Chapter 1393

Let's say that the eyes of several officials lit up when they saw Guo Jia and the others.

"How many of you!"

The leading official pointed at Guo Jia.


Seeing them like this, Guo Jia was a little annoyed. Despite his previous temper, he would definitely draw his sword and cut people down.

But this time it was a private visit by Weifu, so I could only hold back my anger.

"Several officials, we are a magic troupe from other places."

One of Diao Chan's clever subordinates rushed to meet her.

The official suddenly smiled.

But it doesn't look like a good intention.

"Come on, arrest these spies for me."

Guo Jia was completely annoyed.

"Why do you arrest people?"

He pushed the buddy away and strode up to the officer.

Lords, Lords!

The guy on the side also took out a guide.

"We just went through the process, and the guide to enter the door is still warm. It's really not a spy."

Just walked in, they already found a guarantee.

Money can't be wasted.

Seeing the official document of the inspection department on Lu Yin, the officer snorted coldly and said, "The inspection department is the inspection department, but we belong to the picket department. Don't fool us with the inspection department's stuff, those people just want to eat it." A bastard who doesn't spit out his bones. He dared to sell his ancestors for two dollars."

His face suddenly darkened, and he said, "Search for me!"

A group of subordinates surrounded him viciously.

The shopkeeper at the side hurriedly stood up and said with a smile: "Several officials, these are foreigners and don't understand our rules here. You wait in the hall for a while, and Rong Xiaoren will explain to them."

It's almost there!
The officials staggered back to the hall.


The fat shopkeeper smiled and said: "The inspection department and the picket department are newly established departments. The outside of the city belongs to the inspection department, and the inside of the city belongs to the picket department. I think you have encountered it too. When you enter the city, you are looking for a guarantee, so it belongs to the inspection department." But when you come in, you also need to find a guarantee, which is under the management of the picket department. These officials are bothering you, just wanting you to spend a few dollars to find a guarantee. If you stay in my shop, Xiaodian I am willing to guarantee you. But..."

He gestured helplessly and said, "The price will be higher."

Super you Mahler next door!

Guo Jia couldn't help feeling angry.

Do you really treat the common people like leeks, cutting one crop after another?
Taxes are collected outside the city, and taxes are also collected in this city. No wonder there are few caravans in the city. If they continue to make trouble like this, how can anyone dare to come to Yunzhou?


Guo Jia said stiffly.

The shopkeeper lowered his voice: "I'm not talking too much, it's better not to provoke them, otherwise you will be in trouble. This picket division is a department of Skynet, and you should know what Skynet does."

The meaning of intimidation is beyond words.

Guo Jia was even more furious.

Cai Yu lost her head no matter what, and followed suit.

Skynet also joined in the fun.

He had only been away for a few days, and Yunzhou had turned into such a mess.

Master Guo calms down, Master Guo calms down!
Several subordinates on the side hurriedly dissuaded Guo Jia.

"I can't do it, I can't do it!"

One of his subordinates hurriedly took out several strings of big money and handed them to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper just clasped his fists together.

"Relax and rest, some are handed over to the shop."

In order not to expose the target, Guo Jia held back his anger and walked up to the upper room angrily.

what happened?
Diao Chan's servant girl looked at him puzzled.

What else could be wrong?
Guo Jia snorted, drank the water glass on the short-term table, and then put it on the table with a snatch, and said what happened today.

He was really annoyed.

Ha ha!

Diao Chan just smiled slightly, raised the water glass and filled it up for him again.

"Didn't you come here just to get rid of the evils? Wouldn't it be better this way, the problems would come out, wouldn't it be clearer for you to see?"


Xiao Mei at the side also smiled and said: "Master Guo, don't you just say it, only these ghosts and monsters hiding in the dark can jump out one by one."

Guo Jia just snorted, his heart full of gloom.

The establishment of the inspection department and the picket department to strengthen the security inside and outside the city has a good starting point, but the implementation has changed a bit.

Right now, these two yamen have become ropes to blackmail the people. This is not a small movement, and it is impossible for the high-level officials in Yunzhou not to know.

If things go on like this, won't Yunzhou be completely over?

It's fine if Guo Ye is young and doesn't understand, what do Xi Zhong, Zhang Zhao, Zhao Yun and others think, do you want to watch them mess around?

Diao Chan seemed to understand Guo Jia's thoughts, and said softly: "I feel that this matter still involves a dispute in the backyard, otherwise the high-level officials in Yunzhou will not sit idly by."

Backyard Disputes!
Guo Jia was awakened by the words.

He thought about it carefully.

Guo Ye set up the inspection department for nothing more than to seize the rights of Skynet, and Cai Yu did not back down, and immediately set up a picket department to deal with Guo Ye.

Obviously it is a dispute between the two divisions, but behind the scenes it is indeed a struggle between the Zhang Ning family represented by Guo Ye and the Cai family represented by Guo Si.

This is a battle for the crown prince, and both sides will inevitably use their best.

Naturally, the top management in Yunzhou did not dare to intervene.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia couldn't help but feel dizzy.

After all, it was his own fault.

First of all, the back of his hand was full of flesh, and he was a little embarrassed for a while.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of beating gongs and drums outside.

Suddenly, a train came slowly.

"The wonderful method of the fairy family, the lotus flower is born, enters my door, and saves all living beings!"

Suddenly some boys and girls came out of the street, each of them held a magic weapon and came slowly on a lotus platform.

Sitting on the lotus platform was a woman in white, holding a dust whisk in her hand, looking like an expert.

"The Fairy is here, the Fairy is here!"

A group of people suddenly surrounded them.

The fairy suddenly stood up and said softly: "I am an envoy sent by the heavens to save you fallen souls. Anyone who enters my door, use my talisman water, will surely be free from all diseases and live forever."

Fairy Fairy!

Everyone hurriedly stretched out their hands and said: "We want Fushui, we want Fushui."

The whole street was in chaos.

The fairy girl nodded with a smile, distributed the water talismans one by one, and recruited disciples.


Guo Jia's face darkened.

Even the magic stick ran out.

Don't think about it, this is also the method of Zhang Ning's family, and their Taoists are the best at playing tricks.

At this moment, a group of scholars appeared on the street holding books.

" "Learning and learning from time to time, isn't it also said?"Have friends come from afar?People don't know but don't feel stunned, isn't it a gentleman? "

"The book has its own golden house, the book has its own thousand bell millet, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu!"

"Zibuyu is strange and chaotic!"

The sound of reading aloud immediately dispelled the clamor of the magic stick.

(End of this chapter)

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