou Yu suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Missing Xiao Qiao was the pain of his life.

"The reason why you are not angry with me is because Xiao Qiao chose me and abandoned you?"

Guo Jia asked with a smile.

Which pot he does not open and which pot he lifts at this time.


Zhou Yu's face immediately turned red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "She has blind eyes, that's why she followed you bastard."

After all, he was still young, so he couldn't bear it and admitted the reason.

That's it!

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

From afar, this young man still has a grudge against Guo Jia for taking his wife!
No wonder they keep targeting Guo Jia.

"You don't want to say it, but this general wants to say it. Xiao Qiao's heart belonged to me long ago. You came out halfway, trying to seduce Xiao Qiao and do something wrong. Only when Xiao Qiao sternly refused, did you hold a grudge and kept targeting Yunzhou, target me, Guo Jia. Unexpectedly, under the beautiful appearance, there is a despicable and dirty heart hidden. This skin is in vain, no wonder Xiao Qiao looks down on you."

Guo Jia said seriously.

You nonsense!
Zhou Yu was angry and anxious.

Xiao Qiao is the woman he admires, so how could he do anything wrong.

Guo Jia is spitting blood.

(End of this chapter)

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