Chapter 1395 Zhao Yun's Anger

Zhao Yun was very distressed during this time.

The surrounding area of ​​Yunzhou is full of crises, and the internal divisions are becoming more and more serious.

As a wise general, he was very heartbroken, but it was related to the dispute between the two young masters, but he couldn't get angry.

alright, alright!

Ma Yunlu also seems to understand her husband's distress.

"This is the lord's family affairs, and we can't control it. Besides, the eldest son is young and promising, and it is only natural for him to inherit the throne."

The interests of their family were entangled with Guo Ye, so Ma Yunlu naturally turned to Guo Ye.

Once Guo Ye came to power, her son would naturally rise as well.

is it?

Zhao Yun snorted coldly, and said, "If he really has the heart, why would he come up with such nonsense as the inspection department?"

He is also very clear about things outside.

The establishment of the inspection department is entirely for the sake of the eunuch's power to override the Skynet.

Although the eldest son is the supervisor of the country and acts as an agent for all government affairs, there is still one place that he cannot intervene in, and that is Skynet.

Skynet has its own system and is directly managed by Guo Jia, but Guo Jia, as the master of Yunzhou, cannot manage it himself.The actual person in charge is indeed Cai Yu.

After so many years of development, Skynet has long since become a behemoth.

They have their own guards, they have the right to review and detain them, and they don't need to go through other departments to do anything.

If it's just like this, it's fine, but Cai Yu is the aunt of the third son Guo Si.

With her backing Guo Si, the latter is fully capable of competing with Guo Ye for the position of crown prince.

After the eldest son set up the inspection department, Cai Yu immediately set up a picket department to confront the former.

The two sides fought openly and secretly, and underground officials also took the opportunity to fish for fish.

In just half a year, Yunzhou was turned into a mess.

Zhao Yun was very angry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

During this time, I had to hide at home and drink alcohol.

"I've had enough!"

Zhao Yun suddenly slapped the table, got up and said, "I'll go to see the two ladies tonight, and ask them to restrain themselves, so as not to make Yunzhou angry and resentful."

you are crazy!
Ma Yunlu pulled Zhao Yun.

"The dispute between the two young masters is the lord's family matter. How can we talk about it as subordinates? Besides, with the relationship between Guang'er and the eldest son, the Cai family has long classified us as the eldest son. If you go, you will not only offend Entering the Cai family also made the eldest son unhappy. What do you think this is for?"

Zhao Yun smiled coldly: "I, Zhao Yun, is the lord's general, and I have been loyal to the lord all my life. I am not someone's master. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Do I just watch them make Yunzhou a mess?"

Said to go out.


Ma Yunlu panicked completely. She grabbed Zhao Yun's arm and said in horror, "Husband, don't be reckless. Even if you don't do it for yourself, you should think about it for the two children. Right now, the young master is gaining momentum. Jin, Guang'er is also highly valued by his side. If you make such a fuss, won't you cut off Guang'er's future?"

Today's Ma Yunlu has long lost the heroic appearance of the past, and puts all his heart on his two sons.

Ma Yunlu!
Zhao Yun suddenly slapped the table angrily, and said, "Why are you so snobbish? When the eldest son is in power, you get close to the eldest son. What is the wealth and honor gained by following the power?"

Ma Yunlu was really angry when he saw Zhao Yun, and he was also scared at the moment.

Since getting married, Zhao Yun has never lost his temper with her.

"Husband, don't be angry, don't be angry. Didn't I also think about our Zhao family?"

She hastily put down her son and let him play by himself.

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings!"

Zhao Yun snorted and said, "If they are capable, why should they follow suit? If they are incapable, even if you give them a high position, riches and honors, they won't be able to keep it."

As for children, he thinks it is better not to spoil them.

Seeing that he was determined, Ma Yunlu bowed his head and remained silent.

Sir, sir!

At this time, a servant came in and handed Zhao Yun a jade pendant.

"Someone sent a jade pendant, saying that they are waiting for you at the old place."

Seeing this jade pendant, Zhao Yun couldn't help being overjoyed.

This was the secret code that Guo Jia had agreed with him at the beginning. As long as Yupei came, it would prove that Guo Jia wanted him to do some secret things.

"Husband, this is..."

Ma Yunlu looked at Zhao Yun in confusion.

Zhao Yun took a deep breath, and said slowly: "I'm going back to the barracks, and I won't be back for a while. Take your child and wait at home, and don't run around. Remember, don't run around."

Then he took the jade pendant and strode away.

Lean less!
Zhao Yun in casual clothes appeared on a barren hill outside the city.

This is Diao Chan's grave.

This is where the two meet secretly.

From a distance, he saw a carriage on the mountain, and a thin figure standing beside the carriage was Guo Jia.

"Subordinate Zhao Yun, pay homage to the lord! It's really great that you can come back."

Zhao Yun said excitedly.

During this time, he was looking forward to the stars and the moon, but Guo Jia just didn't come.

Well now, Guo Jia is back and everything is saved.

Zilong has worked hard!
Guo Jia smiled and helped Zhao Yun up.

General Zhao!
Diao Chan came out suddenly, and said with a smile, "Do you still recognize me?"

Seeing Diao Chan's beautiful figure, Zhao Yun couldn't help being startled.

you you……

He stuttered a little.

"Are you Miss Diaochan?"

Zhao Yun looked at Diao Chan with some doubts.

Diao Chan was also the first to follow Guo Jia's women, and Zhao Yun and other old team members naturally knew each other.

A few years ago, when Diao Chan died, Zhao Yun and others were still a little sad, but he was still a little surprised when he saw Diao Chan appear.

Not bad!

Diao Chan nodded with a smile, and said, "After jumping off the cliff, I didn't die. My pseudonym Ji Qianqian ended up in Xudu."

That's it!

Zhao Yun sighed for a while.

"Congratulations, my lord and wife, on your reunion."

He sincerely praised it.

In fact, Diao Chan is not Guo Jia's wife and concubine, she is just a maid in the general's mansion, but everyone else treats her as his wife.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia waved his hand and said with a smile: "I'll talk about the old days later, this time I let you come because of the affairs in the city."

Having said this, he suddenly darkened his face.

"what on earth is it?"

Faced with the smog and smog that the Lunu City he established had turned into such a mess, Guo Jia was already surprisingly angry.

Yunzhou is where Guo Jia's painstaking efforts are, and if someone destroys his hard work, he will naturally not agree.

"My lord, why did you come back!"

Zhao Yun complained a little.

The city has long been filled with smog by the Eldest Prince and Cai Yu, but it is related to the battle for the crown prince, and other officials dare not speak lightly, and can only watch them continue.

There are even more good-for-nothings who contribute to the troubled waters.

Today's Lunu City is no longer the original Lunu.

(End of this chapter)

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