Chapter 1371 The Swordsman
State-owned state law, family has family rules!
The Guo family's backyard rule is that without Guo Jia's permission, the wives are not allowed to go home privately. Of course, this refers to a long distance, and the wives whose natal family is in Yunzhou are not subject to this restriction.

These days, there are no planes and high-speed trains. It takes time to go back to my mother’s house for a long distance, and the road is not safe, so basically no one will go back to their mother’s house.

But Sun Shangxiang is an exception.

Her natal family is the Sun's family in the south of the Yangtze River. The family has a great career, and they are deeply favored by Guo Jia, so they have returned to her natal family several times over the years.

Not only that, in order to ensure her safety, the Yunzhou Navy was also used.

So when he heard that his mother was seriously ill, Sun Shangxiang wanted to go back without even thinking about it.

"My mother is seriously ill, why not go back? She only has me as her daughter."

Sun Shangxiang was in tears.

Dian Wei was also in a bit of trouble.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and a word of filial piety cannot be stopped. He really has no reason to stop people from going back.

Besides, it's not the first time people have gone back.

Only this time, she wanted to take away the little son Guo Jiang, which made Dianwei a little embarrassed.


He hesitated: "Tell the lord..."

If you want to be safe, you have to use the navy, but the navy is only under the command of Guo Jia, and it is not easy to use if others say it.

That's too late!

Sun Shangxiang gritted her teeth and said, "My husband is in Xudu at the moment, and it will take a long time to pass the news back and forth. My mother is in danger, so I can't wait any longer. Let's go by land."

He stood up while speaking.

Dian Wei thinks about the same thing.

The mother was about to die, anxious to see her daughter and grandson for the last time, and it was too late to ask Guo Jia for instructions.

But it is not safe to go by land.

At this moment, Cai Yan hurried over.

"elder sister!"

Sun Shangxiang rushed forward and told her the news that her mother was seriously ill.

Cai Yan is also a filial person. Hearing that Sun Shangxiang's mother was seriously ill and wanted to go back, she understood very well.


She looked at the messenger of the Sun family, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

"How about this, sister, you go to Jizhou port first, and I will contact my husband immediately and ask him to directly order the port to send a warship to take you back."

It also took a while to get from Yunzhou to Jizhou port. After Skynet contacted Guo Jia with a letter sent by Feige, Guo Jia then replied directly to the port without any delay.

elder sister!

Sun Shangxiang wept and said: "The sea journey is long and protracted. If there is a storm, it will take some time. I am afraid that if I rush to Jiangdong, I will not see my mother for the last time."

At this time, the messenger also said: "Madam, time is urgent, we must go by land, don't worry, we have already arranged it."

Sun Shangxiang didn't say anything, and was ready to pack up when she went back.

Girl, wait a minute!
Cai Yan hesitated for a moment, still feeling something was wrong, when another figure appeared in front of everyone.

It was Zhang Ning.

The current Zhang Ning is different from before, because her son is already the supervisor of the country, and if there is no accident, he will be the crown prince in a short time.

A mother is more expensive than a child, and she has also become one of the powerful wives in Guo Jia's backyard, faintly surpassing Cai Yan.

Met my sister!

No matter how domineering Zhang Ning is, but now Cai Yan is the wife of the wife, on the surface she still has to be respectful to Cai Yan.

Cai Yan nodded.

"Sun Shangxiang, what do you want to do? Leave without warning, do you still take the rules of the Guo family to heart?"

Zhang Ning said coldly.

Cai Yan is the wife of the wife, she wants to show some face, but Sun Shangxiang doesn't need it.

Relying on the power of her natal family and the favor of the Guo family, Sun Shangxiang and Zhang Ning are not very good at dealing with each other, especially in these years, both sides want to compete for favor and let their son be in the top position, and open and secret fighting is commonplace.

Now it's so easy to catch Sun Shangxiang's handle, how can Zhang Ning let it go easily?

none of your business!

Sun Shangxiang was also annoyed, and said: "My mother is seriously ill, and I want to see my daughter, what does it have to do with you?"

What she hates the most is Zhang Ning's appearance.

It's just the daughter of a magic stick. If Guo Jia hadn't given birth to a son early, how could the position of crown prince fall to Guo Ye.

What a guts!
Zhang Ning snorted, and said, "Before my husband left, I handed over everything in Yunzhou to Ye'er. Even if you want to leave, you have to agree with Ye'er. If you leave without saying goodbye, there must be some conspiracy ?”


Sun Shangxiang was furious: "My surname is Zhang, you don't have to preach in front of my wife. Zhang Ye'er shut up his mouth. Guo Ye is only a supervisor of the country, and he has not yet become the heir. So what if he becomes the heir? The husband is in his prime, and he can't say he will be the last one." Who will be the crown prince?"

She has a simple mind and says what she thinks.

Zhang Ning was furious immediately, and she pointed at Sun Shangxiang.

"Savage girl, don't think that if your husband spoils you, you can do anything wrong. Rules are rules. If you break the rules, I will never let you go."

Her son supervises the country, and all officials support her. Even Cai Yan is polite to her, and Zhang Ning has confidence.

Now this Sun Shangxiang dared to challenge her authority, which made Zhang Ning a little embarrassed.

She felt that it was necessary to kill Sun Shangxiang's prestige.

Sun Shangxiang also laughed a few times, and said: "It's amazing, Guo Ye, the prisoner's butt, has not yet warmed up, and you, a mother, are a little swollen. No matter how powerful he is, Guo Ye can't control me. On the head. Don't forget, I am a woman of filial piety. Guo Ye is also my son's generation. Unless he dares to bring me into the harem, he has no right to ask about my affairs."

Her face darkened, and she said coldly: "Come here, prepare to go out, whoever dares to stop us, we will not be polite."

A group of maids responded.

The maid guards of the General's Mansion were basically brought by Sun Shangxiang, so naturally they dared not disobey the orders of the old master.

you dare!

Zhang Ning is also on fire!
Right now her son is seeing her, and the wives of the officials outside are scrambling to curry favor, and Sun Shangxiang actually dares to disgrace her, how can she swallow this tone?
"Come on, what are you doing in a daze, you took down all these lawless little girls."

Zhang Ning also said murderously.

Dian Wei is her god-in-law, and is in charge of the guarding of the General's Mansion, so it is also his responsibility to deal with these maidservants.


Dian Wei was a little embarrassed.

It was really inconvenient for him to intervene when the two wives were fighting.

Helping anyone will offend the other party.

Besides, the old lady is going to die, so it's time to go back and visit her. It's enough for everyone to discuss it, there's no need to be tense.


Seeing that Dian Wei didn't dare to make a move, Zhang Ning gritted his teeth and said, "Come on, go to the barracks and tell Ye'er that Sun Shangxiang is about to rebel, and ask him to lead troops to put down the rebellion."

Although the maids are all from Sun Shangxiang, Guo Ye now controls the city defenders in Yunzhou, and he can mobilize thousands of troops with just one order.

How could she, Zhang Ning, be afraid of a mere Sun Shangxiang?

(End of this chapter)

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