Chapter 1406

Guo Jia acted resolutely, and Yunzhou also started a vigorous movement to move the capital.

This time, there was no need for government mobilization, and the major families began to relocate one after another. Many people took the lead in sending people to Chang'an to buy houses and land.

They are keenly aware of the value-added trend of the Chang'an plot.

For a while, Chang'an was very popular, and every inch of land was very expensive.


Yunzhou began a large-scale relocation.

Xudu's side is also becoming more and more stable. With the efforts of Xun Yu and Sima Yi, the entire court situation has stabilized.

Cao Ang succeeded Wei Gong and Da Sima, Xia Houdun was appointed Hussar General, Cao Ren was appointed Chariot General, Xun Yu was still appointed Shang Shu Ling, and Sima Yi was transferred to Yushi Zhongcheng to take charge of the power together.

Cao Ang, who succeeded Wei Gong, did not have the ambitions of his father, and his military power was also divided between Cao Ren Cao Hong of the Cao family and Xiahou brothers of the Xiahou family.

Power breeds ambition.

On the surface, the two families have great respect for the little lord, but secretly they began to act against each other.

After all, Cao Ang was too young to suppress his ambitious uncle.

Xun Yu took the opportunity to move the emperor Liu Xie out and return the power to him.

In order to consolidate the power in their hands, Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun did not want to become Cao Ang's vassals, and wrote letters to express their loyalty to the emperor.

Liu Xie regained power, so he was overjoyed. With Xun Yu's support, Xu Du's small court gradually got on the right track.

After regaining power, Liu Xie was also in high spirits. First, he offered sacrifices to the heavens and ancestors to thank his ancestors for their protection, and then generously rewarded the aristocratic families represented by the Xun family who supported him.

This person is also narrow-minded, he still remembers Cao Cao bullying him, and even forced to death his favorite Dong Guiren.

At that time, he was powerless to contend with Cao Cao, so he could only swallow his anger. Now that he turned around, he immediately directed his anger at the empress Cao.

Not only put her in limbo, but also issued an order to divorce this woman.

Cao begged bitterly, but it was difficult to win back Liu Xie's heart, so she had to go back to her natal family.

Although she is Cao Cao's daughter, she treated the emperor very well after she married and warded off disasters for him many times.

Had it not been for Cao's plea, Cao Cao would not have easily spared Liu Xie.

Hearing that the Cao family was divorced, the whole Cao family immediately quit.

darn thing!

Cao Pi slapped the table fiercely.

"This Liu Xie is just a white-eyed wolf. If our Cao family hadn't rescued him, he would have died in the hands of Li Jue. It wasn't long after his father died, and he began to avenge his kindness. Let me say, he should have died in the first place. Kill him, otherwise there would be nothing today."

He snorted and said, "There's also that white-eyed wolf Xun Yu. My father was so kind to him back then, I wished I could give him my heart. But what has he done now? As soon as his father died, he couldn't wait to move Liu Xie out." .I think he is a bastard who repays kindness with revenge."

Cao Pi was very angry in his heart.

Although he is only a concubine, he is also Cao Cao's son, and he walks sideways in Xuchang.

When the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty saw him, they all nodded and bowed.

Now that Cao Cao died, these bastards changed their faces, and they didn't take their brothers seriously at all.

This huge gap made Cao Pi very upset.

Second brother!

A tall young man slammed the table and said angrily: "It's unreasonable. Although my father is gone, our Cao family can't be bullied. I'll take my family to the palace and arrest that bastard Liu Xie."

He stood up while speaking.

He is Cao Zhang, the fourth son of Cao Cao.

This son was born brave and brave, and because his beard and hair were yellow, he was called Huang Xu'er by Cao Cao.

He has a fiery temper, and when he heard that Liu Xie was bullying his sister, he immediately wanted to settle the score with Liu Xie.

"Fourth brother, don't be reckless."

The young man on the side hurriedly grabbed him, and said with a wry smile: "One moment and another. In the past, these people were the domestic slaves of our Cao family, so they would naturally nod and bow when they saw us. Now that my father is gone, they have all voted for new masters. , naturally they won’t take our brothers seriously. Don’t talk about others, Cao Ren and Cao Hong are our clan uncles. Just hugged Liu Xie's thigh."

He is Cao Zhi, the third son of Cao Cao.

Cao Zhi was smart since he was a child, and he saw the joints at a glance.

"Our Cao family is no better than before, we'd better bear with it."

Cao Zhiyu said earnestly.

Be patient!
Cao Zhang said angrily: "Today Liu Xie dared to divorce his sister, and tomorrow he dared to piss on their heads. I don't care, I must talk to Liu Xie to make it clear. This may belong to our Cao family, and it's not our turn yet. He is a good-for-nothing. Brothers, bastards, come into the palace with me."

Four Brothers Four Brothers!

The boy on the side trembled and said, "Should I tell my elder brother about this kind of thing?"

He is Cao Xiong, the fifth son of Cao Cao.

Cao Xiong's big brother is naturally Cao Ang.

Cao Ang's mother is Mrs. Ding, who is Cao Cao's official wife and Cao Cao's legitimate son.

The four brothers were born to Mrs. Bian.

Mrs. Bian was born as a dancing girl with a low status, but she gave birth to four sons who are all heroic.

Cao Zhang said angrily: "That guy is submissive, Xun Yu can do what he says, and he has no blood at all. It's useless to tell him. I've been a little dissatisfied for a long time. The world was brought down by my father. These people have never been treated by us. Grace from the Cao family? I don't believe that these people dare to attack us."

Fourth brother, I support you!
Cao Pi also slapped the table and said: "How can the foundation established by my father be cheap for Liu Xie, that bastard. While the remaining power of our Cao family is still there, we must teach Liu Xie a good lesson. Otherwise, I won't be able to swallow this breath." .”

it is good!
Cao Zhang agreed without thinking.

The two brothers also hit it off immediately, each holding a weapon to greet the servant, and he was about to go out to settle accounts with Liu Xie.

Cao Zhi and Cao Xiong couldn't persuade him either.

At this moment, a figure suddenly walked in.

"You two, what are you doing?"

The horrible face, even though it was smiling, still looked terrifying, it was Sima Yi.

Zhongda, you came just in time!
Sima Yi and Cao Pi are not much different in age, and they have a good relationship. Seeing him coming, Cao Pi said without hesitation: "Liu Xie, a white-eyed wolf, dares to divorce my sister. My Cao family has nothing to do with him. This bastard thinks our Cao family is easy to bully." Ah. Our brother is going to ask him to settle accounts, you are Yushi Zhongcheng, come with us to witness."

Ha ha!

Sima Yi just smiled lightly and said, "How many people do you two have under your command?"

Cao Zhang was stunned for a moment, and said puzzledly, "Three hundred servants!"

Although Cao Cao is dead, his power is still there, and he still has many confidants in Xudu.

"Does the fourth son know how many guards are there in the palace now?"

Sima Yi said meaningfully: "There are 3000 people. These 3000 people are not from your Cao family. They are elites drawn by Xun Yu from the aristocratic family. The leader is his son Xun Yun. You people, if you go in, you can come out alive It's all a miracle."

(End of this chapter)

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